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  • Thirty Years' War
    Religious conflicts escalated into a conflict between several nations. With a massive army Sweden intervened in the war and invaded German territory under the pretext of freeing the Protestants. While a clash between Sweden and the Holy Roman Empire seemed inevitable, the naval forces of both sides, waiting to join the main forces on land, were about to start a battle of their own.

Event Influence :
Increase Battle Experience Received
Increase Patriot Awards Received

Outcome Influence:

Kingdom of Sweden's Victory

Rise in [The Netherlands] influence in towns in the indicated region. [Germany]
Rise in Prestige of indicated country. [France]
Drop in Market Rates of Target Goods in towns in the indicated region. [Northern Europe] [Wares]

After the Swedish forces invaded German territory they deployed their rearguard troops on the sea to support the main forces and began fighting the Holy Roman Empire. Although Gustav II Adolf was badly injured during the battle, thanks to the courageous commitment of the Dutch voyagers', the Swedes and other forces managed to oust the imperial forces. Sweden intervened in the war and won many consecutive victories. While the House of Habsburg was weakening, the Netherlands and Switzerland successfully became independent and achieved significant growth. An era of change had come to Europe in which the balance of power would shift greatly.

Pride of the Holy Roman Empire

Rise in [Spain] influence in towns in the indicated region. [Germany]
Rise in Prestige of indicated country. [Spain]
Rise in Tariffs for Target Goods in towns in the indicated region. [North Sea] [The Netherlands]

After Swedish forces invaded German territory they deployed their rearguard troops on the sea to support the main forces and started to fight the Holy Roman Empire. However, Gustav II Adolf's injury during the land battle brought low morale to the Swedish forces. Thanks to the help of Spanish voyagers, the Holy Roman Empire won the battle. Sweden intervened in the war but withdrew after Gustav II Adolf's injury. Although the House of Habsburg lost the war, it didn't lose its power and it continued to live in splendor. A new era came yet the traditional ruling forces of Europe maintained their hold on power.

The War Nobody Won

Drop in Prestige of indicated country. [The Netherlands]
Rise in amount of Target Goods in towns in the indicated region. [North Sea] [Firearms]
Drop in Market Rates of Target Goods in towns in the indicated region. [Northern Europe] [Firearms]

After the Swedish forces invaded the German territory, they deployed their rearguard troops on the sea to support the main forces and started to fight the Holy Roman Empire. Both forces became exhausted and retreated. There was no victory and it took both sides a long time to recover from damages caused by the war. The war went on longer than expected so that both sides had no choice but to retreat in exhaustion. Furthermore, the intervention by a third nation caused even greater damage to the involved nations. No one knew when the war, which was dragging on and on, would finally come to an end.

This event is currently going on GAMA.

An Epic Sea Feud type of Historical Event. I think we've seen it twice before now, with the same outcome of Holy Roman Empire's victory each time. Will history re-re-repeat itself, I wonder? I'd mention the possible outcomes, but hey, this article actually did it for us, how nice.

To participate in the event for goodies, just join the ESF on the 27th, 28th, and 29th of this month. Each feud runs at different times, and is three hours long; small/light ships in the first hour, medium/standard for the second, and large/heavy for the third. My advice: look for an ESF fleet an hour or two before the Feud begins, to avoid being left out. Cheers, and good battling to you.

Is this one of the Historical Events that has a Land Battle aspect to it? I know that there are 2 Historical Events that do, I'm just wondering if this is 1 of them.

WB Ivyro, my god did we miss you and will never take you for granted ever again~!

This Event was an historical Epic Sea Feud Franco whereas Groningen was Target City. It was an competition between Spain and Dutch (France allied). Unfortunate with the fixed time in GAMA most Europeans/Brazil/Asians could not attend so it often result one-side in either party.

I've made an suggestion to change target city to Bremen or Hamburg since the battle involves there. So far the only territory port of the entire ESF that is an target city...

Best is to keep in touch when the World Clock change, because you can perform your actions only at the first week and based on overall action between two parties the outcome change into that.



This historical maritime event has triggered for Maris server on Maris server for 4/27/2023 -- cheers all, and great online voyaging to you.

This historical maritime event has triggered for Maris server on Maris server for 8/25/2023 -- twice in one year? Go figure. Um, cheers all, and great online voyaging to you.

Need 250 merits to get the chest of courage:

??? merits: 20x Master Craftsman's Carpentry Tools
??? merits: 20x Master's Smithy Tools
??? merits: Master's Carronade (16)
??? merits: Baudelaire
150 merits: Heavily Armoured Sterncastle
200 merits: Conqueror of the Ages Hat
250 merits: Treasure Box of Courage

I have been advised by CA BlueSiren that this event will occur at 8pm server time on all 3 days.

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