Emperor Charles V 4
- With the passing of Emperor Maximilian I of the Holy Roman Empire, the desires of those who wanted to succeed him began to swirl. Charles V of Spain wanted to extend the influence of the Habsburg family. Francis I of France desired to keep his land out of the hands of the Habsburgs. These two would fight a battle for the Imperial Throne.
Fall of the Mamluk Sultanate 9
- With the blockade of the Red Sea by Portugal, the Venetian spice trade was almost destroyed. But with the advent of Turkish forces into the Red Sea, Portuguese control started to be challenged. Venice stood by waiting patiently, hoping to once again start up their spice trade.
Battle of Preveza 9
- The Ottoman Empire pushed west, gaining more and more territory as it went. The next target was control of the seas of the Mediterranean. Sensing this, the Holy Roman Empire sought the aid of the Roman Pope and prepared to halt the advances of the Ottoman Empire.
Battle of Pavia 20
- The Valois family, feeling hemmed in by the Habsburgs on both sides, turn their eyes to the Italian Peninsula, which they had made previous claim to. The Roman Pope, feeling an impending danger, requested aid of Charles V, who immediately to the French city of Milano and quickly captured it.
Development of the Potosi Silver Mines 8
- The Europeans who arrived at the new continent could not control their surprise. They found a complex civilization and a wealth of precious metals. Seeing these precious metals used in everyday items led them to believe they had found the City of Gold, that El Dorado truly did exist.
Price Revolution 15
- Adventurers spread throughout the world, bringing sudden change to the structure of world trade. Intriguing items were brought to Europe from the East. At the same time, large amounts of precious metals were mined in the new world, and shipped to Europe. Silver formed the basis for most coinage and some worried that this sudden influx of large amounts of silver would undermine the balance the economy.
Portuguese Annexation 6
- Spain and Portugal had established their dominance in the seas. But with the dying out of the Portuguese Royal line, the balance shifted. The Spanish began to plan for the unification of the Iberian Peninsula through an 'Alliance' with Portugal, an alliance that Spain would control. And Portugal began to be backed into a corner.
Drake's World Circumnavigation 9
- Colon's discovery of the New World. The establishment of routes to India. Magellan's Circumnavigation of the World.---People were taking to the seas with hope in the idea of discovery. One such was the English pirate Francis Drake. He traveled the oceans pillaging where he could, but also sailing into new lands. He returned to England with a ship loaded with more treasure than existed in the English Treasury.
The Spanish Armada 5
- The already poor relations between England and Spain further deteriorated due to privateer acts carried out by English ships on Spanish ships. Relations totally collapsed when the English Court chose to ignore Spanish claims. Unable to ignore the disgrace, Spain put together a large Armada that set sail for England.
The Netherlands Independence Movement
- The Netherlands, having secured it's position as an International center, were suffering under heavy taxes from Spain. After being suppressed a number of times, the people began to fight back. A volunteer group called the Sea Brigade had been formed and the push for independence was soon to happen.
Portugal, Ceuta Attack
- The old maritime fortress of Ceuta is attacked by Portugal and soon to fall. Learning of this, Spain prepares a plan to recapture Ceuta.
Battle of Nekmir 24
- Jan Hus, with his revolutionary ideas, is burned at the stake by the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. This action triggers a strong reaction in Poland and Bohemia. Eventually this evolves into an armed revolt that grows into a large war.
French Civil War
- Allied with the English, the Duke of Burgundy attempted to open up peace negotiations with the French. Feeling that if they did nothing, the battle would turn against them, England determines to participate in the talks. The negotiations between England and France, with the Duke of Burgundy sandwiched between them, is about to start.
Arrival at the Azores 10
- The adventures of Henry the Navigator finally led to the discovery of the Azores Islands to the west. Further west lies undiscovered gold, silver and lands. The islands are expected to prosper as a midway point for travel further west. All nations begin to head to the Azores.
Battle of the Golden Horn
- Faced with the overwhelming forces of the Ottoman Empire, Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire, falls. The remaining troops of Byzantine move to escape through the Golden Horn. They show their final resistance in a naval battle.
The Printing Press 17
- In Germany, printing, a technology for using blocks to copy words onto paper, had been invented. This historical invention made it easy to disseminate books accurately and in large numbers. Aiming to strengthen themselves, each country was hurrying to acquire this technology.
Emperor Frederick III 20
- Hungary, faced with the threat of the Ottoman Turks, follow King Matthias to Austria in the Holy Roman Empire. Infuriated with the lack of action of Emperor Frederick III after the fall of the Byzantine Empire, Matthias led his forces in an attempt to gain the Imperial throne himself.
Iberian Crisis 13
- Joanna and Isabella became caught up in an inheritance dispute for the throne of Castile. Joanna had the backing of Portugal. Isabella had garnished much support from within Castile. The battle between the two grew fierce and soon devolved into open warfare.
The Cape of Good Hope 17
- Portugal had a great goal to Find the country of Prester John in the East. Portugal headed to the South along the African continent. Finally, the fleet, lead by Bartolomeu Dias, reached the south end of Africa, the Cape of Good Hope. It seemed like that they would soon find the country that they were seeking.
Arriving at the New World 1
- Having received aid from Spain, Cristobal Colon sails west across the Atlantic Ocean and finally arrives at the New World. This news sends a strong pulse through the countries of Europe. From that point on, explorers, funded by their countries, began to sail the Atlantic looking for the treasures that were lying in wait for them in the New World.
Plague Epidemic
- As maritime trade became prosperous, plague was propagated through the sea route. Among the epidemics, the Plague was the most severe, and the threat was spread out to Venice, where was the commercial strategic point connecting the East and the West. Venice tried to counter this fear of epidemic by improving quarantine system which was implemented in the past in France.
Prosperity of Florence 14
- The house of Medici was defeated by their
political enemy in the past, and was exiled.
However, due to a political upheaval in the
next year, they could return to Florence.
The head of the Medici's, Cosimo, was a
banker with immense wealth. He began to
intervene Florence's politics using his power.
Reaching West Africa
- Portugal, which had made its way to Ceuta, has expanded its navigation area to the West Coast of Africa with its momentum. Under the command of the Prince Navigator Henrique, after they've reached Cabo Verde, they continued to head south along the coast of Africa, and eventually began to try reaching India. In order to not be taken by surprise, all countries must start heading south as well.
The End of the Political Marriage 6
- Charles the Bold betrothed his daughter to Maximiliano of Habsburg. Charles, who aimed to be the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and the Habsburgs, who aimed for the wealth of the Burgundys, agreed to the marriage by all appearances. However, the marriage was not easily achieved, and who would be the next Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire was unpredictable.
French Invasion of Italy 15
- The King of France Charles VIII claimed the throne of the Kingdom of Naples, and began the invasion of Italy. The battle between France and Italy flustered Cesare, son of the Pope, who became a cardinal at the early age.
Italy Peninsula Mayhem 1
- Amid the French intervention in Italy, Cesare had an ambition. When his father, the Pope, allied with France which had lost Charles VIII, Cesare tried to accomplish his ambition to unify Italy Peninsula through France's military force.
Zaragoza Convention Concluded
- When the fact that the Earth is round was proved, the treaty that Spain and Portugal signed to parcel out the world became questioned. The treaty had been signed under false assumptions; a circumnavigatable world meant a change in value of some territories. The two big maritime powers again began fighting over the territory.
Spain Bankruptcy 9
- The large amount of silver from the new world made a great impact on Western economies. In particular, the treasury of Spain ran out because of wars against neighboring countries and expeditions to the oceans.
Battle of Lepanto 2
- After the naval battle of Preveza, the conflict between Western countries and the Ottoman Empire escalated. As the Ottoman Empire invaded Cyprus Island of Venice, Catholic countries and Venice organized a big fleet and began to counterattack the Turks.
England established East India Company 10
- The news that the Netherlands have reached Southeast Asia, even farther than India, has astonished the West. England, a rapidly growing maritime power after the battle of Almada, was also intrigued. England established the East India Company as a national policy to advance to Southeast Asia.
Rise of the Netherlands 12
- Momentum toward independence in the Netherlands grew at the turn of the century, and its merchant ships were becoming more active on the open seas. When they opened up the trade route to Southeast Asia in hopes of monopolizing the profit, the other nations, including England, weren't going to sit idly by.
Thirty Years' War 9
- Religious conflicts escalated into a conflict between several nations. With a massive army Sweden intervened in the war and invaded German territory under the pretext of freeing the Protestants. While a clash between Sweden and the Holy Roman Empire seemed inevitable, the naval forces of both sides, waiting to join the main forces on land, were about to start a battle of their own.
Peace of Westphalia 19
- The prolonged war took its toll on the Holy Roman Empire. The House of Habsburg, which held the real power, drove them into an unfavorable situation. Negotiations to end the war led to major talks involving the whole of Europe concerning the protection of Catholics and Protestants, and the cession of the Holy Roman Empire's territories.
* Some info of this list is advanced and not applied yet on Papayaplay.