England established East India Company
The news that the Netherlands have reached Southeast Asia, even farther than India, has astonished the West. England, a rapidly growing maritime power after the battle of Almada, was also intrigued. England established the East India Company as a national policy to advance to Southeast Asia.
For this Historical event it's a ship race that, if anyone can recall, works almost in the same fashion as the Azores event from long time ago. You sail from London to Cape Town, but thankfully you can use any ship type to get there.
Unlike the other historical events, there are only two outcomes:
"No trade route is established" which is the reverse ending:
- Drop in influence for England in West Africa
- Prices for spices in SEA go up a lot
- Drop in influence for Dutch in SEA
"England's Establishment of Trade Route" the Historical ending:
- Rise in influence for England in SEA
- Can buy more spices in SEA
- Prices for spices in SEA drop a lot
This event should be of particular interest to any spice runners out there (especially those from England and Netherlands).
Very cool, we've never had this one before. The lack of a ship class restriction already makes it superior to the Azores race event, but... Cape Town? I suppose that's going to make it pretty popular with pirates. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained, I suppose.
Tip: If this does work like the Azores race event from way back when, your Emergency Return button (which takes you to London from anywhere in the world) can likely be "recharged" from repeating the London-Cape quest route enough times, which makes it a little less of a hassle to travel. Be sure to use the return option as often as you can, since it (obviously) can't be recharged if you've never used it, and I don't recall it being possible to stack the ER uses cumulatively.
Oh, and if the time's right, you can always hitch a reasonably cheap twenty-minute ride back from Cape to Lisbon by way of liner ship; this option works even if you have to log out while on the liner, since UWO was patched some time ago to deposit liner users at their destination port automatically even if logged out.
Any further tips and advice are certainly welcome. Ah... and if anybody has the chance, try to take and share a screenshot of that special event NPC that randomly shows up who can accelerate your sailing speed? It'd be neat to see what that NPC looks like.
Cheers, and good racing, all. Here's to achieving the Historical outcome, and favorable item drops from the event's Treasure Box.
tried it, ER doesnt returnss
Perhaps the multiple Azores Emergency Return was just a bonus for those restricted by the Azores ship class rule? Though I also recall that event, and in roughly 50 runs, the Emergency Return button only regenerated about two times for me. We shall yet see if that proves to be the case here, as well.
There is actually third outcome, "Rise of the Netherlands":
- Rise in influence for Netherlands in SEA
- Can buy more spices in SEA
- Prices for spices in SEA drop a lot
The Emergency return is replenished after every reward tier.
24 runs for the final reward.
This event has re-triggered on 2/24/2023. Let the above comments be your guide. Cheers, and smooth racing to you all.
Note: All ship race events, including this one, feature a period known as "Bonus Time" -- for one hour, "acclaim from Events will be doubled". The red chat text indicates it appears to trigger from 21:0 - 22:0 server-time (though perhaps not on every day).
I've never actually experienced the results of said bonus time, but it sounds nice enough. I wonder what it does? If anybody happens to know, please be kind enough to share. Thank you. Cheers, great online voyaging to you.
This event has re-triggered on 10/27/2023. As noted above, 24 runs for the final reward. Cheers; great online voyaging to you.
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