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  • Battle of Nekmir
    Jan Hus, with his revolutionary ideas, is burned at the stake by the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. This action triggers a strong reaction in Poland and Bohemia. Eventually this evolves into an armed revolt that grows into a large war.

Historical Event set during 15th Century, period 1. Details/guide can be found here:

gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?WorldClock/Hussite Wars

Almost 200 deeds farmed and not a single lvl50 or lvl70 NPC... Is there any specific spot where to get an higher chance to spawn those?

The first time this event came out, I remember doing it and finding that NPCs seem to follow a pattern. Defeating the same two NPCs over and over again in one corner of the map, I saw how a Lvl 30 usually was replaced by a Lvl 10, then again by a 30. Sometimes, very rarely, a Lvl 70 would appear in place of a nearby Lvl 50.

My own advice would be to find NPCs within walking distance of each another, and farm them for fifteen minutes or so, paying attention to their levels. The speed with which you dispatch the NPCs may also affect things; seemed at times like the rare 70 NPC would spawn more regularly if my fleet dispatched his Lvl 50 stand-in quickly.

As with many things with this game, it's just a theory based on experience - the actual formula may never truly be known.

162 deeds so far and I've seen quite a few lvl50s, no lvl70 though.

They show up, but it's quite rare and random. Normally I have most luck when in a fleet. Perhaps because it goes faster as well.

By the way, can anyone confirm if the lvl70s drop that dock expansion request?

Pretty sure the 70's dropped something else when I fought them back during the first release of this event (which was before the Baltic went permanently safe). I want to say it was MCTs, or ESBTs... it's been too long for me to be sure of which, but we probably shouldn't expect to see Expansion items available anywhere in GAMA except in bottles and the Astro Shop, sadly.

Ok, at least I remember getting quite some pegasus feathers from them, for the rest my memory is a bit foggy. The lvl50s drop MCTs and ESBTs (finest dye is also correct).
I will start tomorrow and see what I get.

I was there at the previous occurance of this, and I do remember the lvl70s from back then :-). I just don't see them anywhere now. Maybe you guys are right in suspecting how fast you kill the lvl50 matters. I am doing it solo with crappy equipment, I thought I wouldn't wear down good gear for it. So it takes a little time to beat the lvl50.

Anyway what I got so far:

- from lvl10: carpentry tools (1 deed), seals of sylph (15 deeds)
- from lvl30: spare sails (5 deeds), custom haul ropes (? deeds, only 1 I think)
- from lvl50: MCTs (5 deeds), ESBTs (40 deeds), exquisite dye (50 deeds)

Any tips on getting deeds.
I defeated loads of Enemy NPC's but getting hardly any deeds...
I defeat them quickly/slowly with techs/without techs makes no difference. Just seems totally random when deeds awarded.
Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

It might be that your plunder rank has an effect on the chance of getting deed items...

502 deeds, list of rewards:
Baudelaire (66 atk sword) x1
Master carronade (16) x1
MSST x20
MCCT x20
Conqueror of the Ages Hat x1 (+ title if you don't have it already)
Treasure Box of Courage X1

got Pilgrim of Ages Boots from the chest

@Destry1 - Cheers I had 4+4 Plunder - I got there in the end.
I think the keyword is PATIENCE :-)

I received 3 x Discharge Petitions from chest :(

Well, I definitely notice a difference between players. Yesterday I got 200 deeds in 30 minutes. Some of the low level players that were in my fleet manage only 10-30 deeds in an hour.

On the other hand, someone with r10 plunder (same rank as me) and higher levels took longer to get deeds. So I am still not sure what the factor(s) is/are that influence it. It might be damage done, plunder rank, and something else. Of course there is some randomness of acquiring deeds, so it's hard to say what is chance and what is actually effect.

At least make sure your inventory has some space :)

Did a little digging on the Korean side of the UWO DB, and found something which might be a bit helpful:


If you scroll down a ways, you'll see maps of all four Baltic landing zones with little red X's on them. These X's indicate the exact locations where the target NPCs spawn for this event. So, no need to go wandering about at random looking for NPCs, at least if you have Surveying.

Well. Official large 3 decked hull in the box of courage for me, won't be complaining. Plus some 300+ MCTs in the process and some other little things. Lvl70 in fact exist but very very very rare, much rarer than previous time. I didn't get any pega feathers out of them this time but oh well.

Another difference between GAMA and the Asian servers: GAMA gets Baudelaire(66 att sword, no +'s, 150 dura) for 200 deeds, Asian servers get 5 X Emergency Shipbuilding Request for 200 deeds. That's kind of a rip-off. I can understand no expansion items from the lvl 70 NPC's, but why is GAMA always getting the short end of the stick when it comes to event rewards with OGPlanet? ie: The St. Patrick's event. For all other servers, the final reward was an Improved Full Rigged Sail(+26v/+30h, -1 turn), wheras for GAMA, it was a Modified Full Rigged Sail(+22v/+25h, -1 turn). While I do not want Netmarble back, event rewards were one area that GAMA did not get short changed on when they were hosting. The people that are in charge of this at OGPlanet needs to get there collective acts together and contact KOEI regarding event prize distribution on the GAMA server, and I mean A.S.A.P. :/

IGN: CullumStraun

Its simple GAMA = F2P
Asian = P2P

Exactly. Who's going to pay for a subscription if there's no juicy delicious carrot dangled in front of them first? And how can a MMO remain free to to play, if somebody somewhere doesn't pay to keep it running? I'm just glad other areas of UWO haven't been subjected to nerfing/reward downgrades for GAMA players.

As I said, I understand not having the lvl 70 mobs drop the Expansion Tools as the Asian servers do, however, short changing us with event rewards will only reduce event participation in the long run, which is not good for the server. Events are supposed to encourage both long time and newer players to participate, and if the long time players tell the newer ones why they don't participate(ie: reduced rewards), then why should the newer players participate either? Part of the purpose of events is to create word of mouth advertising for the game. If KOEI and OGPlanet want the vetrans to participate in events and encourage newer players to do so as well, they need to realize that giving us reduced rewards for the events is not a good way to encourage event participation.

IGN: CullumStraun

If an Astro item as sought after as ESBRs can be obtained via farming methods rather than purchasing them, even in an uncommonly occurring historical event setting, that probably gives strong motivation to replace it with a different reward item. There's no harm in going to OGP/KOEI with our grievances in a polite but firm manner, so long as we understand that their word is going to be final, whether or not we agree with it. Encouragingly, some long-standing problems have been listened to and fixed, due to player feedback. Maybe this could be one of them?

On a separate note, looks like there will be the same outcome to this event as last time: "Holy Roman Empire Retains Influence". Germany cultural area ports will have increase trade good yield, reduced taxes on trade goods, and market recessions until 6/18.

This event has returned as of 12/25/20. Ho ho- ho brother, I hate land battle events. Oh well.

Similar to French Invasion of Italy -- enjoy. Cheers and great online land battling to you

501 deeds (around 5 hours of farming NPCs) gets you the treasure chest of courage. 1 of the CAs got an iron panel, I got 3x discharge petitions, dont bother with this event.

Iron Panel, 5 Silver Tarots and the Lorica Hamata

Corinthian Helmet

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