Original Ship
High Lookout

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Wen zhi
You don't need both. With a high lookout there is no reason to use caution - you'll never get ambushed.

lol obviously you ain't got r15 caution or you would know you don't get ambushed at r15, but - if you had 'high lookout' why would you waste that extra skill slot by using 'caution'
if you have r10 'caution' you know you don't get ambushed often unless you port hop near coast

geez i got r10 caution, I ONLY USE IT NEAR COAST

do this skill take one of 3 skill slots ?


I have Navi 10 manage 5 and have this, I get attacked sailing around by NPC still :/

Defend against Ambush.......

ghost ship, bounty etc. etc. etc. Ambush!!! these attacks you cant see the npc before the battle, normal npc just give them a wider berth...

Caution-To guard against enemy at sea and not fall for an Ambush.
High Lookout-Defend against Ambush.

Mei Hua
Useless skill ,I get ambushed ,still ..

I have never been ambushed with this on a ship.
I think there is some confusion of what an ambush is. VISIBLE NPCs that attack you is NOT an ambush. An ambush occurs from an invisible NPC anywhere, such as the middle of the ocean. Caution and High Lookout only guard against this type of attack, not one by a visible NPC fleet.

confirmed, never ever ambushed with this skill

This skill work on aide ship?

Mei Hua
Vir Gis`12-04-2012
Confirmed by deckhand, it work
tested aide that have ship skill..still got ambush out of nowhere...deckhand might be wrong...

deckhand or belowdeckhand or abovehand.. they are humans.. AND IT DUN WORK WITH AIDE SHIP
Vir Gis`12-04-2012
my apologies for wrong info, I do believe much of Deckhand and it was wrong
the trust is it work ... but it only effect the aide ship , noone attacks aide ship :)
there is a simply rule for all aide ship which i just found out : they only effect your aide ship and totally useless with main ship ... fleet effect skills which believed that can effect main ship only work if aide ship show up in battle and still floating , not sicked

Hello, to attach High Lookout onto a Big Trade Clipper.
Will I need:
Original Ship Permit
Mast top x1
Carpentry tools x5
Telescope x1
Or Do I only need:
High Quality Rigging x1
Thank you.
Mast Top x1

OK, you see the BTC is in the list above, with just high quality rigging and mast top? That means you can add it as an Optional skill to that ship (or any in that list) with just those items.
The other way to do it is generally for ships that can't have it as an optional skill, so it's added as an Original Ship Skill, with an OSP and the other components. This method doesn't require SSIPs, but you can only add one skill to a BTC that way.
It's generally better to use the OSP option for skills not in the Optional Skill list for a given ship, since it expands the possibilities.

Xiao Wei
anyone got r15 caution to confirm the comments above ? i have this skill on my ship and i do see there's no ambush at sea , ever , but also i see when i pass through NPCs , especially in india , red sea , black sea , caribbean , they don't attack much , but if i turn on caution r10 on , they will attack me immediately , so im wondering what about r15 ?

Li Yue
There is a slight error with one of the comments above. Aide ship skills work in battle if the aide is called and remain active regardless of whether the aide is still afloat or sunk.
Fleet aide skills DO NOT work out of battle, so having high lookout on an aide ship while sailing will not prevent you from getting ambushed. Having adjutant room on your aide ship does nothing.

Li Yue
this one works in fleet too right?

Meng Meng
The effect works for everyone in fleet, whether you are admiral or not.

great info Meng Meng. i tried sailing without caution while in with a ship with HL following and havent been ambushed.
The point of this skill, if you are an adventurer or fast sailer, is that with this skill on your ship, instead of having caution active, u can use that skill slot for other usefull skills whilst sailing, ie surveying to get ur bearings or use navi, EA to make sure u go as fast as possible or frugality if u use that , or lookout, to scout for pirates etc....

Xiao Wei
well actually .... this skill might be useful if one's going to use EA/survey/frugality , me myself consider this skill is useless since i dont usually use survey unless i want to afk , frugality , nah high rank fishing will get u more fish than u can eat , lookout , nah call me crazy i'll just take my chances , i made a choice to get this skill when i built my ship and now i sail with one or 2 skill slots available all the time =.=
This skill becomes useless after you can have Ornament Effect "Reduce Incidence of Attacks". At rank 1 this effect can already avoid all surprise attacks and reduce a bit of the attacks from visible NPC
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