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  • Drake's World Circumnavigation
    Colon's discovery of the New World. The establishment of routes to India. Magellan's Circumnavigation of the World.---People were taking to the seas with hope in the idea of discovery. One such was the English pirate Francis Drake. He traveled the oceans pillaging where he could, but also sailing into new lands. He returned to England with a ship loaded with more treasure than existed in the English Treasury.

It should work like the other historical event races. Having said that, I reached reward no. 5 which according to jap wiki and past memories should be at race no. 29 but I certainly didn't do 29 races. I probably did around 10 I'd say. Maybe some recent update had mercy on us.

OK it took me something like 17 or 18 races total to get the Traveler's Treasure Box, with 7 of them giving emergency returns too. I was out of game during the more recent Cape Town race event so I don't know how it was then, but I do remember the Azores race of a few years ago and it was much more torturing than this one.

What made the Azores race event so excruciating was the restriction that all participants had to sail in a Light-class ship. By comparison, the others are indeed much simpler, and far less torturous. South Africa's waters went lawless during the Cape Town race, but even that really wasn't so bad to deal with.

Question: Do you get a special reward or something for being in the top 10 of the ship race?

Very good question. Wish I had an equally good answer, but never having been among the top ten, I've no idea. Sorry.

Most likely outcome at the moment: "Second World Circumnavigation". Increased Influence/Investment Effect for English players in the E. Coast of Latin America, as well as Tax Reduction for all trade good types in that area.

The top 10 players of shipracers get an additional reward from port official, which will be given often around a week after the shiprace ends. The following one of the three he may give:
1) Famous Admiral's Staff
2) Heavily Armoured Sterncastle
3) 3x Silver Tarot

It DOESN'T matter which position you are for this, however I find they should improve the rewards for shipracers.. Although those tickets are pretty suficient. You get 12x Race Participation Memorial Ticket when you do it for the first time/breaking your own record and otherwise 6x Race Participation Memorial Ticket.

The main historical reward is already said.
Hope this makes everything clear :-)

Kind Regards,


Well, I started my run during the bonus hour tonight, and saw that special speed-boost NPC ship while at sea, just a bit northwest of Nantes. The ship was called Special Patroller, and when I clicked on it, I received a message:

Ship speed has increased due to patrolling activities by friendly forces. Your ship is now less likely to be attacked by pirates.

I'm guessing it meant NPC pirates only, but the effect lasted until the bonus hour ended. I'd say it gave me about a full extra knot of speed at least. Oh, and since I completed one of two runs during the bonus hour, when I went to the bank, I was already up to the third reward of Change Expedition Destination Tickets x3. Quite a good start.

This historical event has triggered on Maris server (4/26). Cheers, and great online racing through the seas to you.

Here is my race log

1 trip - Headache Medication x3
3 trips - Silver Tarot x3
5 trips - Change Expedition Destination Ticket x3
7 trips - Shipwreck Map Piece x3
10 trips - Improved Gallant Staysail
13 trips - Wanderer of the Ages Hat
17 trips - Traveler's Treasure Box - silver tarot x5

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