The End of the Political Marriage
Charles the Bold betrothed his daughter to Maximiliano of Habsburg. Charles, who aimed to be the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and the Habsburgs, who aimed for the wealth of the Burgundys, agreed to the marriage by all appearances. However, the marriage was not easily achieved, and who would be the next Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire was unpredictable.
Appears during World Clock's 15th Century, Phase 4.
out now, just a two questions: How many million should i pump into to get the title? I know i pumped 10m in and got three Renego demand. And what is the difference between voting for candidate and voting for elector?
Triggered at World Clock change at 28th June,this HE is the first Historical Emperor Election occured in Maris (the first of its kind). In this HE,both Maximilian I & Charles the Bold requested support of all voyagers in order to be crowned as Holy Roman Emperor. Players can support either Maximilian I or Charles the Bold by pumping "support ducats" (in form of bundles of trade goods using Support Permit,obtained at Election Manager at Frankfurt or any Merchant GM) at Election Manager at Frankfurt (again) or any Merchant Mediator. Which candidate will be crowned as the Holy Roman Emperor will affect the next World Clock change later
Current outcome is Coronation of Charles the Bold,which increasing Dutch's influence in North Sea ports,increasing Dutch's prestige,& increasing amount of Foodstuffs-type trade goods in The Netherlands cultural sphere
Reoccurred on 2/25/22. RvZ's notes should be of help; remember that if you invest "as much support as is stated" (64 = 6.4m) in the WINNING candidate before the election's conclusion, you will receive all the benefits of that emperor (until the next election period or until the maximum number of their days in office end, whichever comes first).
Perhaps somebody else could post the requirements to unlocking the
Minister of History title and associated rewards. Cheers.
Thanks Gudebuddha.
I was recently reminded that Huseyin_Gazi was kind enough to make a video guide on how Emperor Elections work, and it can be found here:
Perhaps that may help those of you still participating. Cheers.
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