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  • Battle of Pavia
    The Valois family, feeling hemmed in by the Habsburgs on both sides, turn their eyes to the Italian Peninsula, which they had made previous claim to. The Roman Pope, feeling an impending danger, requested aid of Charles V, who immediately to the French city of Milano and quickly captured it.

Info (JP): gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?WorldClock/The Battle of Pavia

To take part in this historical event, take the quest from the town official in any city. There are two quests, one easy, one difficult. Choose the one most suitable to you. The quest requires you to defeat a fleet of ships, with the help of Allied NPCs. After a certain number of battles, the bank will reward you with a prize. After completing your fiftieth battle, one will not receive any more rewards. The fleet usually appear north of sassari, immidiately after one changes seas

first battle: 20 Master Craftsman's Carpentry Tools
fifth battle: 20 Master's Smithy Tools
tenth battle: Carronade (16)
twentieth battle: Baudelaire
thirtieth battle: Heavily Armoured Sterncastle
fortieth battle: Conqueror of the Ages Hat and Vanquisher of History
fiftieth battle: Chest

Note: After the fortieth battle, the bank will only give you Conqueror of the Ages Hat. Then, when you enter the docks, Charles V will summon you, asking you to visit him at Frankfurt Cateral. Form there then you would get the title. There is a time limit to visit him.

Eh, nice, thanks for that info! Does anybody know if we can use amulets of the sun on the enemy fleets? I'm not so good at ship battles right now, haha.

I think AOS can be used in any ship battles. I remember using it for battle job quests and the Circumliner event, so theres no reason why it cannot be used in Historical events

and so..this thing(historical event) strike again(2nd time) after few patches ago....sigh....here goes the influence of France....

My best suggestion would be rather then complaining about it, to gather up everyone you know and fight in the name of France! Granted it is a force to reckon with; Not only does Spain have a bigger player base (if not the biggest of all nations in GAMA), but France is not the most liked nation.

Personally I think Spain should step aside and let France have their moment in the sun. Even if Spain wounded up on the losing side, they wouldn't have much to lose... they would only lose influence on the west Med side, and the only allied ports they have holding on there is Las Palmas and Ceuta. And given the player base, I'm sure it wouldn't be too much trouble for them to get it back from investors. And other players need to wake up and smell the coffee... if France gets the winning goal, then everyone (not just France) can invest in Spain to get their bonus's.

Hey, nothing's impossible! Earlier today, France was definitely in the lead (Most Likely Outcome: Charles V Captured, Spain Falls). Spain surged ahead a bit for a while, but as of this posting, France is once again the most likely winner. I'll certainly do my part, and let others know about it, too.

How do I fight for French ? Sorry will like some investment done

for the record for future reference...
1st outcome(spain favour) - Francis I captured, signed unequal treaties
-National prestige increase for Spanish
-possible to invest in france territory
-reduce france influence in Italy and Southern France region

2nd outcome(france favour) - charles V captured, spain falls
target area: west mediterranian sea
increased influence
france influence increase in the indicated region

target area: north atlantic ocean
increased influence
france influence increase in the indicated region

target nation: spain
investment possible
possible to invest in spain territory?(doesn't state which region)

3rd outcome(favour other than france/spain...italian favour) - italian counterattack
-reduce Spain influence in Italy and Southern France region
-reduce france influence in East Mediterranean Sea
-The tariff reduction for all trade goods for Venice voyage's(sailor) in all city

event influence
-increase battle experience received
-increase experience when assembling clues(treasure hunt)

too bad...korea/japan wiki doesn't state the 2nd outcome :P

'ey, great news! Not only do AotS work like a charm, but I was in a fleet of three, and we hit the 50th fight reward at 32 battles, doing the hardest of the two Pavia missions. So, I guess being in a fleet, and maybe doing the harder mission, gets you the rewards quicker. Well, off to see Charles V! And even though I'm not French, I got no problem saying, go France!

Great job, all! Spain fell, so until 11/13, all nations can now invest in Malaga, Barcelona, Palma, and Valencia.

Glad to see those greaseball spics get taken out. Time for a Dutch takeover.

gijon is available for investing too...but...there is nothing there :P

Note: for the fiftieth (or whatever number it is) battle, this is the reward: Treasure Box of Courage

You actually get the rewards sooner if you opt to take the hard quests (9 stars) rather then sticking to the easy quests (5 star):

20 MCCTs - same for both
20 MSTs - 5 for easy quest, 4 for hard quest
Carronade (16) - 10 for easy quest, 6 for hard quest
Baudelaire - 20 for easy quest, 12 for hard quest
Heavily Armoured Sterncastle - 30 for easy quest, 19 for hard quest
Conqueror of the Ages Hat and title - 40 for easy quest, 25 for hard quest
Treasure Box of Courage - 50 for easy quest, 32 for hard quest

This is all assuming though you just stick to either only hard or only easy quests throughout the whole run, and don't mix and match. If you do, it seems the game counts the hard quest as roughly as 1.5 easy quest(s). The number of allies you save during the battle don't appear to have a factor in this.

With the conclusion of this event on Maris, Charles V has been stuffed into a French potato sack and held for ransom. Which means "foreign" (IE, probably all non-Spanish players) have until 1/16 to invest in the following ports:

Malaga, Barcelona, Palma, Valencia, Gijon, and Bilbao.

Thanks to ThistinHowl for confirming Bilbao for me. Cheers, and vive la France.

Note: Waiting to hear back from others on this, but Trujillo may also be on that list of possible investment ports as well.

Trujillo is investable, just invested there recently

Note that investing in Seville is still off-limits to non-Spanish players, and territory ports cant be flipped to other nations (at least that was the experience with me last time we had this in GAMA).

This event has returned to Maris server as of 6/24/2022. Let the above comments serve as a guide to your participation.... or just stock up on some Amulet of the Sun items, fleet with friends, and go fry those NPC fleets without thinking it over too much. Either way, cheers and great online voyaging to you.

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