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  • Portuguese Annexation
    Spain and Portugal had established their dominance in the seas. But with the dying out of the Portuguese Royal line, the balance shifted. The Spanish began to plan for the unification of the Iberian Peninsula through an 'Alliance' with Portugal, an alliance that Spain would control. And Portugal began to be backed into a corner.

Historical Event during World Clock: 16th Century, Phase 4.

The following should be available:

Minister of History (title) / Ruler of the Ages Hat
Treasure Box of Wealth (can rarely drop Ruler of the Ages Robe as a reward)

Now, if I'm reading this translated chart correctly...

gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?WorldClock/Annexation Portugal

... I believe that you need to invest 400m for the hat and title, and 500m for the random reward dropping chest. If anybody can confirm the actual rewards/investment ratios, it would be much appreciated.

follow by this link

2nd outcome: the start of iberian turmoil
tax reduction:all city and all goods for spain voyagers
tax increasee:all city and all goods for portugal voyagers
increase influence(%) on iberia region/culture for spain nation

3rd outcome: expunging the disgrace of lepanto
increase influence(%) on iberia region/culture for otto nation
investment possible for territory in iberia region/culture for all voyagers
tax reduction:all city and all goods for ottoman voyagers

impact of this historical event when end
purchase amount and accounting effect increase at the market (accounting +1)
boost in trade fame for investment

can't really decode what the korea language meant even with google translate for the 1st outcome..

Ehh, maybe the 1st outcome flips it around so Portugal gets tax reductions and increased influence, while Spain gets tax increases? It's just a guess, but it kind of makes sense, in a way.

So, is this another Historical Event thing where Portugal loses influence? When the 2nd Age started, Portugal "Lost influence" in the Red Sea area and all the cities on the Indian peninsula came under Ottoman Empire control without one Ottoman character investing a single ducat in any of them. If this type of thing continues with these events players with Portuguese characters may as well pack it in, because it seems like as far as investment in foreign ports goes, they are being penalized just for being Portuguese.

I think the problem is, Portugal's playerbase is smaller than those of its rivals, leading to their having difficulties in winning these kinds of historical events. The Azores race event had three possible outcomes, in favor of Spain, Portugal, and a third outcome that penalized both parties, for example.

The size of the player base with Portuguese toons had nothing to do with what happened at the start of the 2nd Age. I had just helped get Goa back to Portuguese before that and all the cities on the Indian penninsula were as well right before that update. Right after it I logged in and *POOF* all the cities on the Indian penninsula were under Ottoman influence. I've discussed this with several other company directors based in Lisbon, and honestly, that took the heart out of many players with Portuguese toons regarding investing and most now have a "What's the point?" attitude after that happened. As well, what didn't help with that was when other nations were supposed to "Lose Influence" in an area and none of the cities under their control were auto-converted to another nation like what happened to Portugal at the start of the 2nd Age. And now this? As I said, it almost seems at times like having a Portuguese toon is a crime now, which is probably the reason for the shrinking base of players with them.

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