The Cape of Good Hope
Portugal had a great goal to Find the country of Prester John in the East. Portugal headed to the South along the African continent. Finally, the fleet, lead by Bartolomeu Dias, reached the south end of Africa, the Cape of Good Hope. It seemed like that they would soon find the country that they were seeking.
15th Century, Phase 5. For the first time in GAMA history, we've not only hit this World Clock period, but also unlocked the Treasure Hunt theme
Prester John for access at any tavern. As well, there's an Adventure themed Historical Event.
Most likely outcome at the moment: Phantom Country
Decreased Influence: Influence of Spain and Portugal deceases in West/East African Coast.
Decreased Yield: Precious Metals trade goods in Africa West Coast towns will drop.
Two other possible outcomes exist. But what really excites me, is the Prester John TH. Information on this particular Historical Event is a bit sparse in my usual haunts, but you can see a bit of information here:
Just run through a translator, then Ctrl-F "1488" and look for the Cape of Good Hope event. Being that this is an adventure based event, I'll be interested in seeing how it plays out.. and how to participate. Cheers all.
I got the first four rewards out of this by combining clues for the Prester John treasure hunt. These are: 3 x headache meds, 3 x silver tarots, 3 x change expedition destination tickets, 3 x SWMPs. I assembled the clue that provides the quest for the actual relic but didn't go for it (don't have the skills, don't know if fleeting with a super adventurer would help, can try). As always with these events, I'm assuming there's a cool hat (and title for those who don't have it yet) as well as a treasure box down the line. I guess you need to find the actual relic to get more points and rewards, or maybe if you discard the theme and all clues and start over? I'll do something else with my game and let the rest of you discover these :-).
"Phantom Country" still the most likely outcome, although it fluctuated a bit at some point.
PLease tell me how i can join this event
Prester John Treasure Hunt
R12 search, R14 Archaeology and Indian skills is required
r7 clue - 3 headache medication
r11 clue - 3 silver tarots
r13 clue - 3 change expedition destination tickets
r16 clue - 3 shipwreck map pieces
r17 clue - TH quest
Armor of Ong Khan aka Prester John Armor, 50 def, +1 theology, +1 Gunnery, 100/100
Indian West Coast, table boulder, middle of the map, don't forget Indian skill/dictionary/note
and last reward - Improved gallant staysail (+15 vert +15 hor, 95/95)
UWO was patched some time back to allow for people to fleet for TH relic hunts. If you are fleeted with someone who meets all the quest requirements, you literally only need the Relic quest's listed third skill, temporarily if it's a language that has translation notes/dictionaries of it, twice: once to accept the quest, and once again when clicking on the landmark.
In fact, testing has shown it is possible for three different people with three different skill-sets to complete a quest, one for each of the listed quest skills. So in the case of this quest, if Person A has R14 Archaeology, Person B has R12 Search, and Person C uses Indian Ocean notes/dictionary at the landmark, every fleet member can complete the TH.
And I'm not convinced that Improved gallant staysail is the final reward; Historical Events always have an "X of History" title reward, and reward hat plus treasure box usually handed out by Alias. Maybe if you repeat the TH hunt once or twice more? Of course, you can only do one TH relic discovery per day, so... thanks for the info, all. Here's to our unlocking the best possible outcome for this event.
Thanks Guilder for this clarification, I have always wondered how this fleeting for TH works. I saw what appeared to me like inconsistencies (sometimes able, sometimes unable to get the quest, both cases not meeting skill reqs, left clueless as to why).
So it seems we know that doing the TH once isn't enough to get you to the treasure box reward, therefore you need to repeat (part of?) it. Since I don't think I have the time this evening or tomorrow to go do the actual TH, I am going to operate on the assumption that what counts for the historical event is the adv exp you get in this process, either by assembling clues or by finding the relic.
To this end, if I drop the TH (and all clues?), retake it and redo everything, will I gain adv exp again when I reassemble the clues? Do I perhaps need to wait a day - that is, can you only gain adv exp from assembling the same clue only once a day?
Owing to the nature of quest completion being important to all past Historical Events, I am operating on the theory that only a completed Relic discovery counts toward the Historical Event's hidden progress bar. If your theory is the correct approach, however, I hope that can be determined soon.
Alright, here's where I am. I dropped the TH theme, deleted all clues and started over. I assembled all clues again up to the Ong Khan's map relic quest. In the process, every time the log was updated and I got adv exp, I also got the message "You have gained experience in regard to historical events". Didn't have to wait for next OGP-time day either (answering my own question there). I got the 15/15 sail and the Wanderer of Ages hat on the way. I'm sure the relevant title would have come together with the hat if I hadn't had it already. I'm still missing the treasure box. I think if I did the whole process from the beginning, I'd get it too soon enough. But I'd rather go get the actual relic when I find time and can find a good archaeologist to help (or take my chances and sail to India hoping that many of them archaeologists will be doing the same thing these days!). If I decide to increase my event participation / contribution after I have the relic, I'll sure enough just combine clues.
Conclusion: this event can all be done by staying in Europe, collecting and combining clues. For those who aren't familiar with it, the best source of clues is reading archives. You can read any subject, no need for archaeology and no need for high ranks (although the higher the better). If you have (or can get fleet access to) search r12, archaeo r14 and indian language, then it's a great idea to also do this trip to India and complete the treasure hunt too (but it's seemingly optional as regards the historical event outcome / contribution).
To get the number of clues required by reading in archives, you'll need headache meds or willingness to port hop between two nearby archive ports, e.g. London - Amsterdam, Marseilles - Genoa, Athens - Istanbul or even Ambon - Ternate I guess! Maybe also a good idea to load "Hide Discovered Maps" Oxford skill so you don't find your inv clogged with maps you've already done.
Regarding the actual outcome, it's still stuck at Phantom Country and as usual it's pretty hard to tell what nationality's event contribution moves it in which direction...
I have copied your method, and tested it. If you repeat the process twice to the 17-star Clue, then on the 13-star clue of your third attempt, you will unlock the Traveler's Treasure Box, and on visiting the docks of whatever town you are in, will receive an invitation to receive the Title from Lucrezia Borgia in Venice's Church. The offer expires 2015/8/13.
Nice detective work, all. The two-and-thirteen-star clue method mentioned here worked for me too. Should be interesting to see how this Historical Event will play out.
I think that it depends on the fame you get, rather than on experience. I can't verify this, since fame is maxed at the moment. However, the experience from completing the TH quest itself is many times the experience from the clues. With fame this should be a bit more balanced.
Rank clue = experience
r4 = 15
r7 = 25
r9 = 30
r11 = 40
r12 = 50
r13 = 55
r14 = 70
r15 = 90
r16 = 105
Discovering the Armor of Ong Khan = 3050
Cummulative experience to get the rewards:
1. 3x headache medication (40)
2. 3x silver tarots (110)
3. 3x change expedition destination tickets (215)
4. 3x shipwreck map pieces (480)
5. Improved gallant staysail (3530)
6. Wanderer of the Ages Hat + title 'Pioneer of History' (did the TH quest another time; 6580)
7. Traveler's Treasure Box (6690)
No need to discard the TH, or begin gathering clues from 0, just repeat the final quest 3 times.
"On second thought, let's not go to India's west coast. It is a silly place."
Ideally, finishing the quest three times is the best solution, even the intended one. But like Egw, my schedule doesn't always allow for traveling out beyond Europe, and so taking the Discard route was the best course. Thanks for the additional info.
Current outcome: "Arriving at Truth"
Increased Yield: rise in amount of Precious Stones trade goods (Africa West/East Coast ports)
Market Recession: drop in market rates of Precious Metals trade goods (Africa West Coast ports)
Event Influence: Increase Effect of Discovery Reports/Patriot Awards Received
Arriving at Truth was the final outcome, which looks like the historical outcome, which in turn I hope will move the world clock forward in September getting us out of the 15th century finally! (not that it matters so much :-))
Increased amounts of precious stones in West Africa means it might be a good chance for anybody who wants to grind jewellery trading around Sao Tome / Luanda etc (instead of burning rare and expensive PO4s in Pegu) to consider doing it during the next couple of weeks for slightly better results.
This event has returned once more; let the above comments guide you in how to participate. Cheers, and great online voyaging to you.
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