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Original Ship

  • Name
  • Required Skill
  • Description
  • Required Permit
      • Casting Net 8
      • 2
      • Strengthen the fish catch whilst at sea. Also increases the discovery of flotsam.
      • 1
        • Recreation Room 8
        • 3
        • Heighten the effect of musical performances and banquets at sea.
        • 1
          • Aide's Cabin 20
          • 7
          • Facilitates Aide's growth while sailing on the sea.
          • 2
                      • Improved Hold 23
                      • 8
                      • You will completely protect your trade goods from enemy plunder.
                      • 3
                        • Galley 14
                        • 5
                        • Raise the success of cooking and storage at sea. Ease food consumption and Fatigue.
                        • 2
                          • Workshop 24
                          • 7
                          • Raise the success of sewing, casting, and production of industrial arts, whilst at sea.
                          • 2
                                      • Heavy Bombing 31
                                      • 2
                                      • Reduce the speed of the enemy ship.
                                        Only effective for normal shot.
                                      • 1
                                        • Explosive Shell 14
                                        • 6
                                        • Create chaos aboard the enemy ship.
                                          Only effective for grape shot.
                                        • 1
                                                • Secret Blast 37
                                                • 3 4
                                                • Blow up the enemy ship's ammunition store during Melee Battles.
                                                  Higher performance than usual.
                                                • 1
                                                  • Set Fire 20
                                                  • 2 1
                                                  • Cause a major fire on the enemy ship by striking it when your own ship is on fire.
                                                  • 1
                                                      • Repair Support 24
                                                      • 3 2
                                                      • Increase restoration value of repairs for all allies during sea battle.
                                                      • 2
                                                          • Medical Support 7
                                                          • 7 7
                                                          • Increase the restoration rate from surgery during sea battle.
                                                          • 1
                                                              • Drainage Pump 9
                                                              • 3 3
                                                              • Stop leaks, regular and large, on your own ship.
                                                              • 1
                                                                    • Deck Barrier 95
                                                                    • 5 8
                                                                    • Increases the probability of
                                                                      evading in Deck Battles
                                                                      against enemy ships. Also
                                                                      gives a stronger advantage in
                                                                      Deck Battles.
                                                                    • 2

                                                                      View All Comments

                                                                      my goodness listen outside of battle turn performance doesn't mean much at all once you get past 10 or so. Turn performance does not increase max speed of a ship even a little bit, all it does is reduce how much speed you lose when you turn. Wave resistance is what you want for top-end speed. Armor is what you want for acceleration (it won't be much, but if you have extra slots it's something to think about)

                                                                      For this ship it is a crying shame if you don't have max sails because after all, this is one of the top end go-fast boats. If it's not max wr, max vert and max horizontal then what are you doing it for anyway?

                                                                      Donce this was not directed at you, just a couple of rather uninformed statements made in there mixed in with yours.

                                                                      like i said , its your style to play , every1 have different taste , i prefer more ts , u prefer more armour , its not very change anything

                                                                      I think I'll choose something in between :) little less TS, little more armour. I have LMS now, and I really hate the way it accelerates. So I'd like to have a ship with more armour.

                                                                      And last question - if I want top speed, I have to go for minimum cargo then improving, right?

                                                                      minimum cargo is more to acceleration....not top speed...top speed and acceleration is 2 different thing...

                                                                      Mei Hua
                                                                      adding armor thru Special Shipbuilding wont affect acceleration. Hullshape/size and the plates you wear will affect acceleration.

                                                                      Adding armor through improvement will only increase acceleration "Only for battles though"

                                                                      There is still debate over whether or not armor thru FS increases accell outside of battle. If it does, it's not much.

                                                                      It does, but u probably can't tell the difference if ur base armor is already quite high. Put 3 weathered cedar of a BTC or any slow trading ship with low armor and u'll see the +6 makes a fair difference.

                                                                      [Purification FleetA]"> [Purification FleetA]
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                                                                      I think there are some misconceptions about the effects of Turn/WR/Armor on speed and accel.

                                                                      Turn-The only thing it does for speed/accel is reduce the amount of speed you LOSE when you make a turn, of course this can be significant (1-2kts slowdown on a slight turn, 3-4kts on a severe turn) when travelling at high speeds.

                                                                      Wave Resist-This is a much misunderstood stat, what WR does is it allows a ship to overcome the cargo penalty vis-a-vis the zone speed boost. In other words, if you have ZERO cargo and ZERO provisions, WR means next to nothing because you will be able to achieve the max zone speed boost limit. Now HOW does WR work? Lets say you have 10% of your cargo filled, at 0 WR it means you will suffer the full penalty of 10% cargo reducing the zone boost (its not proportional but I'm not going to go into the maths here) Now let's say you have 20WR, that will allow you to overcome the 10% cargo penalty entirely and you will have room to spare (assuming all you needed was 7WR to overcome 10% cargo).

                                                                      Armor-This stat is popularly associated with accel, and despite some claims to the contrary, it DOES affect out of battle accel to a noticeable degree. The higher the base armor, the better the OoB (out of battle) accel. Plates however, makes a higher degree of difference to OoB accel than the equivalent base armor.

                                                                      So the question remains, what stat balance should one go for?

                                                                      That depends on your purpose. If you are a hardcore adventurer or just want a ship that will get you from London to Sakai in 45 days flat with NO cargo and NO provisions, then WR is kind of pointless, Turn and Armor should be maxed as much as possible.

                                                                      If you are into long haul ass journeys with supplies and cargo then Accel shouldn't matter so much to you than turn and WR.

                                                                      If you are a short hopper, Turn and Accel.

                                                                      Just a word to everyone who would sacrifice all their WR or turn for armor though....come 2nd age there will be a new ship upgrading system that will negate or lessen to a very great degree the advantage of having high armor accel (it's an innate ship ability known as acceleration I & II). If you asked me I would max my Turn/WR and just use the 2nd age innates for pure speed adventure ships. You can easily do that with some D-storms and an LS without needing to pay crazy money for an MLS and still have the same performance as one.

                                                                      So then CLS is good enough for those people who simply want more, and it's just 2 levels above the LS and costs only 3b compared to 8b for an MLS (there are some crazies who are paying 15b...or at least a reseller claiming that price for an MLS) but unless you feel that paying 12b MORE for a ship that will get you from london to sakai about 1-2mins faster than a CLS (or 14b more for a non-nc LS, which is 2-3mins slower?) is worth it, I would save the money. Since adv ships can do nothing else but go faster (slightly).

                                                                      Very good and professional comments, thank you.

                                                                      Karim Abdul
                                                                      How much is max improve for CLS?
                                                                      What is price of ticket, and what is price of max speed full upgraded CLS?
                                                                      Is thist "best buy" fast NC ship in game?
                                                                      Any sugestions for fast and relativly cheap NC ship for Nagasaki-EU trip?

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                                                                      for Nagasaki-EU CLMS would be better,because of cargo.The fastest ship is MLS,CLS requres 67 adv level.The price 2-3b for ticket and 4b+ for full mod

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                                                                      shouldn't more "armour" make the ship slower outside as it makes the ship heavier? o.o

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