Iberian Crisis
Joanna and Isabella became caught up in an inheritance dispute for the throne of Castile. Joanna had the backing of Portugal. Isabella had garnished much support from within Castile. The battle between the two grew fierce and soon devolved into open warfare.
Historical Event of the 15th Century, Period 4 on the World Clock. More info found here:
gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?WorldClock/War of the Castilian Succession
To summarize what I -do- understand, this event requires you to defeat unique Land Battle NPCs which can only be found in the landing areas of: Bay of Biscay South Coast, France Northwest Coast, and Morocco West Coast.
Enemy levels are 10/30/50/70. Try to have empty spaces in your inventory, as the enemies will drop items (actual loot table probably varies slightly in GAMA compared to what's listed in Asian servers) which are not only useful, but IIRC, necessary to accumulate points toward the historical event's completion (L70 NPC drops are worth the most points, naturally). The Vanquisher of History title and
Treasure Box of Courage are awarded available at the 500 mark.
Lastly, there are three possible outcomes:
1. Spanish Victory - Spain's influence throughout the North Atlantic Ocean (NAO) increases, Portugal's prestige decreases, tariff reduction in North Atlantic ports for Spain
2. "The Country that gained Two Rabbits" (Draw) - France's influence throughout NAO increases, Portugal/Spain's prestige decreases
3. Portuguese Victory - Portugal's influence throughout NAO increases, Spain's prestige decreases, tariff reduction in North Atlantic cities for Portugal
NAO zone includes the following cities: The Azores, Las Palmas, Arguin, Casablanca, Ceuta.
I think that's everything. Cheers, and happy world influencing.
any tips on getting lots of deeds and spawn location for lvl 70 npc?
Based on my experience with the Battle of Nekmir (also a land battle historical event), L70 NPCs can be found in any landing zone, but are quite rare, with no one specific spawn spot. (Though someone I played with theorized that the quicker you dispatched other enemies, the more likely it was that 70s would appear. It did seem that way at times.)
The best advice I can offer is to locate an NPC spawn site, then stay there and farm them repeatedly. Some spots have two NPCs appear relatively close to each other, meaning you can just cycle back and forth between two targets. Fleeting with other players is also advised, to speed up the NPC farming process, and to help make the grind more fun - I met some good friends that way.
thanks for the advice :) I'm very much appreciated on the tips you have given me or to us all lol and I have been grinding them with my friends so I'm doing it right then :)
I noticed that the lv30 NPCs dropped deeds more consistently than the lv50 ones and more frequently. I wonder if it's by random chances or is it some algorithm engine behind it.
Lv10 - 1 deed
lv30 - 5 deed
lv50 - 5 deed
I dont always get deeds when defeating the NPCs. Is it supposed to do that, or is there some trick?
I guess that's what it is suppose to do.
Despite the fixed deed drops I posted above, there are always some surprises installed from KOEI.
If I quickly defeat a pair of NPC enemies within a very short time span, they might drop Seal of Sylphs and give a 15 deed outright. I have fought lv50 + lv10 team and they don't drop deeds and seals or anything somehow. I fought against lv30+lv10 or Lv10+lv10 teams and they drop seals and 15 deeds more frequently though. So my guess here is how fast you take to defeat them especially if you are to fight a team of npcs, you might want to quickly DPS down one of them and swap targets and end it quickly and the best for that is the lv10+lv10 or lv30+lv10 team. Lv50+lv10 team is going to take a while due to the lv50 in the team composition.
My own experience from Nekmir was that NPCs don't always drop items, so yeah, that's normal. (That's also why Nekmir was not only my first time participating in a historical event related to land battles, but my last time as well.) I figured it had to do with the fact that NPCs don't always drop certain items even under normal conditions, but hey, the above formula may be true also.
I also got soberx3 from the lvl10 soldier (5 deeds) and ESBTx8 from the lvl50 soldier (40 deeds), but this seems quite rare.
No luck in finding the lvl70s yet. I remember the lvl70 showing up more (during Nekmir), but there were also more players on the map at that time.
Found a lvl70, I got 9 pegasus feathers (64 deeds) and my partner got 9 PA's (40 deeds). Not bad :)
Someone just suggested that plunder rank might affect the drops (and therefore the deeds gained). Anyone found something like that?
I dont think plunder rank has any effect on it. I fleeted up with another member who had plunder skill (I dont), and I got more deeds and goods then he did. It appears to be based on that the quicker you kill the NPC, the more likely you are to be awarded with deeds and goods. I mostly got Mccts myself. They also drop a lot of SWMPs if you have the shipwreck hunter title.
As for lvl 70 NPCs, one good area I found they tend to spawn at is by the Lone Ceder tree in the western part of the Bay of Biscay South Coast area.
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