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  • French Invasion of Italy
    The King of France Charles VIII claimed the throne of the Kingdom of Naples, and began the invasion of Italy. The battle between France and Italy flustered Cesare, son of the Pope, who became a cardinal at the early age.

Triggered at World Clock change at 22nd February,this HE is the first land battle HE occured in Maris (the first of its kind). In this HE, there's 4 Enemy Soldier NPC type depending by lvl (10,30,50,& 70 respectively) scattered in West Tunis,Northwest Genoa,East Tripoli,& Naples Outskirts respectively. Players can battle with them for items that can give the Deeds which is needed for the quest up to 200 deeds (501 total deeds needed to get all the rewards). High-ranked Plunder skill is needed in this HE (along with Swordplay,Trap,& other skills & techs to get past the lvl 50 & 70 NPC). Fleet work can speed up the progress to get all the items that give Deeds.

Well,good luck to those who doing it (especially to landbattlers,including myself as well)

OK,here's list of items that dropped by all 4 lvl-difference Enemy Soldier NPC that gives Deeds (according to J-wiki):

Enemy Soldier Lv10:

- Carpentry Tools , gives 1 Deed
- Drunkard's Wine , gives 1 Deed
- Seal of Sylph , gives 1 Deed

Enemy Soldier Lv30:

- Angel Clock , gives 12 Deeds
- Custom Haul Rope , gives 20 Deeds
- Spare Sail , gives 1 Deed

Enemy Soldier Lv50:

- Master Craftsman's Carpentry Tools , gives 4 Deeds
- Expedition Ship Boarding Ticket , gives 50 Deeds
- Fine Dye , gives 50 Deeds

Enemy Commander Lv70:

- Patriot Award , gives 40 Deeds
- Mode Design Collection - v7 , gives 64 Deeds
- Pegasus Feather , gives 64 Deeds
- Dock Storage Expansion , gives 0 Deeds

Note that Maris is free server,expect some items (inclunding Dock Storage Expansion) being swapped by other items or removed from the list

Current outcome is Unity of Italy,which increasing Venice's influence by 20% in Italy & Southern France region ports,decreasing France's prestige,& decreasing tax on all type trade goods for all nation's voyagers in Italy & Southern France
region ports

ty for the info very helpful

cant seem to find 70s, any hints?

They are very rare. I suggest finding a spot where 3 or more npcs spawn nearby and keep killing them regardless of lvls, instead of circling around the entire map.

Also, quest description will suggest that you go to South coast of Bay of Biscay, West Coast of Morocco or North Coast of Africa landings. Don't go there! No event npcs present in those landings, they are only in the ones mentioned in the first comment.

Worth noting that this is one of three Historical Events that can occur in the 15th Century, 5th Period setting. The other two are:

The Cape of Good Hope
Arriving at the New World

Reposting a timely warning:

Also, quest description will suggest that you go to South coast of Bay of Biscay, West Coast of Morocco or North Coast of Africa landings. Don't go there! No event npcs present in those landings, they are only in the ones mentioned in the first comment (West Tunis,Northwest Genoa,East Tripoli,& Naples Outskirts).

Quite a bug there. Good hunting. Cheers.

Too small of an example to tell, but it looks like there are NPC spawn spots that will not spawn Enemy Soldiers Lv10 at all. Those seem to be ones that will have a chance at spawning Enemy Commander Lv70. So far I have only gotten Lv70s from those spots, so if your plan is to meet many of them I would exclude spots where Lv10s spawn.

Event NPC spawn spots in Northwest Genoa: i.imgur.com/g6IOi3u.png
Event NPC spawn spots in Naples Outskirts: i.imgur.com/RLUAGNF.png
Event NPC spawn spots in West Tunis: i.imgur.com/REYjWNh.png
Event NPC spawn spots in East Tripoli: i.imgur.com/m3Zm8IT.png

I came to comment when I reached 400 on my alt as I wasn't sure on main, I went to bank and had only up to the hat missing the chest, I do know that as soon as you get the hat you also get the title, you don't need the last reward for it, so I thought you did the mistake thinking you only get the title at the end of the rewards, if you say you got the chest with 400 deeds and I'm 100% sure I was missing it myself with the 400, I suppose there's another factor, maybe because you never did it before? I don't know. I will delete my post above and hope someone else can help solve the mystery. Cheers.

I think i sorta need to give my experience since i participate to this event twice (Feb 2018, and Feb 2020) on Maris.

Based from what i did, after 200 deeds i got MCCT 20x, MST 20x, Master Carronade (16), and Baudelaire. This is first quest so still 200 deeds.

Then, following after 200 deeds, i got Conqueror of Ages Hat and Heavily Armoured Sterncastle at bank. Then, Cesare called me to Rome Church for the title reward. This is second quest, so the total is 400 deeds.

Last, after another 200 deeds, i finally got the Treasure Box of Courage. Not sure if it's 501 as RvZ mentioned since basically after this my total deeds is 600.

So with that said, i think i still got the final reward after third quest. My company members also got the final reward after third quest. I didn't say that Vyse is wrong, but perhaps there is something like hidden effect, or skill, that might reduce the total deeds needed for this HE, so he got the final reward just with 400 instead 501 and beyond. I would like to know this puzzle, maybe such skill/effect could ease other HE requirements, it would be amazing.

I'll likewise remove/repost to be safe. The rewards you receive for participation in the event are:

Master's Carronade (16)
Master's Smithy Tools 20
Master Craftsman's Carpentry Tools 20
Conqueror of Ages Hat
Heavily Armoured Sterncastle
Treasure Box of Courage

RvZ noted that you need a total of 501 Deeds to receive all the rewards, including the Vanquisher of History title which can be received from Cesare in Rome's church, reached from Naples by carriage. If you already have the title then you can't receive it a second time and so this step can be skipped. The Treasure Box is the final reward so as long as you see it in your bank's Receive Item list, you're finished.

Now I was in a fleet of three for the duration of two maximum deed quests (200/200) and it looks like I unlocked all the rewards at 400 total deeds, not 501. With other historical events I've noticed that fleeting with others seemed to reduce the requirements needed to gain rewards, so be sure to check your receivable items as you turn in quests. Maybe that holds true this time also?

By the way, I did find one possible spawn site for those Lv70 Enemy Commanders in Genoa. If you go to the Northwest Ruins landmark, then walk south and a bit east, there's an Enemy Soldier who alternates between level 30/50, never level 10. Twice in a few hours for my fleet, a Lv70 appeared in that same spot. Maybe you'll find one too! Have a good time questing.

I just remembered, RvZ's loot list is pretty accurate, but the Lv50 Enemy Soldier NPCs drop Exquisite Dye, not Fine Dye.

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