Price Revolution
Adventurers spread throughout the world, bringing sudden change to the structure of world trade. Intriguing items were brought to Europe from the East. At the same time, large amounts of precious metals were mined in the new world, and shipped to Europe. Silver formed the basis for most coinage and some worried that this sudden influx of large amounts of silver would undermine the balance the economy.
Debuting on GAMA for the first time ever, this is a Historical Trading Event from the 16th Century, third period. Basically, purchase precious metal trade goods from the East Coast of Latin America region's marketplaces (Central and South America), then lug the trade goods back to Europe and sell them for a profit.
Veracruz - Gold,(investment required), Silver (investment required)
Merida - Silver (investment required)
Trujillo - (Spanish players only) Silver (investment required)
Portobelo - Silver (investment required)
Maracaibo - Gold (Investment required)
Rio de Janeiro - Gold (investment required)
Buenos Aires - Silver (investment required)
San Antonio - Silver (investment required)
Assuming things play out as they have in past Historical Trading Events, then this link should provide some helpful insights:
The Printing Press
Current outcome: Fall of Prices
Outcome Influence: Increased Yield (Rise in amount of Foodstuffs/Seasonings/Sundries for all cities)
Event Influence: Increase Buying Power and Accounting Effects at Market, Increase Investment and Trade Fame
Great News!
Part of me was hoping gold dust from San Juan would work too, but nope it doesn't. Seems like Madeira - Maracaibo and back is the shortest run for this. At least it's a good chance to grind some sailing theses while at it.
The precious metal has to be bought from ports that fall under the E Coast of Latin America sphere (as Guilder listed) for it to count, and San Juan falls under Carib sphere. Grand Cayman and Willemstad doesn't count either.
So is there a new title for this? Or still Minister of History?
Still just Minister of History.
I got the rewards at 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 13 and 17 runs. So it's not too bad. We've seen worse. They were of course the usual merchant historical event rewards, same as in e.g.
The Printing Press. In the
Treasure Box of Wealth I found some
Custom Hairdresser's Tools.
The expected outcome at the moment is still Fall of Prices, whose effect is not too bad, but it's counter-historical which usually means we'll go back in time (i.e. perhaps back to the 15th century).
thanks for posting, I either did not see it or the OG website is not good at adding info about these events
The most likely outcome changed to "Stable Economy" which has the following effect:
Tax Reduction - For all voyagers in North Sea (whole Northern EU)
Tax Reduction - For all voyagers in North Atlantic Ocean (includes iberia ports)
Tax Reduction - For all voyagers in West Meditterean Sea (from Balearic Sea till Tyrrehnian Sea)
This outcome is "Third Ending", meaning it is in an neutral area whereas the clock can either shift forward or back. :-)
Kind Regards,
Anyone knows what are the new recipes from this era, where located and investment needed? I mean, the recipes are on factories or we can find new ones on item shop? I invested about 2.8m in Bilbao and not see new recipes at shop.
Thank you in advance.
World Clock eras are unrelated to the Industrial Revolution. There's an organized list of recipes and items related to specific eras found here (in Japanese):
It's the best we've got unless someone sits down to take that data, put it in English, and post it as a guide somewhere, I'm afraid.
As to Industrial Revolution recipes, that is tied the status of the town, and apparently there's a difference in what's available based on whether it's in booming or stagnating status. You won't find any new recipes at Bilbao's shop that I'm aware of in either case, though. Hope that helps. Cheers.
Great! Thanks for the info.
We seem to have gotten this event again, and for the first time for us on Maris too. I think everyone here on this page has explained it pretty well, so ill just bump it if anyone needs a refresher.
Re-triggered on 12/23/2022. Let the above comments be your guide. Cheers.
From doing a few runs and tests, you are able to sell just 1 gold as long as you make a profit on that 1 gold you complete the quest. However you are not able to buy a lot of gold and retake quest and sell your gold that is on your person. so you will need to do as many trips as needed to complete and get the high rewards
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