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  • Custom Long Schooner 200
    A Long Schooner customized with
    improved wave resistance and turn speed.

    Build Original Ship
  • Base Performance
    Ship Hold info
    Sailing Requirements

    Studding Sail: 6, Broadside: 2
    Special Equipment: 2, Bow Turret: 0
    Extra Armouring: 3, Stern Turret: 0

    Optional Skill


              Range 495 ~ 825
              Effective Range 528 ~ 797
              Volume 660 (Custom Long Schooner Cabin 46 + Cannon Chambers 22 + Hold 592)

              Cabin: (50% or Sailors required 120%) ~ 150%
              Cannon Chambers: 50% ~ 150%
              Hold: Volume - Cabin - Cannon Chambers = Hold
              Custom Long Schooner Cabin: 33 ~ 69 Cannon Chambers: 11 ~ 33

              Range 825 - 33 - 11 = 781
              Effective Range 797 - 33 - 11 = 753

              The max level is 65

              On the Gama server it is

              umm. how is it possible to be lvl 67 adventure???

              Easy: play on an Asian server instead of the GAMA server.

              its not possible at the time being for the GAMA server

              Coming out soon and will beat MLS

              Wen zhi

              How does it beat MLS? 1ts, 2wr and 1armor higher but with 2 mods less, MLS is still better with lower req. Especially crucial since it's adv level which is hardest to grow in the 60s. Price should be cheaper than MLS, estimate is somewhere 4-6b ticket.

              need adv lv67
              any adventurer lv67+ already have their high spd sailing ship like MLS/CTC/CCC/CLC/FLC/LC

              if direct compare to LC/CTC...this ship have 6 upgrade compare to its normal non nc which have 5...LC have 4 upgrade and CTC have 5 upgrade

              +1 TR, +2 WR, +1 armor..teak panel out of the ticket and 6 upgrade(normal LS got 5 upgrade)...

              o well...this is not the most demand boat as getting adv 67 is pain in the arse...

              dont forget 4-6b ticket to 400-800m full mod non-nc

              This ship is well worth 7-8B so don't try to push the price down just because you noob...

              It needs lvl 67 adventure though.

              It has 6/6, but due to the ship level, it will require high SB rank for mod, and that means a lot of fails (in comparison to HSFCV mod).

              The stats looks relatively good.

              Fingers crossed for 7 to 8 billions. It is probably one of another shiny useless ships (reminding me of Custom Armoured Vaisseau).

              7-8b? goodluck sell it...

              Lol its the fastest guys...surely not a noob choice but fastest is fastest !

              Port Official
              ...fastest ship ride is not meant for noobs n that is probably a good thing.
              This ship ends up distinguishing boys from men that much is true !
              I figure 6-7B is a fair price for it I personally wouldn't pay more no matter how fast it is.

              anyone under lv67 adv WTB this ship are all resellers

              CLS is unlikely as fast as MLS fully modded... so it's not fastest, around 6b ticket is fair.

              Port Official
              Adventure ships are normaly faster than merch-types ships and i guess this is the one! the fastest ship in game, if modded right. MLS against this in a race would be fun to see!! This is high end ship, no noobs allowed.. Lol

              @Port Official MLS would have to be modded wrongly to be slower. Raw form at 0/X, yeah CLS is faster. But 8/8 vs 7/7, MLS should be be faster in general.

              It is possible to max sails and wave resistance on a CLS in only 6 improvements, with enough room left over to raise your turn performance and even add some armor if you want to. A properly modded CLS should be a tiny bit faster since it will have 2 more wr when maxed out.

              MLS is cheaper to mod and a lot more forgiving, but we're just talking about which one is faster, not which one is cheaper/easier.

              It's extremely to tell apart CLS from MLS. Since MLS is worth 16b+, CLS should be 12b+ due to its high level requirement and less number of improvements.

              um no. While a CLS can max out sails and wave resistance and _may_ even be faster than MLS, the level 67 adventurer requirement absolutely kills the market. Very few potential buyers relative to MLS which _may_ be slower, but it won't be by any real appreciable amount. So CLS start to pile up, they aren't going to sell for nearly as much. 7-8B would be more reasonable imo.

              Improved turn speed ,my ass

              almost ready for CLS
              First, i am not a reseller !!! i am only a few levels away from being able to use this boat. one more level and i will be in regular long schooner, which is cheap and fast as hell, and will be a point of pride for me to have made lvl 65 adventure.
              I would love to get CLS eventually, but am curious if this ship/ticket is really SELLING at 10bil+?
              I can understand the comparisons to MLS, and get why that lower level ship is 10-15bil or whatever, but it seems not many are anywhere near lvl 67. I mean i have been playing a year, got all adventure skills r10+, done many shipwrecks, and still not there. LOL
              SO, anyone care to sell this ticket for reasonable price? like 2-5bil like other good tickets.
              I know that all sellers want 2-3times a decent price, and all buyers want to only pay 1/2 price. but is 10bil+ REALLY what this ship is actually SELLING for? not asking price, but SOLD for 10bil?

              Junk 2 bil tops

              Junk cause you don't have enough adv lvl for it ;)

              I have seen this ship for 3b, the "problem" with this ship is not only the high adv level required, but the fact that at 6/6 mods . its hard to mod due to the High SB requirements for 65+ lvl ships (goes past r20) it as easy as you would mod a MLS. MLS is very expensive now because since its not on TB you depend on owners willing to sell. Regular MLS ticket price is 8b tops and Imho better because it goes 8/8.

              Dont forget this ship cant be used by aides. That alone is a major turn off to me.

              Li Yue
              Sakura and Lisa nailed it.

              Cons to CLS:

              No aide swapping for most people.
              2 less improves.
              Greater fail rate on those improves.
              Lvl req that limits appeal to veteran players (who already have fast ships).

              That all said, it's still going to be a VERY fast ship, almost as good as MLS, so for that niche of players that doesn't care about swapping it out with aide, and have the levels for it, it could still be a great choice for a "poor" player's MLS.

              I think it'll settle out at 2-3b ticket. Much more than that and you could as well get a CLC or something.

              Just think about this:

              HSFCV required battle lv 69--> only a small niche of elite players can use it--> HSFCV is 30b+

              If a CLS was a battle ship that argument might hold weight. adventurer and trade ships do not and will never command the same price as the battle boats.

              That's simply not true. MLS is worth more than all other battle ships than HSFCV and AV. and CLS is almost the same to MLS to elite players who have 6+ NC sails and 2 NC spankers. It is insane to say MLS is worth 16b+ on the one hand and CLS is only 2b on the other,in the absence of an elaboration of how on earth battle ships are superior to adv/trade ships and to what extent.

              I don't believe the number of players with lv 69 maritime is TWICE as much as the number of players with lv 67 adv. Anyone who denies this outright simply lack the sense of each level from lv 65

              Ming Mei
              Despite all the debate, from an adventurer's perspective, CLS and MLS are like twins. And CLS should be priced at 10-12b given that MLS is priced at 16-18b

              good luck selling in those price....well if someone is dumb enough to buy it at that price...well maybe...

              MLS and CLS maybe twins when it comes to ship stats but level requirement? You even know how many players that has lv67 adv or even past lv60? GOODLUCK selling these ship at that price.

              lol next you'll try to tell me a CTC is worth 5b
              oh , wait. you already have...

              I don't have to tell you why battle ships historically sell for more than adventurer or merchant ships. All I have to tell you is for years that is exactly what has happened.

              Unless an adventurer ship can be turned into a pirate's clipper chaser then it's just not worth as much. It has a lot to do with the fact that a true adventurer doesn't really care if it takes him 57 minutes to get wherever he's going instead of 55.

              Oh and maritime level 69 is much easier to get to than adventurer level 67, probably twice as easy in fact so yeah, there are probably twice as many level 69 maritimers as there are level 67 adventurers

              heheheh huhuhuhuhuhuh

              he said 69

              huh huhuhuhuhuhuhuh

              Well from a buyers perspective, I would not pay more than 3B for the CLS and not more than 7B for an MLS (both in tix). They are adventure ships whose main strength is speed and speed alone. The reason why battleships command like a 5-7x premium over adv ships and maybe a 2-3x premium over merch ships is because at the cutting edge top tier maritime fights, the slightest differences in ship strength (assuming absolute equal skill of the combatants and luck playing no factor) may spell the difference between victory and defeat....in battle it's an either or preposition; you win or you lose. In trading or adv the difference in scale is 50 extra cargo per trip or 4-5days of sailing.... no mutual exclusivity on the "I WIN" button. So trying to argue that "oh HSFCV is top tier and cost 30B so the CLS should be 20B" is just a seller trying to justify gouging.

              I have an RBTC with +25% cargo, I make london to Anping in approx 47-50 days when empty. I have a company mate who has an FLC with -25% and he makes London to Anping in approx 44-46 days when empty.

              That's a WHOOPING 3-4 extra mins of sailing!!!

              The FLC is same or very slightly faster than the MLS in tailwinds but slower in headwinds which means that an MLS will make the trip in about 42-45 days.

              That being said, anyone can claim any price they want, but if no one is gonna buy it for that price...that's all that is.... I'm more interested in SOLD price rather than ASKING prices.

              price Update of CLS is now 2 to 3b now dont get blind all new ppl

              Looking to sell one of these in ticket. Mail me at xPIRATEx

              Ming Mei
              3-4B sounds like a fair enough price to me, anything more will just be a ripoff

              First of all...MLS doesn't sell for 16b. I made a perfect one with max sails/turn/wave/armour, and sold it for 16b, so ever since then people have been trying to pass off their crappy builds and tickets for 16b. MLS ticket sells for about 10b. \

              CLS, as aforementioned, is a decent ship. Does it compare to a MLS? Not even close. Due to the level difference, the increased stats that CLS has will be overshadowed by the time the MLS hits 6/6. A 6/6 CLS should be approximately equal in speed to a 6/6 MLS. Since a MLS can go to 8/8, and has such low level reqs, it is a much more sought after ship.

              CLMS only sells for 2-3b ticket, and I'd expect the same from CLS. Is CLS better than CLMS? Yes of course, but there is much less of a demand for them. After all, CLS is only marginally better than a LS.

              FLFS is a cargo ship forever, but its price has doubled from 8b to 16b. So is the market trend for MLS.

              Okay CLS will never be or at least should never be anywhere near as expensive as MLS, but can we stop with the 8/8 vs 6/6 comparison? If you will actually mock build a CLS you will find it can have maximum wave resistance, maximum vert and maximum horizontal and you will even have 2 or 3 spare FS slots to spare so that you can add some turn performance and/or armoring.

              This will give it a whopping two more wave resistance than mls with the same sail stats. It will not be much faster, but it should be faster nonetheless.

              Now remember I said that it isn't as expensive as mls nor should it be. I'd just like to see people make the argument without bringing up the 8/8 vs 6/6.

              If I want to put High Lookout as optional skill onto this ship, I have to use the same parts as for Long Schooner - High quality rigging and Mast top?

              A Long Schooner customized with improved wave resistance and turn speed.
              so..follow long schooner parts...

              Thanks for the answer :)

              I am trying to max sails, WR and TS of this ship and also want to have EA and High Lookout skill - but i can't do that. Maybe I need to sacrifice some TS? Like here FS ship no: 38678

              Cause if I also max TS, then I lack some vertical sails (FS ship no: 38679).

              why max turn speed? it just reduces speed lost when turning, anything over 10 when you are fully fitted with sails isn't necessary. better to put it in armor to increase accelleration than to waste it on extra TS

              Wen zhi
              Donce , take a look at this 38681

              TS mean alot if u want fast ship

              38681 is not good, cause I also need High Lookout skill. for that you need High quality rigging and Mast top, not Large mast.

              lol its just a mistake , and those parts have same stats lol

              oh its not same =.= let me remake it

              Take a look at this one. It has max sails, max WR, less TS, but some extra armour.

              38685 is the best i can make , just add some gun port and pray for GS on sail :P if its not , i can sure u won't die if u don't get max sails lol

              Mei Hua
              its your style , play the way u want , for me i would love to have a ship max ts , cause i really don't care about fast accel much

              Not good either :)
              I need to build a ship with 2 optional skills, EA and HL :) 38685 has none :) Well it can have EA if you move Antifouling paint to #1 improvment. But I also need High Lookout.

              =.= lol can u stop it >.<
              basically both parts of HL have the same stats , and i bet u smart enough to know the paint need to go on 1st mod , im just lazy =.=

              my goodness listen outside of battle turn performance doesn't mean much at all once you get past 10 or so. Turn performance does not increase max speed of a ship even a little bit, all it does is reduce how much speed you lose when you turn. Wave resistance is what you want for top-end speed. Armor is what you want for acceleration (it won't be much, but if you have extra slots it's something to think about)

              For this ship it is a crying shame if you don't have max sails because after all, this is one of the top end go-fast boats. If it's not max wr, max vert and max horizontal then what are you doing it for anyway?

              Donce this was not directed at you, just a couple of rather uninformed statements made in there mixed in with yours.

              like i said , its your style to play , every1 have different taste , i prefer more ts , u prefer more armour , its not very change anything

              I think I'll choose something in between :) little less TS, little more armour. I have LMS now, and I really hate the way it accelerates. So I'd like to have a ship with more armour.

              And last question - if I want top speed, I have to go for minimum cargo then improving, right?

              minimum cargo is more to acceleration....not top speed...top speed and acceleration is 2 different thing...

              Mei Hua
              adding armor thru Special Shipbuilding wont affect acceleration. Hullshape/size and the plates you wear will affect acceleration.

              Adding armor through improvement will only increase acceleration "Only for battles though"

              There is still debate over whether or not armor thru FS increases accell outside of battle. If it does, it's not much.

              It does, but u probably can't tell the difference if ur base armor is already quite high. Put 3 weathered cedar of a BTC or any slow trading ship with low armor and u'll see the +6 makes a fair difference.

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              I think there are some misconceptions about the effects of Turn/WR/Armor on speed and accel.

              Turn-The only thing it does for speed/accel is reduce the amount of speed you LOSE when you make a turn, of course this can be significant (1-2kts slowdown on a slight turn, 3-4kts on a severe turn) when travelling at high speeds.

              Wave Resist-This is a much misunderstood stat, what WR does is it allows a ship to overcome the cargo penalty vis-a-vis the zone speed boost. In other words, if you have ZERO cargo and ZERO provisions, WR means next to nothing because you will be able to achieve the max zone speed boost limit. Now HOW does WR work? Lets say you have 10% of your cargo filled, at 0 WR it means you will suffer the full penalty of 10% cargo reducing the zone boost (its not proportional but I'm not going to go into the maths here) Now let's say you have 20WR, that will allow you to overcome the 10% cargo penalty entirely and you will have room to spare (assuming all you needed was 7WR to overcome 10% cargo).

              Armor-This stat is popularly associated with accel, and despite some claims to the contrary, it DOES affect out of battle accel to a noticeable degree. The higher the base armor, the better the OoB (out of battle) accel. Plates however, makes a higher degree of difference to OoB accel than the equivalent base armor.

              So the question remains, what stat balance should one go for?

              That depends on your purpose. If you are a hardcore adventurer or just want a ship that will get you from London to Sakai in 45 days flat with NO cargo and NO provisions, then WR is kind of pointless, Turn and Armor should be maxed as much as possible.

              If you are into long haul ass journeys with supplies and cargo then Accel shouldn't matter so much to you than turn and WR.

              If you are a short hopper, Turn and Accel.

              Just a word to everyone who would sacrifice all their WR or turn for armor though....come 2nd age there will be a new ship upgrading system that will negate or lessen to a very great degree the advantage of having high armor accel (it's an innate ship ability known as acceleration I & II). If you asked me I would max my Turn/WR and just use the 2nd age innates for pure speed adventure ships. You can easily do that with some D-storms and an LS without needing to pay crazy money for an MLS and still have the same performance as one.

              So then CLS is good enough for those people who simply want more, and it's just 2 levels above the LS and costs only 3b compared to 8b for an MLS (there are some crazies who are paying 15b...or at least a reseller claiming that price for an MLS) but unless you feel that paying 12b MORE for a ship that will get you from london to sakai about 1-2mins faster than a CLS (or 14b more for a non-nc LS, which is 2-3mins slower?) is worth it, I would save the money. Since adv ships can do nothing else but go faster (slightly).

              Very good and professional comments, thank you.

              Karim Abdul
              How much is max improve for CLS?
              What is price of ticket, and what is price of max speed full upgraded CLS?
              Is thist "best buy" fast NC ship in game?
              Any sugestions for fast and relativly cheap NC ship for Nagasaki-EU trip?

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              for Nagasaki-EU CLMS would be better,because of cargo.The fastest ship is MLS,CLS requres 67 adv level.The price 2-3b for ticket and 4b+ for full mod

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              shouldn't more "armour" make the ship slower outside as it makes the ship heavier? o.o

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