Mast Top
Place to stand atop the mast.
Light Standard Heavy
Shipbuilding/Mast top

Make mast top

Make a place to stand atop the mast.
Obtained Info
Genoa - Shipwright(Town's mans Recipe)

+5 ~ +15 Vertical Sail
+5 ~ +15 Horizontal Sail

price check

Meng Meng
dont buy for more than 10m

mast tops have always sold for about 2x the price of a "regular" ship part. Telescopes are a pain to get ahold of.

I agree with Naoyasu
Telescopes are hard to be found
You can't even cast them >.
Took around 10-15 minutes of search, easier then finding people at sea.

Meng Meng
10-25 minutes of search, but search where? and where are they made? same place? no. If i don't like paying 2x price of the "normal" ship parts (which also take time to make) then i can and have made them myself. Most of the time however I eat a few extra million for the convenience and move on. Telling somebody not to pay any more for them than say a large mast however isn't going to go well for anybody because you just don't find them (often) for that price.

Wen zhi
Search r4, London church near bank behind the altar telescope could be found in 5 minutes.

Lol, telescopes are easy to find. Just look at the corresponding page, you can even get it with r2 search, at many places around the mediterranean.
If anything is driving up the prices of this, it has to be the processed lumber (the closest to mediterranean is carribean to make it) or the improved rope (but it's a dungeon drop from bordeaux).
Of course if you don't have search and you are in a hurry, you are ready to pay extra. But it applies to every ship part, not just to this one.

Mei Hua
Don't argue with me, argue with the price of the part for the last 2 years. Always 2x normal parts price. processed lumber very easy to get via book, improved rope same thing or bordeaux, no shortage of either of those. The telescope is the bugaboo, takes a while to get one.

lol , that p.lumber book is rare and people is selling them at 100m , and to beat bordeaux you need an average level of land battle ,not all handicrafters ( manny of them are traders) rank land battle; still the rank for this is not that high so prices shouldn't really be that high

Okay clearly the entire game needs to hear your argument cause they've been selling them for completely the wrong price for years now. You would be surprised at how many people have the processed lumber book and there is no short supply of improved ropes. They are everywhere. If the problem was processed lumber or improved ropes then the other parts that require those would also cost twice as much, but they don't. Kinda done with this argument honestly 'cause it's about to devolve into a pissing match, I can feel it coming.

just buy them if you see the price you wish period
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