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  • Peace of Westphalia
    The prolonged war took its toll on the Holy Roman Empire. The House of Habsburg, which held the real power, drove them into an unfavorable situation. Negotiations to end the war led to major talks involving the whole of Europe concerning the protection of Catholics and Protestants, and the cession of the Holy Roman Empire's territories.

The latest Historical Event. It's an Epic Investment Battle; same rules apply as others, you need to wait for them to trigger, then invest up to 500m to unlock all rewards. The cities will go in this order:

Target city:
First round: Hamburg
Second round: Bremen
Third round: Bremen

Source: gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?WorldClock/GIW

By the way, because of the current time period (17C-P3), the following item is for sale at Helder's Item Shop:

East Asian Festival Bag

And if past observations are accurate, the previously Chrono-title locked TH theme Shield and Sword of Italy will now be available for good, even when the clock changes again in the future.

Rewards as follows:

10 mil - 3 Renegotiation Demand
50 mil - 20 Exquisite Fur
100 mil - 10 Improved Steel Sheet (This was originally 10 Land Redevelopment Handbook but that reward has been swapped for us on GAMA)
200 mil - 5 more Improved Steel Sheet (This was originally 5 Memorandum of Secret No-war Pact but that reward has been swapped for us on GAMA)
300 mil - 1 Master's Secret (I haven't gotten this far yet, but im sure this will be swapped out for something else)
400 mil - Ruler of the Ages Hat You will also get the Minister of History title if you havednt gotten it already
500 mil - Treasure Box of Wealth

Are the rewards given out each day of the historical EIB or is it cumulative for all 3?

I recall that each investment is cumulative over the course of the full event. So if you invested 100m on day 1, 150m on day two, and 250m on the final day, it would all count as 500m towards the rewards. Or you could do all 500m in one day's time, for that matter.

As to the rewards, it works like every other event: the goodies are sent to you via the bank (and Alias, or rarely another NPC, in the case of the Treasure Box and title) each time you hit the appropriate milestone, regardless of how and when you do so.

As of this posting, Hamburg's EIB has come and gone. Bremen rounds 2 and 3 still remain; original outcome was "Europe in Chaos" (high taxes and other bad stuff I didn't take close note of), while the most likely outcome at present is "Christina's Cleverness" (Netherlands influence boosted in North Sea, Spain influence deceased in Iberia, tax reduction on all goods in North Sea zone ports).

Thanks guilder, i didn't notice that the hamburg eib already passed.

BlakeC, the 300m investment reward is Saint's Staff.

Honestly I find it pretty lame they changed those rewards..., I found the older ones much better :(

And as usual, the event outcome is mysterious, weird and counter-intuitive: Spain prevailed in the EIB as I saw when it finished, yet the overall event outcome is against them.

Influence of the targeted port is irrelevant. Spain managed to out-invest Dutch at the last 30 minutes, however before that was Dutch already several billions investment forward them.

The number of investment from Dutch and Spanish players matters in this case.

So you're saying the dutch overall invested more, but the spanish appeared to have taken control of the port immediately after the EIB end, because the billions the dutch put at the EIB start came out of the port influence calculation after a little time? If the EIB works like that, I still find it bizare but in a different way :-). If port influence is irrelevant, then what's the point of the EIB? lol

I wasn't there anyway, hopefully I'll be able to turn up for the next one.

The EIB is not pointless, it still helps to balance out the influence for every country who wants something there and this works well. However for the Historical Event plays the number of players + amount of investment they've done an important role. You still get free PA from it :D

Honestly I find the time set-up for Epic Investment Battle too terrible :S

Dude, do you know of any source explaining how the historical event outcomes are calculated? I do read the jap wiki and although I won't claim my reading comprehension of googlese is flawless, I don't think it explains this part. I mean, "the number of players + amount of investment" - where is this coming from? I'm not saying you're wrong, I would just like to learn how we figured that out. Why not "amount of investment" only.

Leaving aside this particular event, I very often find the outcomes cryptic and pretty random - except elections and ESFs ok these are clear. I would have liked to see something like a score indicating how close the situation is, and how much each of our individual efforts contribute towards cementing or flipping the result. Kinda like that "attainment level" we had when we were doing IQs to unlock EA and the other IQ-controlled areas back in the days (the same legacy indication that's still around).

That is what I wish to know as well... I just thought this theory about the historical event, but it is still hard to determinate the exact gap between the two party.

The previous Historical Event was for us Dutch a mystery as well, because I was pretty sure that we made way much shipraces than England did and yet they won... However one of the description said that you can meet an npc during the race which gives a great bonus which I may think that is the cause of it.

Eitherway I wish they make these kind of Event more specific, because certain things remains a mystery and that annoys me as well D=

"It's a game of discovery." I heard that a lot when I first started playing, and asked questions about how things worked. That response always took the place of a genuine answer, which could be frustrating at times. Don't get me wrong, I love to discover things a lot, but... I also wish there was a bit more transparency on events like this one.

In fact, I was really happy when OGP released info on all the possible historical events that could happen during a given time period; wish they could also tell us the mechanics of these historical events, too. There's always going to be things to figure out about this game, but victory conditions for a multi-player event on par with ESF/elections should not be among them.

Well, no matter. Maybe KOEI will one day make it easier to understand, maybe not. Either way, happy investing and good voyages to you all.

Excellent folks. So it's reasonable working assumptions in the absence of any actual knowledge :-). I can live with that. Sure I like the cheap PAs too and since the next show will be in Bremen I guess I'm gonna like the Ticket (NO.1)s too.

This event is back. Let the information above guide you well on your way to participation (if this is your thing). Cheers.

This event is back. Again. Let the information above guide you well on your way to participation (if this is your thing). Cheers.

I know we had the Hamburg EIB the other day for this go round. Have we had the other two yet? Or antone know what is the expected time frame?

According to the story event text, the schedule is:

Hamburg (Wednesday)
Bremen (1st; Friday)
Bremen (2nd; Sunday)

I don't know the time that they occurred but it seems this event is "finished" and the results will be applied on 1/4 through 1/18.

Interesting. An EIB in Bremen has triggered. In that case, the schedule may be:

Hamburg (Friday)
Bremen (1st; Sunday)
Bremen (2nd; Wednesday)

Apologies for the incorrect dates. Cheers.

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