Original Ship
- Name
- Required Skill
- Description
- Required Permit
Casting Net 8
2 - Strengthen the fish catch whilst at sea. Also increases the discovery of flotsam.
- 1
Recreation Room 8
3 - Heighten the effect of musical performances and banquets at sea.
- 1
Aide's Cabin 20
7 - Facilitates Aide's growth while sailing on the sea.
- 2
Sail Sewing Skill 13
10 - Automate sail repair. Lessen damage to sails during battle.
- 1
Improved Hold 23
8 - You will completely protect your trade goods from enemy plunder.
- 3
Galley 14
5 - Raise the success of cooking and storage at sea. Ease food consumption and Fatigue.
- 2
Workshop 24
7 - Raise the success of sewing, casting, and production of industrial arts, whilst at sea.
- 2
Heavy Bombing 31
2 - Reduce the speed of the enemy ship.
Only effective for normal shot.
- 1
Explosive Shell 14
6 - Create chaos aboard the enemy ship.
Only effective for grape shot.
- 1
Special Smoke Bomb 18
10 - Stop skills in use by the enemy.
Only effective for smoke bombs.
- 1
Intensive Charge 22
5 - Increases load speed by 50% when sails are being folded.
- 1
Demolition Work 10
2 - Cause damage to the enemy ship after Melee Battle, depending on the number of crew in the raid.
- 2
Secret Blast 37
4 - Blow up the enemy ship's ammunition store during Melee Battles.
Higher performance than usual.
- 1
Set Fire 20
1 - Cause a major fire on the enemy ship by striking it when your own ship is on fire.
- 1
Repair Support 24
2 - Increase restoration value of repairs for all allies during sea battle.
- 2
Medical Support 7
7 - Increase the restoration rate from surgery during sea battle.
- 1
Drainage Pump 9
3 - Stop leaks, regular and large, on your own ship.
- 1
Sea Mine Search 16
6 - Automate detection of enemy sea mines during battle.
- 2
Deck Barrier 95
8 - Increases the probability of
evading in Deck Battles
against enemy ships. Also
gives a stronger advantage in
Deck Battles.
- 2
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Can someone tell me how special shipbuilding works and whether it can be done without NC?

Ming Mei
well special shipbuilding works that you collect Hull required then sail Gunport, then 2 other parts usually the parts you want for mod

if you require more help for the above post message me Wolfffy in game

and if you feel like grinding IQ's forever and a day can do special shipbuilding without NC

You can't get special shipbuilding improvement permits without NC. Patriot awards only give original shipbuilding permits. You could make a 1/5 Heavy frigate with 2 skills without NC, but that's it.

@ Natascha
you only need grind IQ for about 8 hours to get 240PA , 2.5 days and you have enough PA for 3 x OS permits not forever really is it

Okay fine, but you can't put 3 original skills on a ship. You might want to actually know how shipbuilding works before you go popping off.

Heavy Frigate 1/5
General Medium Square + Modified Standard Gunport + Set of Repair Tools + Mast Top + Medium 3 Decked Hull
How much would a sb sell for this^ ?
If the price is right, I'm willing to buy one. Thank You.

And who do you think wants to do the same quest for 2.5 days just to add some skills? If anybody ever did want to then they obiously have too much time on their hands and should try opening the door to th outside world for once

Peace Misun, calm down, its not ethical to rage on anonymous people just because you think that you are right. Think about it carefully, there are different kind of people who varies to their ways. You actually need to go outside to cool off!
Oh and you do know that this game doesn't require too much attention while sailing right? Unless you are a newbie and oblivious to most of the things at the moment.
So please just calm your mind and don't let hatred overtake your emotion as you are basically destroying someone else's motivation to continue living.

if you have the permits for it..can u stack say turn on a ship 4-5 tims..or wave res. on say a galley

Is it possible for me to add, say a large gaff sail + special high explosives & still get the skill?
yes..but use medium gaff sails instead of large since this is medium/standard ship..

When building, can you use a laten sail? Or does gaff and square work only?

This ship is for noobs.

this is a standard class ship, so any part that is useable on a standard class ship can be used.

When the god cannon problem was at its worst was it GM_Neume or GM_Para that said: "players who threaten to quit would've quit anyway so their feedback will not be heard"?

It was GM_Neume who obviously isn't a very intelligent person.

The reply from Neume was sound and reasonable. The unintelligent person here is people like you @holfina and @lancelot who doesn't know how to read.
He said it does the game no good when people stomp and cry to demand change but give the impression of leaving anyways. Because there's nothing more useless than changing something for someone who isn't going to stay anyways, so they focus more on level minded people who are just not having temper tantrums and actually have some legitimate idea to put on the table that can apply for all.

Sonia is either Bravehart or Truehart

@Sakura neither. But you're probably one of those forum whiners who can't get it your way so you whine like a gold digger who can't get a cent out of her sugar daddy.
don't be that kind of woman bro

It wasn't either Bravehart or Truehart. It was another sound minded level
headed person. Of which there are Many in the game, however they are usually silent in public view. Bravehart and Truehart won't be intimidated
by trolls, haters, or constantly negative people. Rest assured that anything we post here Will have our name on it. Now that you bring our names into an entirely different site. Would appreciate your name too, since you are so vocal about our names.

And since I already predict false postings with mine and Truehart's name
"attached", I would warn the trolls ahead of time about impersonation.

I think the vast majority of those who dislike God Cannons haven't threatened to quit. Quite the contrary, I think many are reasonable people who simply see a glaring imbalance in the game and are trying to get it fixed.
I think that SOME people like to call the ones who would like to see the imbalance fixed as "whiners", while stating that they have, and earned tools from ESF and feel that they should be allowed to keep them. The problem here is that these people are speaking up with little actual knowledge of the tools. The ESF tools that people have earned can only bring cannons up to 1616. However, the bought tools bring cannons up to 2500. Comparing the two is like comparing a standard house cat to a lion.

Durrrrrrrrrrrr the guy^ who is asking people to get a clue has no clue....>.>
Have you EVER gotten an ESF tool? no? newsflash, its EXACTLY THE SAME FREAKING ITEM AS THE ONES YOU CAN BUY WITH NC.
End of Newsflash
Sorry to break it for you guys, but Braveheart and Trueheart, you are the 2 biggest GM ass lickers in the game. You two post on forums about god guns and pvp and BC, and yet, you never go there. Do you have Marechal title? Did you ever experience god guns? Do you have cassador title? I know I'm a troll and that you two will probably make a post on forums about "Database trolls" and keep licking GM's ass. Cheers, Spy, - proud member of NOTC

Erda, or whomever. No, they are NOT. Try using your ESF tools. Mine can't get my cannons above 1616. But, the NC Tools that were bought can get them up to 2500. Yet another person speaking with no actual first hand knowledge.

WTB in Seville

Heavy Frigate or large frigate? I want the heavy frigate but I want the smoke shot skill from the large

Can I get a price check on a well modded Heavy Frigate with Improved gun port, intensive charge and special smoke bomb
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