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your aide is right, maybe you just dont have enough space in your hold?

u need sufficient space in inventory and hold, as long as meet the navi/mgt requirement

recog no needed

I just put this skill on my Cruise Light Clipper. I have management R6 and Navigation R6. I've been sailing around with my ship but I only get "might find something near here" If I get close enough will it actually pick it up for me?

I had a friend who lost a Venecian paneling I hope I can pick that up haha.

Mei Hua
it picks stuff up randomly but dont forget you need space in your hold and if you get the prompts then drop yer sails and sweep around in the area...it will find it eventually

Whole bunch of wrong answers here. You need recognition to pick up the items. The skill detects the dropped items/cargo you need to hit recognition to pick it up - Tried tested and verified.

no you dont noob.

Christ, dont say its wrong info if youre too stupid to know the right info.

Flotsame automates recognition of the coean floor, you do not need recognition, it finds items automatically if you run over there vacinity. I've used it on tons of ships, I dont have recognition. You'd be surprised what you find.

so, you dont need recognition for this?

yes and no :) This skill will work without recognition, but it can sometimes (most of the time from my experience) say something like "you might find something here" and then u need recognition to actually pick it up. Hope it answers ur question. And yeah, u can find some pretty cool stuff

ok, thx :)

So, to clarify things:

1. you can find stuff on the sea with recognition skill.
2. if you have Flotsam search on your ship, you will no longer need to use recognition, it will find things automatically.

This skill is for finding items without recognition the same as High lookout is to protect you from ambush without the need of Caution.

doesnt work with aide ship at all , almost waste one fashion and 3 master cannon 16s of me ...

fashion hair

Pretty fun skill to have :P

This skill awesome, especially if you aren't a dungeoneer and sail, I've found a venetian military paneling with it.

Meng Meng
Only works if you're in Garbage Picker job.

What about Geography quests/maps? Anyone had this complete the quest for ya?

It hasn't for me yet, but I think its only items/trade goods that this thing can get, not discovery. ^^

this skill is not allow on BTC unless original ship skill?

If the ship skill is not listed on there, it cant be obtained for it other then original ship skill.

And just to confirm, you do NOT need recognition for this to work; it works and picks up stuff automatically as long as you have space in your inventory. Most of the stuff ive gotten with this are low durability equipment, R 2-3 maps, and trade goods. But once in a while you can pick up something really nice. I picked up a god cannon (Bow carronade with 800 power) with full durability in the area around Jakarta one time. Why someone would throw that away is beyond me.

When someone loses a battle, some items can be plundered and some are "dropped" to the sea (happens if anyone lose against npc, players have oportunity to recover some lost items with recognition in the very same place where was defeated). Also can find dropped stuff caused by storms (it seems that there is a random chance of game duplicating some "rare" stuff that were in inventory during the storm). Thats why is possible to find valuable equipment,notjust because someone dropped that.
As note, this skills DONT replace recognition to find discoveries or treasures from maps and quests.

I added this skill onto my ship and I just want to clarify a few things.

In some cases you will automatically find items without the need to use Recognition. This ship skill makes it automatic, but... some items (and I assume it's your higher end items) won't get picked up automatically. A message will appear saying " It seems there is something near you " or " Something of high value is near you " then if you anchor and use Recognition you will pick up the item. I think that if you don't use Recognition you will have to sail over the same exact spot a few times and MAYYBE the ship skill will pick it up for you, but I highly doubt it... since I've tried and doesn't work - was only able to pick it up when I used Recognition.

So this ship skill picks up lower-end items automatically and then it lets you know if there is something of higher value where you are in the ocean, then you use Recognition to pick it up. I also doubt this skill will work on an aide ship so rather not waste a ship skill with this on your aide ship.

It's a nice skill if you want to pick up random stuff, but most stuff is junk that just fills up my inventory, so kind of regretting that I changed my OSP to this skill.

Whoever said this is spewing nothing more than pure bs.
I used to have this skill on my old BTC and I found a venetian panneling once and 3 charms of divine retribution that you recieve from nanban as a gift. As well as countless cannons and carronades 16 and so a lot of junk items.

In essence this skill will pick up stuff every so often if you are at sea without the need for vigour.

Having Flotsam Search is the same as sailing with recognition constantly running. If you have used recognition to try and find items at sea you will at some point receive the "It seems there is something near you" message. All this means is the recognition skill failed to find the item. This is exactly the same as having search or ecological research or recognition give you this mission when your at a quest location. All it means is your in the right spot but just missed. If you stay there long enough and keep trying you should get the item. The benefit of using recognition in addition to Flotsam search is that you get two cracks at the random number generator to get a hit. Also if your natural recognition skill is higher than the Flotsam search (r10 I believe) your odds will of course improve.

It is true that some items are collected instantly, while some will trigger a notice prompting you to use recognition to obtain them. It is also true that the value of the items will always be random. So whether or not this skill is one that a player will want to acquire is just a matter of preference.

I remember sailing with a ship with this skill and getting koxinga papers and the book for casting 16-gun cannons , but that was it; it's a matter of preference just like visitor said.

I tend to view it as a lottery ticket. Mostly you get junk but every now and then you might score a real nice find. Probably my personal best was 200 master craftsmen carpentry tools. Note - this ship skill does add a +1 bonus to you recognition skill when at sea.

Ive had this skill on my BTC for over a year, with and without Recognition skill, and I can confirm that you don't need Recognition skill to pick up items regardless of their value. As long as you have the space for it it will automatically pick it up. HOWEVER... Recognition does make it easier to pick it up as you don't have to be over the exact spot, whereas you have to be if you don't have Recognition. I'm not sure though if rank determines how close you have to be to the area where it was dropped.

And yes... most of the stuff I picked up were junk items, typically equipment and cannons that were on the verge of breaking from low durability. But every once in awhile you can pick up some nice treasure. Here's a partial list of equipment I picked up over the months, all with full or close to full durability:

Flamberg with 100 attack
Gold Armor with 95 defense
Crimson Smuggler's Jacket
Gold helmet with 55 defense
Richard I armor.
Chain gloves

In my experience the best spots to look for dropped equipment (and if your feeling lucky) is around areas where there's several NPC pirates hanging around like around Carib, Red sea, West coast of Africa, south coast of India, and SEA.

That corresponds to what I have read and personal experience which is that when a player has an item plundered by an NPC the NPC drops the item in the sea at that spot. I have in fact recovered a sail I had lost by having it plundered by an NPC by staying in the same spot and using recognition to find it.

when some1 throws something into the sea, does it stay there till the end of time or does it disappear after a set time limit?

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