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Halve Maen
A large carrack constructed by The
Netherlands for expansion in North America.

Build Original Ship
Base Performance
Ship Hold info
Sailing Requirements
Studding Sail: 3, Broadside: 4
Special Equipment: 2, Bow Turret: 0
Extra Armouring: 3, Stern Turret: 1
Optional Skill
Range 483 ~ 806
Effective Range 516 ~ 779
Volume 645 (Halve Maen Cabin 92 + Cannon Chambers 64 + Hold 489)
Cabin: (50% or Sailors required 120%) ~ 150%
Cannon Chambers: 50% ~ 150%
Hold: Volume - Cabin - Cannon Chambers = Hold
Halve Maen Cabin: 46 ~ 138 Cannon Chambers: 32 ~ 96
Range 806 - 46 - 32 = 728
Effective Range 779 - 46 - 32 = 701
so..this is the new adv ship in chapter 3 gran atlas eh?
sails 250/220
dura 700
turn 10
wave 10
armor 25
sailor 92
cannon chamber 64
cargo 483
my guess is 3 studding sails...if look at santa maria..
Emergency acceleration
High lookout
Hauling assistance
casting net
flotsam search
wind-resistant mast
I cant believe this ship is the newest and has the 3rd highest lvl of all adv ships.
It doesnt look anything special and is obviously outperformed by some of lower adv ships. Large cabin and Hauling Assistance are nice for salvage but H.A. can be put to any ship via ship rebuild.
Yeah, I got the impression this would do best as solely a salvage ship. For that purpose, this ship isn't that bad. For simply cruising, trading, or even maritime, I wouldn't recommend this ship, just by looking at the stats...
Yes its stats dont really look that great. Im likely to recommend to anyone to wait 2 more levels until you can sail the
Cruise High Clipper, a far superior adventure/general purpose ship.
Anyone know how many mod slots this has? If it's more than 5, it might redeem itself a bit...
Seems like 5 to me, based on this:
But further investigation wouldn't be a bad idea. I plan to get one regardless; I always did have a soft spot for underdogs.
3 studding sails. 4 broadsides.
Emergency acceleration
high lookout
towing assist
casting net
flotsam search
wind resist mast
So, has anyone built this ship yet? :P
Identified in-game as the Halve Maen, it can be built in Antwerp. It costs 15,860,000 ducats, requires R18 Shipbuilding skill and
Large 2-decked Hull, and takes 39 minutes to be completed. Investment is required, but I cannot tell how much.
If you could give some details on how it fairs vs. other ships of its kind, that'd be great.
It is my hope that insight into all three of the newly released Chapter 3 ships will soon be disclosed by GAMA's shipbuilding experts; I, sadly, have no further insights to offer at this time.
The Custom Halve Maen (As it's officially called) has been added in this week's Bottle. Only difference between the astro and non-astro versions so far appears to be that the Custom Halve Maen has 265 vert, 285 hor, and 725 dura. Not that big of a difference...
Did you notice that the names for these ships were fixed recently? Same goes for
Soleil Royal,
Prins Willem, as well as some skills like
Astronomy etc? Is ivyro finally being updated? :)

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]02-28-2018
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This is welcome news indeed, and a big thank you to the administer(s) for fixing the names. But there's still a lot more work to be done, namely adding in new content such as new quests, new ships, etc to the database. I still wouldn't get your hopes high for it, but it is a step in the right direction.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-01-2018
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is this ship fast enough to consider it for shipwreck hunt, or should i stick to a Cruise high clipper for shipwreck hunting ship?
get a Snow Squall
I personally use a
Heavy Windjammer for mine due to its large cargo hold, higher then average durability to sail through arctic waters, relatively fast (for a trade ship this is), and can be modded to carry a large amount of crew. But I dont think theres really any "right" prefect specific ship to use for shipwreck hunting. It really depends on what you want, and what you prioritize more.
Everyone has their preferences. I like to run aide ships as salvage ships, and it has been a
Refitted Large Galleon for years now.
I use a Custom Halve Maen, and it works really great for me. In the end, all you truly need is a ship with good speed, high crew, and maaaaaaybe the Haul Assist skill to make your life a little easier. Unless you don't want it for some reason. :)
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