Prosperity of Florence
The house of Medici was defeated by their
political enemy in the past, and was exiled.
However, due to a political upheaval in the
next year, they could return to Florence.
The head of the Medici's, Cosimo, was a
banker with immense wealth. He began to
intervene Florence's politics using his power.
apparently this historical event just started.....
Set during the 15th Century, phase 2 on the World Clock. Time to go see if there are any era-specific recipes/items of interest available.
how do i contribute to this historical event?
It's an Epic Investment Battle event, so you should be able to do so by investing when EIBs trigger in selected cities. The game text states this will be on "Wed(nesday), Fri(day) and Sun(day) during the historical event period", though in looking at the calendar, it might be more accurate to say Friday (26th), Sunday (28th), and Wednesday (31st), as the event's influence period starts on January 1st. We'll see, I suppose.
for korea reference..and the outcome
Well, we got this historical event... again. Guilder pretty much explained what needs to be done.
Does anybody remember what happened last time regarding EIB hours? Did all three take place during normal EIB time, like 9pm - midnight server time? Or were they perhaps spread in a way like ESF times, given there are three of them?
I'm pretty sure they will be at the normal EIB time. From past discussions in game triggered events like a World Clock Event or a normal Epic Investment Battle have their times "hard coded" by KOEI.
Alright, first one took place Friday night 7-11 server time. 500mil needed to get all rewards up to the
Treasure Box of Wealth where I found a pair of
Pilgrim of the Ages Boots. Won't complain too much, have definitely seen worse. There should be another two EIBs Sunday and Wednesday, presumably same time.
The current most likely outcome is The Medici's Prosperity, which by the jap wiki is historical and Venice-friendly and I'm confused how these outcomes are determined since Venice didn't do all that well in the EIB.
The more you invest during the EIB the better the end result for this historical event..Doesn't matter if you are a Venetian or Dutch just keep invest during the EIB :)
Must one invest all 500m during a single EIB to gain the rewards, or can they spread out over several event EIBs? I got a late start on the Sassari EIB, and will likely not reach the goal before it expires.
I'm assuming it can be spread out, it would make more sense that way.
you can. did 90% of it on ancona, finished it up on the second one.
You have my thanks for the confirmation. It seemed logical to me that would be how the game mechanics worked, but one can never tell for certain.
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