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  • Development of the Potosi Silver Mines
    The Europeans who arrived at the new continent could not control their surprise. They found a complex civilization and a wealth of precious metals. Seeing these precious metals used in everyday items led them to believe they had found the City of Gold, that El Dorado truly did exist.

Since our server's previous HE is 'Price Revolution', how does exactly it takes for this HE event to happen ? because we're feckin need this for future content

2204th reason why wipe was a mistake

Just purely my opinion and base from the source

if the event is not tied to nation outcome, it will be based on the answer you give to alias when she ask few question and you involve in the HE...you can change the answer by talking to alias at frankfurt tavern...

source: dol.gamecity.ne.jp/dol/start/manual/chap05-004.htm

another factor (which my opinion) is that, base on history of the server MARIS
Thirty Years' War(battle related)17c2 - first ending
Rise of the Netherlands(battle related)17c1 - first ending
French Invasion of Italy(Battle related)15c5 - second ending
Fall of the Mamluk Sultanate(battle related)16c1 - third ending
The End of the Political(trading related,elction)15c4 - second ending
Zaragoza Convention Concluded(trading related)16c2 - first ending
Arriving at the New World(adv related)15c5 - second ending
Price Revolution(trading related)16c3 - first ending

from this past HE outcome, if the latest HE got the 1st ending, the time will goes backward and if it is 2nd ending it will goes forward....but for the third ending, it can go either way which nobody know... again, this is my opinion which is based from the outcome of past HE

as for which HE will occur next, that is still unknown unless GM/papaya itself intervene...

as for the wipe...don't care :v

Ignore about the wipe, i just purely mentioned it as an ironic joke but yea forget it lol.

Shining Hills TH is *supposedly (unless there was a misinterpretation between Japanese -> English translation, but my friend confirmed this a while ago* one of 4 THs required as one of the requirements, along with reaching a certain nation story chapter (different nation needs a different chapter) to unlock Lost Memories' new character story, and exploring the mysterious/marvelous waters itself in Chapter 1.

So this HE is crucial for that content, however, it would be bad that when that update comes and we can't still reach this HE to unlock that TH theme, you can figure the worst case scenario then. Not everyone is aware of this because they have no idea about what lies in future updates, so i think this issue should be addressed

Looks like I can't start the TH for now

none of us can even lol

On 2/28/2025, this world clock event has triggered. The Shining Hill Treasure is now permanently unlocked. I'm borrowing from comments on The Cape of Good Hope to make a Historical Event Guide.

I think that it depends on the fame you get, rather than on experience. I can't verify this, since fame is maxed at the moment. However, the experience from completing the TH quest itself is many times the experience from the clues. With fame this should be a bit more balanced.

Rank clue = experience
r4 = 15
r7 = 25
r9 = 30
r11 = 40
r12 = 50
r13 = 55
r14 = 70
r15 = 90
r16 = 105
Discovering El Dorado (Shining Hill version) = 3050

Cummulative experience to get the rewards:
1. 3x headache medication (40)
2. 3x silver tarot (110)
3. 3x change expedition destination tickets (215)
4. 3x shipwreck map pieces (480)
5. Improved gallant staysail (3530)
6. Wanderer of the Ages Hat + title 'Pioneer of History' (did the TH quest another time; 6580)
7. Traveler's Treasure Box (6690)

rokr: No need to discard the TH, or begin gathering clues from 0 ("to collect all the rewards" -G), just repeat the final quest 3 times.

Keep in mind treasure hunt relic quests can only be done once a day, so pick the method which suits you best. My thanks to those in the past who blazed a trail for us to follow today. Cheers, and great online voyaging to you all.

I obtained the sail with clue R17 and did El Dorado twice for grab the box.

To be noted
All fleet members must have theology R13 for the final relic.

Silver horseshoes relic counts for the event. I got the participation message when I obtained it.

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