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  • Sea of Wonders
    Sea of Wonders
    Sea of Wonders
    Sea of Wonders

Regarding the time limit. If you do it solo, you will get 45 Minutes. If you do with someone up to full fleet, you will get 30 Minutes (regardless how many toon in your fleet).

Regarding the maps, other than 4 you mentioned above..
8-shaped map or (the EASIEST one, because the paths are really easy to navigate, but still be careful maneuvering in top-left because the objects are kinda blocking a path)
Not all Coral Reefs are same, there is the most notable one with the top path being really narrow, so narrow you will going to have bad time to navigating it. Even worse, since the chests are the end of that passage, you will have to sail all the way again to the exit unless your fleet member is already in the star position.
Another version of Coral Reef is the one with snakey-like passage in southwest of the map. I suggest to not using that passage and just go to center because usually the chests are located in the end of that passage.

About the usage of Amulet of the Sun, when i got ambushed, there's still an option to use it, but it gives very small damage to 'Ghost Ship' fleet but okay damage to 'Ancient Galley' fleet. Not sure if it works with 'Satisfaction' fleet. But yes tributes will not work.

If you somehow got defeated by the fleet, your ship durability (not the ship maximum dura) and crew will be restored, but you will back to your previous spawn location, so that's pretty annoying considering all the trouble to sailing through the narrow paths and chests. I don't know if you can get plundered, but it won't take much time for you to get shipwrecked because the fleet keeps attacking you with cannon.

CaliCaddy46 said if someone in your fleet gets DC (2::2 issue), the toon will get kicked but still getting the loot somehow from the current map (but not for next map). Not sure if this is a bug, but just nice info considering how badly you get DCs here.

Lastly, about the production recipe, it is possible to conserve the materials (if you have refined production skill, or getting Boston skill that conserve materials. Actually both stack together anyway.) especially for the Strange Sail/Cannon/Armouring so you might need less exploring if you aim for making something.

you don't get anything from plundering or killing fleets in SOW as I've experienced. I spent 15 mins on a fleet, didnt get anything, not even ducats. Killed the fleet and only got XP, nothing else. Maybe in chapter 2 things will be different.

I don't know if anyone have this before, but after a lot of running Sea of Wonders, there appears to be a different map that features green-ish fog instead purple fog, making you able to see further than before. Also, the map features chests far more than chests in any map. The loots are amazing too. First time getting this one after so many runs.

Unfortunately, i don't have many time left to get all the chests, as my fleet members got disconnected and kicked out from Sea of Wonders. Now, i wonder if that map has actual meaning..

There is a minor information about Sea of Wonders. If you are in waiting for building/modding/adding skill ship and going to Sea of Wonders hoping the ship would be done in time, sadly, the time you spend on Sea of Wonders will be different time (albeit it still adds to the cooldown time) and will not count the time for building/modding/adding skill ship.

Let's say you need to wait 40 days for a ship to be done, and during the wait, you decide to go explore with friends to Sea of Wonders. That would roughly takes 25~30 minutes to finish exploring right. You assumption is the remaining days of ship progress should be 15~20 days left, but nope. It will stays 40 days (considering you are already in Alexandria when it still 40 days, if not, then the sailing time from where you are before entering Sea of Wonders will still count to ship waiting time)

Want to link others to this guide? Here's a nice short URL:


Just in case that might help. Cheers.

Today i encountered again, the "rare green fog map" i previously mentioned it before above this section (seems at 1st April, but i'm honest! it's not April Fools joke as i can provided a lot of screenshots if anyone interested), so this is my 2nd encounter and from what i learned so far :

1. I can't really guarantee this is always the pattern of the rare green fog map, but from my 2 runs, the patterns are :

(starts with) Coral Reef map -> Mushroom map -> Green Fog Map

2. Unlike the other map, Green Fog map has numerous i'd say 3x number of chests scattered around the map. The chests apparently have same drop as other map, but you will always get 2x quantity. So there's chance you get nothing, and chance you get anything but always 2x.

3. Even the map has no narrow, hard passage path to navigate, Green Fog map is wide, and i mean it. If you have decent ship speed or with full fleet i can assure you might need around 10 min to take all the chests and explore the entire map.

4. Apparently there is no enemy NPCs wandering around in this map, so it's safe for you and your fleet members to explore without worrying being ambushed. There is no annoying aqueduct that might block your path so it's easy to navigate, just need faster ship because the wide of the map.

5. There is not much any special thing to get here, so it's just like normal map but with more chests. I'd consider it.. 'Bonus Level' of SoW

After you reach the star, it will transport you to the lighthouse which ended your exploration. About the chance.. from what i experienced it might be every 50 SoW runs you can encounter one, but i'm not sure.



Carry on then.

Just visiting for a short moment...

guilder wrote '2-J. To quote Alrn: "I don't know if anyone have this before, but after a lot of running Sea of Wonders, there appears to be a different map that features green-ish fog instead purple fog, making you able to see further than before. Also, the map features chests far more than chests in any map. The loots are amazing too. First time getting this one after so many runs.

Unfortunately, i don't have many time left to get all the chests, as my fleet members got disconnected and kicked out from Sea of Wonders. Now, i wonder if that map has actual meaning.."'

Apparently for the first time, KOEI shows the appearance of green rare mysterious waters in Chapter 3 [Cetus]'s World guide but now there is gonna be actual meaning in that new update.. see guilder's link for reference. (pardon my broken keyboard lol)

Welcome to the Sea of Wonders quickie guide, Chapter 1 revised edition. Pardon any mistakes, and please contribute if you can. As you know, Chapter 1 of Lost Memories brings us this fabulous new zone. Here are some basics.

1. Beginning Steps

You will need the following:

1-A. Indian Ocean port permit (at minimum; some of the 1-C possible steps require port permit of W. Coast of Latin America or East Asia)

1-B. Completion of a national story chapter depending on your nation. This step can actually be put off until later; I'm told it's more to do with opening the Mina / Wonder Seekers storyline and thus is NOT really necessary to access the Sea of Wonders. (If that's wrong, please do mention it in a reply below.) But just to be safe, the nation chapters are:

England: Chapter 11 -- "A Weakened Navy" completed
Portugal: Chapter 8 "A Letter to the North Sea" begun
Spain: Chapter 5 "17 Long Years Ago" completed
The Netherlands: Chapter 8 "Increasing the Pressure" completed
France: Chapter 5 "The Devil's Shadow" completed ("Non-war allowed")
Venice: Chapter 7 "An Ostentatious Banquet" completed
Ottoman: None. Because no national storyline for you!

1-C. To complete a specific Treasure Hunt relic quest. The correct ones are:

Shining Hill - El Dorado #1 (but this TH theme is impossible to access in Maris server at the time of my comment/guide)
Treasure Legends - El Dorado #2 (Appraisal R14 Recognition R10 Search R12) -- 20* clue to relic
The Lost City - Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Archaeology R13 Appraisal R9 Search R11) -- 20* clue to relic
A Mysterious Land of the East - Peach Blossom Spring (Appraisal R14 Search R12 Chinese language) -- 19* clue to relic

Remember you really only need the 3rd skill listed to accept a quest if -- and I stress the word 'if' -- you can fleet with others doing the same TH who have the required ranks. Boost equips/translation items work for quest acceptance/completion if needed. Also, you only need ONE of the listed relics, not all of them, thankfully.

Once you've done all of that, take the following steps.

※ Talk to Port Official (in any major capital player city, it doesn't necessarily have to be your nation's; even Stockholm, St. Petersburg and Genoa will work) -- doing so triggers a cutscene with Ibn and Mina.
※ Talk to Ibn in Alexandria twice -- he's not far from the Harbor entrance; when looking for him, keep in mind players will often be hanging out around him.
※ Go and (in any order) talk twice with the following NPCs:
Artisan looking man in Tunis, by the bank
Young Merchant in Naples, close to the Gatekeeper
Middle-aged Man in Cairo, next to the item shop
※ Talk to Ibn in Alexandria again, once.

At this stage, the entry point to the Sea of Wonders should appear northwest of Alexandria. Look for a swirling blue cloud, similar to the large cloudbank found at the entrance to Atlantis (if you've ever seen it). Click on that, and your adventure in the Sea of Wonders will finally begin...

2. Mysterious Waters Pt. I - Alexandria Edition

The seas are a mysterious place indeed, but none quite like this fabled realm. The Sea of Wonders is like a water-bound dungeon -- there are treasure boxes to loot, enemies roaming about, multiple floors, and oh yes, a timer. While in the Sea of Wonders:

※ Consumption of Water/Food and decrease of Equipment Durability will not occur.
※ Consumption of coal for Clermont steam ships will still occur (thanks to Bonita for that tip).
※ Aides can still gain trust while inside the Sea of Wonders, just as they would normally do so outside from sailing. The 30-days-at-sea rule counts even when inside the Sea of Wonders.
※ Aide captains and their ships will not accompany you into the Sea of Wonders, so you can't change ships with them (and likely cannot summon them into battle, not that you should probably be wasting time with combat in SoW as it is).
※ There is a button to exit the Sea of Wonders, located beneath your Use Item treasure box icon on the right-hand side of your screen. Try to avoid using this except in an emergency since re-entry to the Sea of Wonders can only be done every 3 real-life hours (discussed further on in the guide).
※ Per Alrn: "If you are in waiting for building/modding/adding skill ship and going to Sea of Wonders hoping the ship would be done in time, sadly, the time you spend on Sea of Wonders will be different time (albeit it still adds to the cooldown time) and will not count the time for building/modding/adding skill ship."

He goes on to elaborate:

"Let's say you need to wait 40 days for a ship to be done, and during the wait, you decide to go explore with friends to Sea of Wonders. That would roughly takes 25~30 minutes to finish exploring right. You assumption is the remaining days of ship progress should be 15~20 days left, but nope. It will stays 40 days (considering you are already in Alexandria when it still 40 days, if not, then the sailing time from where you are before entering Sea of Wonders will still count to ship waiting time)"

Kinda funny, given the Aide trust rule. You are thus informed of the basics concerning the Sea of Wonders, or SoW. On to the major key points:

2-A. You have a set period of time to explore and conquer the Sea of Wonders before being kicked out -- 45 real life minutes if you enter solo, or 30 real life minutes in a fleet of 2 or more. The timer located at the top-center of your screen helps you track how long you have left.
2-B. You and your fleet members (if any) will be set at randomly generated positions on each level. So while 5 of you may enter the Sea of Wonders in a fancy 'V' formation, you'll each appear at different points on the map each time you move to the next level -- I suggest using party chat to coordinate and report your locations to one another while treating the Survey map as a compass, with four cardinal directions of North-South-East-West. Beginning with Chapter 2: Colossus, you will apparently be able to see fellow fleet members (if any) indicated on your Survey map, making it easier to gauge their positions and yours.
2-C. Surveying skill is essential to surviving in here and finding your way around, so be sure you have that, or an item which mimics it. The actual skill is probably better since higher ranks mean it won't wear out as quickly.
2-D. On the Surveying map, you will see icons. Their legend is as follows:

※ Red treasure chest icon -- Mysterious Objects, which contain treasure. They're covered under 2-F.
※ Star icon -- this is the exit to the current level. This changes locations every run, so don't expect it to always be where you recall seeing it last time.

Someday in a future release, icons will be tweaked slightly. But for now, that's all you need to know. An important note about the exit is that any member of your fleet can activate it. It only takes a single inspection to confirm activation, so it's advised to have one member of your fleet camp by the exit and wait for when the rest of your fleet has collected as much treasure as you can to speed up transition to the next level. Speaking of speed, your ship's current sailing speed will carry over to the next level so be try to avoid sitting still if you're about to progress by inspecting the exit. Additionally, it is impossible to proceed if any member of your fleet is caught in a sea battle with the roaming NPC fleets, who we will discuss next.

2-E. Caution/High Lookout skills are not needed to avoid invisible enemy ambushes as there are none. Visible enemies are another story as three types of NPC ships can be found, and you often can't see them waiting in the fog until you're already in battle range. They are:

※ Wanderer -- -- x5 Ghost Ship-type ship; being ghosts, magic items like Amulet of the Sun will do little damage.
※ Assailant -- x5 Ancient Galley-type ship; reportedly AoS does okay damage to them as they are not ghosts.
※ Plunderers -- x5 Satisfaction-type ship; AoS is thought to do okay damage to them as they are not ghosts.

MarcoS has reported no item/trade good/ducat plunder from one of these fleets, and JP-wiki shows no drops from them either. Alrn reports: "If you somehow got defeated by the fleet, your ship durability (not the ship maximum dura) and crew will be restored, but you will back to your previous spawn location, so that's pretty annoying considering all the trouble to sailing through the narrow paths and chests. I don't know if you can get plundered, but it won't take much time for you to get shipwrecked because the fleet keeps attacking you with cannon." Troublingly, blue-flag no-attack items are said to not work while in SoW, and Ceasefire/Tribute items will not cancel the battle with any of the above fleets either. Pay very close attention to your surroundings and try to avoid these hinderances as best you can. Lookout skill can be useful in spotting the NPC fleets from a distance as their names will appear much sooner, making it easier to see and navigate around them accordingly.

2-F. Treasure box icons appear on your map. These are Mysterious Objects which represent, surprise surprise, treasure. They may appear as anything from sunken towers, to rotted titan statues, to shipwrecks -- get close enough and you can click on them to open said boxes for neat items. The most annoying Object you will deal with is the Aqueduct, which is very difficult to navigate around and can sometimes take multiple tries to open. Available drops from Mysterious Objects are:

Broken Cannon
Ripped Sails
Broken Armour
Weathered Cannon
Weathered Sail
Weathered Armour
Strange Cannon
Strange Sail
Strange Armouring
Paper Fragment with a Tower

Arguably one of the best rewards is the Paper Fragment, which can later be turned in to Ibn for very nice (but random) rewards detailed under its article page. The Strange item series are also sought after as they can be used to create very powerful ship equipment. Be careful though; sometimes Objects will spawn just outside of your sailing range, and certain ones can be difficult to get close to without becoming stuck.

2-G. Access to the next level is designated by a star icon on the map and appears as a random landmark emitting a radiant aura about it. By clicking on the exit landmark ONCE, you will be moved to the next level without even being asked if you're certain you wish to proceed or not. Any fleet member may activate the exit landmark, not only the fleet admiral, so if you have friends along consider having one of them wait close by the exit landmark so that after you're finished raiding boxes in the area, they may activate it for speedy access to the next floor.

2-H. Entry to the Sea of Wonders can only be done once every 3 real life hours. You will exit automatically when:

※ The timer hits zero.
※ You clear all three levels and go on to make a certain discovery (detailed in section 3).
※ You suffer a 2:2 disconnect error -- a pretty common occurrence on Maris server.

Sadly, this 3-hour cooldown rule applies absolutely and cannot be overidden regardless of how you find yourself exiting the Sea of Wonders, barring the use of a special item not yet released in Maris called Feather Broom of the Wonder Map which seems to have an effect of Sea of Wonders Benefit -- pretty sure this was a special event item in JP servers, so who knows if and when it'll ever appear on Maris.

2-I. On exiting the Sea of Wonders normally, you run the risk of being ambushed if Caution/High Lookout skills are not active. A pet with Area Caution or equipping the Holy Water Sprinkler weapon can act as a replacement for either of those skills if needed. The enemies that appear in the East Mediterranean sea zone tend to be rowboats; they're not very strong compared to most players and can be beaten through melee/cannon/AoS spam or bought off with Tribute items for NPCs. This doesn't appear to be related to exploring SoW as there are no special pop-ups discussing it, and they didn't always appear for fleets I was in, either.

2-J. Funny thing: it is fully possible to fleet with and be escorted into the Sea of Wonders by those who have already unlocked it, even if you have not yet met the requirements yourself. This means anyone can enter regardless of their Sea of Wonders access completion status. This is not an exploit as you'll soon see in a section further down since many features remain sealed apart from being able to report the SoW discovery to Ibn.

2-K. Finally, we come to the ever-changing nature of the Sea of Wonders. You will explore and advance through three different levels, drawn from a specific pool of pre-rendered maps.

Maps are selected at random. Their difficulty ranges from easy to DOOM. I know of nine maps currently and will describe them as best I can, with Survey map screenshots to help give you a better idea of what they look like. (Note: In the case of some maps, I had to take multiple screenshots and put them together to form the full map, so please excuse any oddities like two exit landmarks or the like.)

Sea Dragon -- imgur.com/5ObQVpC
This small map is shaped like a sea serpent, and relatively easy to navigate. The only challenge comes when the exit landmark spawns inside the serpent's "tail" region on the western side of the map; you can enter there, but it's a very tight passage so be ready to turn often. Sometimes I've also had Mysterious Objects spawn just outside of my reach on this map and get forcibly turned back by the game, meaning they're unobtainable. If this happens, ignore them and move on.

Mushroom -- imgur.com/fnhF9FU
This map is shaped just like a giant mushroom (think Super Mario if that helps) which almost completely fits on your Survey map. The passages are mostly easy to navigate, so you shouldn't have too much trouble here. Just remember to watch out for NPC fleets who like to lurk around corners in the fog.

Lobster -- imgur.com/k5WkUf8
As the name implies, this map is shaped like a massive lobster. Very often Mysterious Objects will spawn in and around its various "claws", "legs" and "antennae", the cramped quarters of which can make speedy navigation difficult. The size of the landmass also takes a good amount of time to circumnavigate as well, depending on the placement of the exit. It's certainly not the worst SoW map, but neither is it the easiest either.

Lemniscate -- imgur.com/t51yYj2
An enclosed map shaped like that sideways infinity-8 thing, this is a pretty straightforward level and usually not too difficult to navigate. It's not particularly large compared to most other maps, which will cut down on sailing time as well.

Coral Reef -- imgur.com/nTh34q5
A moderately difficult enclosed map, reminiscent of a giant coral reef. It has some decent open spaces but there are quite a few extremely narrow passages with tight turns which are easy to run aground on, as well as a few dead-ends. Navigation will be difficult so stay sharp, and don't let your guard down for even a second.

Brain Coral -- imgur.com/9N3Pdum
A large enclosed map whose difficulty relies mainly on your starting point. Try to avoid the narrow corridors wherever possible and be ever vigilant of NPC fleets camped out in unusual places, like the NW dead-end (where lots of treasures usually spawn).

Byzantine-- imgur.com/xNcxcNL
Another enclosed map, and a fairly annoying one to navigate as it consists almost entirely of absurdly narrow passages. I'd call it the worst map of the bunch, but that dubious honor instead belongs to...

The Labyrinth -- imgur.com/XNq0Mp8
Also known as the "Circle of Doom", this is the worst map you could possibly draw. It is patterned after the three concentric rings/canals of Atlantis, full of twists, turns, dead-ends, and depending on your starting point relative to the exit landmark, may be nearly impossible to successfully clear in the time you have remaining. The exit almost always spawns in the middle of the map, and only players who started in the SW/SE corners of the map will stand a reasonable chance of entering that portion of the map; those in the NW/NE cannot reach it at all without sailing all the way down to the southern-most part of the map.

Compounding matters is the fact that NPC fleets love to camp out in certain "choke point" crossroads, and the fact that Mysterious Object icons have a nasty way of covering landmass obstructions so you're often not sure if there's a dead-end up ahead or not. Overall this map is extremely aggravating to play through, and so time-consuming that most fleets will simply run out of time. If that's the case, then the best you can do is try opening as many Mysterious Objects as you can before the timer hits zero. Hopefully, the map I've provided will give you a slight advantage in conquering this nightmarish map. Have fun...

Fiddler's Green -- imgur.com/2Piufr3
A tranquil cove with hazy green fog, it is completely devoid of enemies and filled to the brim with treasure-yielding Mysterious Objects -- three times more than a regular map, it seems. This map is certainly the most sought after due to its potential loot yield and ease of travel, but it is incredibly rare to encounter; there doesn't appear to be any special trick to accessing it as even people on their first sortie to the Sea of Wonders have reported visiting it. Due to its rarity, you can consider yourself fortunate if you should load this map yourself. Alrn has some additional insights.

Alnr said:

1. I can't really guarantee this is always the pattern of the rare green fog map, but from my 2 runs, the patterns are :

(starts with) Coral Reef map -> Mushroom map -> Green Fog Map (G's note: Alnr's "Coral Reef" may be different from the one I described above since I hadn't yet assigned names to very many maps at the time of his comment. Plus, they're unofficial names anyway...)

2. Unlike the other map, Green Fog map has numerous i'd say 3x number of chests scattered around the map. The chests apparently have same drop as other map, but you will always get 2x quantity. So there's chance you get nothing, and chance you get anything but always 2x.

3. Even the map has no narrow, hard passage path to navigate, Green Fog map is wide, and i mean it. If you have decent ship speed or with full fleet i can assure you might need around 10 min to take all the chests and explore the entire map.

4. Apparently there is no enemy NPCs wandering around in this map, so it's safe for you and your fleet members to explore without worrying being ambushed. There is no annoying aqueduct that might block your path so it's easy to navigate, just need faster ship because the wide of the map.

5. There is not much any special thing to get here, so it's just like normal map but with more chests. I'd consider it.. 'Bonus Level' of SoW

Those are all maps I have encountered and could screenshot. If I missed any, my apologies. Feel free to borrow my screenshots and edit them to show NPC fleet positions if you like, that'd be massively helpful for a point of reference. It's a bit beyond what I can do myself, sorry. Note: although I touched on it a few times, currently the placement of treasure box icons can hide narrow straits or dead-ends on the Surveying map, so remember to also consult your compass mini-map in the lower-right corner of your game window in addition to the Survey map.

3. Wonderful Finds

I mentioned earlier Ibn has goodies for you. In fact, he has an exchange option for the Paper Fragments, and Casting/Sewing R15 recipes for some very nice new ship parts. There is a catch: Ibn will not give you access to his recipes or his Paper exchange program until you've found something wonderful deep within the Sea of Wonders. That is the Lighthouse of Alexandria discovery. To reach this mythic wonder of ages gone by, you must clear THREE maps in one run within the allotted time.

JP wiki seems to suggest that's all which is required, and as I've only gone once as a guest, I do not know if your best bet is to race to the exit each time, or to open as many boxes as you can while racing for the exit. Naturally, more people in your fleet would help with the latter approach, as well as optimizing your run's reward yield. My fleet of 5 ransacked all but two boxes on three floors, and we reached the discovery with 4 minutes left on the clock.

Once you've found the Lighthouse, Ibn will be quite happy to open up shop for you to exchange Papers, or to access his Production Techniques of the Great Lighthouse recipe book -- provided, of course, you've done the above steps needed to reach the Sea of Wonders. If you've not done that yet and just went along for the ride, Ibn simply won't offer those services to you. See? Not an exploit.

That concludes everything there is to say about the Sea of Wonders: Chapter 1. But there's more than one chapter, and more than one Sea of Wonders as well. Check the next comment for my mini-guide to Chapter 2: Colossus.

(Thanks to Padda for Artisan NPC's name, Alrn for the recipe entries, MarcoS for the plunder info, and GFriend for taking me on my first trip to the Sea of Wonders.)

Thus ends Chapter 1 portion of my mini-guide. On to Chapter 2: Colossus.

Reminder: In the comments here is a helpful SoW guide. I will update it soon with a few new pieces of info as well.

Shortcut Link: tinyurl.com/SoW-Guide

※ Welcome to the next half of my Sea of Wonders mini-guide, covering Chapter 2: Colossus. This will be its penultimate version and it's been marginally updated to include prelimary data on 2.5's Burning Leviathan update. Well, one last time... Let's get down to business. ※

4. Mysterious Waters Pt. II - Candia Edition (slightly updated 09/03/18)

Beginning with Chapter 2: Colossus, a new Sea of Wonders will become available. With it comes new content: new goodies, new challenges, and new mysteries to unravel. But you're just here for the goodies, aren't you? Fair enough. The requirements to entering it are as follows:

※ Complete the steps mentioned in Pt. I necessary to unlock the Sea of Wonders - Alexandria edition. (Complete a Treasure Hunt of choice, Indian Ocean permit, then talk to all those NPCs.)
※ Enter the Sea of Wonders NW from Alexandria, and discover the Lighthouse of Alexandria by clearing all three maps in the alotted time.
※ Report the discovery to Ibn in Alexandria.
※ According to info from a Korean server update provided to me by pepitomanaloto, you must also be certain to have cleared a certain Treasure Hunt: from the The Fall of Atlantis theme, Relic #1 -- Poseidon's Anger ; details on how to access this TH and its relic quests are provided in comments of the Fall of Atlantis page. Important: Because this TH has three Relics, be certain you only progress clue synthesizing with Relic #1 and only use the 19th-star quest clue for Relic #1 when it becomes available; any clues that can be consumed as quests before it are ordinary quests and won't help you in your continuing quest to access the new Sea of Wonders. This particular can be done before or after unlocking Alexandria SoW at your convenience.

Ancient High Technology
Poseidon's Anger

You are now good to go. JP wiki informs me that there may be an additional way for maritime-focused players to participate so they might not even need to do a TH to access Candia... or not. More info will surely become available in time, but my guide is meant to prepare you before Colossus launches. Now, a new friend of Ibn's will be waiting for you in Candia, by the name of Murshid (whose name may differ in the final official translation). He will be to Candia what Ibn is to Alexandria: a keeper of special recipes and the means by which you can enter the new Sea of Wonders. Here's your checklist:

※ Talk to Murshid in Candia.
※ Talk to three NPCs in any order you like at:

Benghazi (Stout Man near Item Shop/Market keeper NPCs in Benghazi)
Athens (Nervous Man on the left-corner side of the town mini-map or directly SW from Harbor Port Official)
Famagusta (Stubborn Man standing at the right side of the tavern)

※ Talk to Murshid in Candia twice.
※ Set sail from Candia, heading east-northeast. The new Sea of Wonders entrance will be waiting for you.
※ Enter the Sea of Wonders and clear three maps in the time alotted to make a new discovery.
※ Report your findings to Murshid back in Candia.

And that's it. From that point on you will unlock new recipes from Murshid, as well as a new Paper fragment exchange with somewhat different drops compared to Ibn's. Speaking of which...

5. Candia's Sea of Wonders - Loot

With a new Sea of Wonders comes a new loot table. What is there to be found this time around? These can be obtained from the Mysterious Objects in Candia's Sea of Wonders:

Bizarre Cannon Barrel
Weathered Cannon
Broken Cannon
Bizarre Cloth
Weathered Sail
Ripped Sails
Bizarre Armouring
Weathered Armour
Broken Armour
Suspicious Mud
Paper Fragment with a Colossus

Interesting assortment. The broken/weathered items are pretty much useless, but those new loot items have very useful applications as we'll soon see. The Paper Fragment with a Colossus item is equivalent to the Paper Fragment with a Tower from Alexandria's Sea of Wonders in that it can be traded in Candia with Murshid for special items. Unsurprisingly, Murshid and Ibn only accept Paper Fragments from their own specific Sea of Wonders zones; don't go thinking you can turn in Paper Fragment with a Tower at Candia or Paper Fragment with a Colossus at Alexandria.

By the way, some new maps also appear in this Sea of Wonders, along with one or two recycled entries from Alexandria's SoW. I don't have screenshots of them ready at this time; apologies.

6. Colossal New Recipes and Murshid's Paper Fragment Exchange Program

Like Ibn in Alexandria, Murshid will be wanting any Paper Fragment with a Colossus items you may acquire. Trade him such an item, and you'llreceive a random reward item from Murshid in exchange. There is a loot table listed on JP wiki but rather than get people's hopes up needlessly in case of 'adjustments' for Maris server, I'll only list the three new equipment items which are not only fashionable, but quite impressive stat-wise:

Memory Traverser's Hat
Memory Traverser's Coat
Memory Traverser's Boots

See their pages for further details. Interestingly, they're also part of a new Memorial Album: Memories of the Wonder Seas; see its page for details, including the MA reward. Alright, let's move on to the new recipes. To start:

Industrial City - Blast Furnace Recipes ('Revolution' Status required; I don't know if the recipes are always available or only turn up sometimes like other IR town revolution recipes)
"Manufacturing method of lightning installation stand"
Required Production Skills/Ranks: Casting R12 + Management Technique R10 (R8 with your nation's IR City boost)
Ingredients/Finished Product: Steel x50 + Coke x50 + Suspicious Mud x20 = Ship Light Mount x1 | confers Original Ship Skill Ship Lights in Foggy Seas

"Anti-phantom beast countermeasure room manufacturing method"
Required Production Skills/Ranks: Casting R12 + Management Technique R10 (R8 with your nation's IR City boost)
Ingredients/Finished Product: Steel x50 + Coke x50 + Suspicious Mud x20 = Monster Battle Room x1 | confers Original Ship Skill Monster Battle Armament

Interesting new toys. The first enables quicker acceleration/turning speed in Sea of Wonder zones, while the second helps strengthen you to battle legendary new foes that lurk in the Sea of Wonders. See their pages for details. Next up, Murshid's Recipes from Candia (presumably only available after you've done all the quest unlocks personally, then reach and report the new SoW Discovery, ala Alexandria/Ibn's recipes):

"Warrior Knuckle guard recipe"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Sewing R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Leather x10 + Leather Cord x5 + Bizarre Cloth x5 = Warrior's Knuckle Guards

"Leg guard manufacturing method"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Sewing R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Leather x10 + Leather Cord x5 + Bizarre Cloth x5 = Warrior's Leg Guards

"Reinforced flamethrower / remodeling method"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Casting R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Stainless Steel x80 + Heavy Oil x80 + Bizarre Cannon Barrel x5 = Pirate Improved Flamethrower

"Bow Saker Cannon / Remodeling Method"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Casting R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Bow Saker + Strange Cannon x4 + Bizarre Cannon Barrel x4 = Pirate Bow Saker

"Bow caronade cannon and remodeling method"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Casting R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Bow Carronade + Strange Cannon x4 + Bizarre Cannon Barrel x4 = Pirate Bow Carronade

"Bow / Meteora Cannon / Remodeling"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Casting R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Bow Meteora + Strange Cannon x4 + Bizarre Cannon Barrel x4 = Pirate Bow Meteora

"Bow Angel Cannon, Remodeling Method"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Casting R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Bow Angel + Strange Cannon x4 + Bizarre Cannon Barrel x4 = Pirate Bow Angel

"Stern Saker Cannon, Remodeling Method"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Casting R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Stern Saker + Strange Cannon x4 + Bizarre Cannon Barrel x4 = Pirate Stern Saker

"Stern caronade gun, remodeling method"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Casting R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Stern Carronade + Strange Cannon x4 + Bizarre Cannon Barrel x4 = Pirate Stern Carronade

"Stern, Meteora gun, remodeling method"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Casting R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Stern Meteora + Strange Cannon x4 + Bizarre Cannon Barrel x4 = Pirate Stern Meteora

"Stern Angel Cannon, Remodeling Method"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Casting R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Stern Angel + Strange Cannon x4 + Bizarre Cannon Barrel x4 = Pirate Stern Angel

"Special steel plate / remodeling method"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Casting R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Hyper Steel Plating + Strange Armouring x1 + Bizarre Armouring x3 = Pirate Hyper Steel Plating

"Special rolled steel sheet"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Casting R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Hyper Rolled Steel Plating + Strange Armouring x1 + Bizarre Armouring x3 = Pirate Hyper Hardened Steel Plating

"Special hardened steel sheet"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Casting R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Hyper Hardened Steel Plating + Strange Armouring x1 + Bizarre Armouring x3 = Pirate Hyper Hardened Steel Plating

"Oversized ram and remodeling method"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Handicrafts R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Extra Large Ram + Strange Armouring x5 + Bizarre Armouring x5 = Pirate Extra Large Ram

"Sea dragon fin model"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Handicrafts R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Dragon's Blood x50 + Platinum Ore x5 + Phantom Monster's Relic x10 = Sea Dragon's Fins

"Sea Dragon Fang Model"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Handicrafts R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Platinum Ore x5 + Marble x50 + Phantom Monster's Relic x2 = Sea Dragon's Tusk

"Sea Dragon Flag Manufacturing Method"
Required Production Skill/Rank: Handicrafts R15
Ingredients/Finished Product: Cotton Fabric x50 + Platinum Ore x5 + Phantom Monster's Relic x5 = Flag of Sea Dragon

Well, that's a lot of interesting items. Note that the last three are decorative only and serve no tactical purpose, but do look pretty cool and even contribute to a Memorial Album, which I'll cover momentarily. Hopefully you've refined Handicrafts so as to try and conserve those pesky Platinum Ores when producing the items (if indeed you plan to do so at all). Which brings us to... the end of this section, and the beginning of the next.

Time now for the final portion of my mini-guide on Chapter 2 / 2.5 -- featuring my favorite nautical opponent in UWO.

7. Legendary Phantom Beast, Leviathan

Leviathan. This sea monster's name strikes terror into the hearts of the most able sailors, and with very good reason. Now the fabled King of the Deep has made its den within the Sea of Wonders just off Candia, and welcomes all challengers brave (or foolish) enough to challenge him directly. This is one opponent who will surely test your maritime mettle to the limit. Here's the basics:

While exploring the Sea of Wonders (Candia only!) you will find Mysterious Objects that resemble lion statues, scarred as if they've been assailed by some terrible destructive force. Ignore them, and your Sea of Wonders run will continue without incident.

But if you inspect/activate all of them, you can then potentially gain entry to a special arena where the King of the Deep holds court, one filled with wrecked battleships far larger and deadlier looking than your own. (Uh oh.) Sail to the center of this arena, and an epic battle with Leviathan will commence. I hope you came prepared... a few tips.

※ There are always 5 Lion statues on the first and second maps of Candia's Sea of Wonders. They can only be activated in a specific order, which is always different depending on RNG mechanics invisible to us. Ideally, have your fleet members camp out at each inactive lion and prepare to click on them; once one lion statue is activated, another will become ready to click on, and so on until all five statues are toggled/cleared. This is necessary to increase the possibility of Leviathan's appearing in the next map, although it is not guaranteed. (He did show up once for my fleet and I swear none of us used statues on that run.) Chapter 2.5 already increases the probability of Leviathan showing up, so he won't be as difficult to find as he was previously.

※ Beginning with Chapter 2.5: Burning Leviathan, two versions of Leviathan can be encountered within Candia's Sea of Wonders. The first version is simply called Leviathan; he is the 'normal' version and is a lovely shade of blue. The second version, Burning Leviathan, is blood-red and far more powerful, dangerous. Regular Leviathan can be encountered if you activate all 5 lion statues on the 1st map which will potentially cause him to appear on the 2nd map; if you skip lion statues on 1st map (or use them and he doesn't appear) then using the lion statues on 2nd map can potentially trigger Burning Leviathan's apparance on 3rd map. Neither version of Leviathan will ever appear on the 4th map as this map is reserved for the Sea of Wonders' discovery and so lion statues do not appear on the 3rd non-Leviathan map.

※ While you are in battle with Leviathan, the Sea of Wonders timer will be frozen. It is possible to sail out of the battle ring to recover, or to flat-out retreat altogether as well. The timer will apparently not resume counting, so don't be afraid to fall back if you need to. However, the fleet's admiral cannot exit the battle ring at any time. Be careful about that.

※ Leviathan's attacks are very powerful, and affect a specific area on the battlefield designated by a glowing ring-like radius. If you're inside that glowing radius at the time he launches an attack, you will be damaged. Quite badly in fact. Try to sail as quickly as possible to escape the targeted zone before it's too late. You generally have a few seconds' time to react and get clear, so maintain a constant eye on Leviathan's location and keep your ship's sails/rudder/dura in pristine condition at all times.

※ If your ship is struck by any Leviathan's of attacks, your crew will be hit by a new status ailment: Panic. While in this state, your Repair and Surgery skills become impossible to use, and fleetmates not under Panic state cannot use them on you either. Certain items do still work (spare sails/rudders), though. Your best bet under these conditions is to keep your distance from Leviathan until this ailment wears off. No skills or items to date have been shown to be successful in removing this state, sad to say.

※ "Some skills, items, etc. have no effect on Leviathan" according to JP wiki. I imagine magic-based items and status cannons' special effects (smoke, fire, etc.) fall under this category; for reasons I would hope are obvious, you cannot melee or Deck battle Leviathan either. The only way to win is to deplete his HP with cannon fire. Lots, and lots of cannon fire. Ram equipment will also work (at least with normal Leviathan) if your ship has high dura and the right skills, though you're probably better off sticking to cannon salvos as if Leviathan unexpectedly moves/attacks while you're close to him, it will likely sink you.

※ Leviathan has about 5,500 HP. Not so bad, right? Except when you reduce his health to about halfway, he inexplicably turns bright red, becomes very cranky, and changes up his attack patterns while fully recovering to 8,100 HP. Well, it would've been boring if it was too easy, right? Burning Leviathan's health is apparently the same from what I've seen -- although he begins as bright red, and turns to gold when entering his second form of attack. Burning Leviathan's attacks are reportedly more powerful, and harder to avoid, so don't expect him to be a push over. Both versions of Leviathan have the ability to regenerate their health if you leave them alone for too long, so be careful of that as well.

※ Should your ship be equipped with the Monster Battle Armament Original Ship skill, it will "increase bombardment damage and reduce damage in battle with phantom beasts." Just something to consider.

Whether you win or lose, Leviathan will disappear from the arena afterward and become impossible to find again until after you've exited the Sea of Wonders and waited the obligatory 3-hour cooldown period to re-enter. If you should happen to win against the normal version of Leviathan, he may drop the following item(s):

Phantom Monster's Relic

The crest itself is very cool looking, though just decorative as all crests tend to be. It is a one-time only drop acquired on your first victory against Leviathan (even if you're sunk, you get it when your fleet wins). As for Phantom Monster's Relic it is a rare-ish drop which begins to drop after the crest and which can be used in Candia to make Leviathan-related ship decorations (which I listed above in Murshid's recipes), albeit not easily due to Platinum Ore and the Relic pieces both being a pain to harvest. That said, the crest and those Murshid-produced items are all related to a new Memorial Album: Dragons of Phantom Seas -- check its page for full details. The MA reward? It's... okay. I'd like it more if it had an Effect, but it doesn't look like it does. Oh well.

Burning Leviathan, on the other hand, has a chance to drop these ship decorations:

Sea Dragon's Fins
Sea Dragon's Tusk

They're not MA-related as I understand it, but sure do look cool. Strategic information about Leviathan's forms/moves can be found here:


And of course, [CA]Huseyin_Gazi has a nice video guide here:


Then there's Garuda:


Not bad. You can see how ramming almost always works, though I don't know if it will be as applicable a strategy for Burning Leviathan... time will tell. That's all I can tell you about Leviathan. And for that matter, all I plan to say about Chapter 2: Colossus.

8. The Future

Lost Memories has some interesting times ahead. Chapter 3 which features a new phantom beast in the form of Cetus, the Pelagic Jester, and some exciting new additions to the Sea of Wonders...


Some new money sinks, Epic Pirate Feud tweaks, and level cap releases...


And of course, new ships, decorations, and discoveries.


Chapter 3.5: Ultramarine Cetus is also a thing.


Who knows what may lie in the future beyond even that? Well, enough pondering on that point. I hope my mini-guide here has been of use to you. Use it well, and if you like, you can plug it into a forum or blog somewhere with my blessing. Just remember to credit all the nice folks who contributed to it (or will contribute in the future). I will try to update one last time if I can with map images for the new Sea of Wonders; time will tell how successful I am in that. Cheers.

※ Sources:
gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?Update/19Colossus (Chapter 2: Colossus data)
wittyship.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1159.html (Leviathan MA items)

To save you all a lot of time going over tired old ground: only section 7. dealing with Leviathan contains mostly new data. I did tweak some earlier parts, but nothing all that important in comparison. Remember you can share this wacky little guide with others with this link:


And you can take a peek at the Papaya site for 2.5 here:


Looks like they left the decorations for Burning Leviathan and aide fleet recipes in this time. Yay. Well, off I go. Carry on. Sorry for the spam. Cheers and great online gaming to you as always.


With the addition from Lost Memories Chapter 3 "Cetus", now it seems that there is some sort of "Special Effects" to Sea of Wonders. You will notice on both SoWs (Alexandria/Candia) that there will be a glittering lights surrounding clickable relics. There are Five so far from them.

1. Ship Speed icon gives slight speed boost to the whole fleet members.
2. Building/Dome icon increases a chance for you to enter the infamous green rare map (or Fiddler's Green as Guilder called it lol. Already explained above for details). Of course, don't expect much, because it's still rare to get the access to green map.
3. Crossed Eye icon reduce the possible chance of you to get ambushed by near ship, should it's too late for you to avoid them.
4. Hourglass icon adds 5 minutes to the remaining time during Sea of Wonders exploration.
5. Green Circle icon allows you to re-investigate clickable objects that you already investigated before. Be careful though if you wish to fight Leviathan/Cetus, since this also resets the Lion Statue as well.

It seems like there is some sort of change regarding Rare Green Map/Guilder's Fiddler Green/whatever you named it. I managed to get it after Chapter 3 update, and so far this is what i noticed during the exploration.

1. Previously, you will always get Green Rare Map at 3rd section. Now it seems that you can get it at 2nd section as well, with the help of Building/Dome icon that increases a chance for it.

2. Previously, the Green Rare Map only features a lot of chests. Now there is a new icon on map. I just refer it "Chest with Purple Star" icon. This special chest will be the one that gives you rare stuff that you will never get on regular map.

So far, i was able to get Shining Earrings, 3x Lion's Fang and 3x Wind of Return, but who knows if you can get something more? You may be able to get Ancient Hat and Ancient Clothes as well. I can't give enough information about those since this is my 1st encounter after Cetus update.

Good luck to those who wish to meet such infamous rare map.

This just in according to Beomi and a Japanese player.
Regarding the Green Circle icon in Sea of Wonders, it is said that despite it being reset the Lion Statue, it is also increase the chance to meet Leviathan/Cetus even that the party must have to do it all over again.

I'd like to contribute this Twitter link that helps prove Alrn and Beomi's tip about resetting lion statues raising your chances to find Cetus:


When you translate it, the message says: [Meme] If you check the green and round relics in a mysterious sea area, you will be able to check the relics you have finished checking again! Be careful when you check out the lion a lot, as it seems to be easier to go to scary places!

Welcome to Chapter 3: Cetus. There's plenty to see and do as always. We'll dive right in, shall we?

9. Improvements to the Sea of Wonders

We'll start with a comment quote from Alrn:

"With the addition from Lost Memories Chapter 3 "Cetus", now it seems that there is some sort of "Special Effects" to Sea of Wonders. You will notice on both SoWs (Alexandria/Candia) that there will be a glittering lights surrounding clickable relics. There are Five so far from them.

1. Ship Speed icon gives slight speed boost to the whole fleet members.
2. Building/Dome icon increases a chance for you to enter the infamous green rare map (or Fiddler's Green as Guilder called it lol. Already explained above for details). Of course, don't expect much, because it's still rare to get the access to green map.
3. Crossed Eye icon reduce the possible chance of you to get ambushed by near ship, should it's too late for you to avoid them.
4. Hourglass icon adds 5 minutes to the remaining time during Sea of Wonders exploration.
5. Green Circle (Recycle) icon allows you to re-investigate clickable objects that you already investigated before. Be careful though if you wish to fight Leviathan/Cetus, since this also resets the Lion Statue as well." (Note: this will never reset the above five map effects, only treasures and lions. It can also reset existing chests and take them out of the map entirely so be careful about that.)


"According to Beomi and a Japanese player.
Regarding the Green Circle icon in Sea of Wonders, it is said that despite it being reset the Lion Statue, it is also increase the chance to meet Leviathan/Cetus even that the party must have to do it all over again."

And courtesy of V_I:

"I'd like to contribute this Twitter link that helps prove Alrn and Beomi's tip about resetting lion statues raising your chances to find Cetus:


When you translate it, the message says: [Meme] If you check the green and round relics in a mysterious sea area, you will be able to check the relics you have finished checking again! Be careful when you check out the lion a lot, as it seems to be easier to go to scary places!"

That's quite a bit of information we've gained. Of course, even if you get to recycle 5 lions across two maps, an increased chance to meet a Phantom Monster is not the same as a guaranteed chance. Use of the golden Building/Dome/Temple icon (actually appears to be the Globe from World Chat "All" setting but call it whatever you want) may conflict with trying to meet monsters as you can only go to a monster's lair or a green map, never both. Keep in mind that the chances of the former are substantially higher than the latter. And speaking of that fabled map of treasure...

10. New Items
Firstly, it should be noted that Suspicious Mud can now be obtained from both Sea of Wonder zones. Its drop rate has also been increased slightly. (Credit: Alrn again.) The following items have also been added to the game:

Shining Earrings
Ancient Hat
Ancient Clothes
Legendary Key Staff

Details can be found on their respective pages. All of the above items can potentially be found from special treasure chests in the Fiddler's Green / green sky treasure map region; look closely at the treasure chest icons on your Survey map for any with a purple star or sparkle around them as it is these mysterious objects which drop rare items including the above equipment, or nice consumables in various quantities. They are clearly marked by gold glittering lights hovering around the object when you get close enough to see and click on them. As with other Sea of Wonders loot, your fleet will share them equally (unless someone has a full inventory; be sure to leave spaces open when you go hunting in the Sea of Wonders).

The Ancient hat/clothing items are nothing special in and of themselves, but it appears they can be strengthened through alchemy. To what end, I do not currently know and will let the alchemy meisters find out for us. Note that the Legendary Key Staff item can also be found outside of the rare treasure region in ordinary treasure objects of the Sea of Wonders; Candia's SOW2 region has been confirmed for certain. Its name of Legendary Key Staff is fitting, as we'll see in...

11. New Treasure Hunt
That's right discovery seekers, there's a brand new TH available now. It's called:

Legend Regarding an Old Map

Full details can be found on its page, as well as that of the Key Staff's. I'll explain it all in brief here just the same: You can only access the TH if you first obtain the Legendary Key Staff item from the Sea of Wonders. The item cannot be traded at this time (and possibly never will be) so that step is essential. After obtaining one, go to the Barkeep of your choice and choose to sacrifice it; the Staff will vanish from your inventory but you will be able to see/accept this TH. I believe that if you discard the TH at any time, you will need another Staff to reopen it, so be careful of that.

There are two relic lines in this TH, but unlike other THs the clues along the way to each relic open up a discovery quest you cannot obtain any other way. There are 5 quests for each relic line, marking a total of 10 new discoveries in all. The 5th and final Relic discovery for each line of the TH will be in the corresponding Sea of Wonders; you must reach the discovery zone Map 4 in order to discover it, I believe. Be sure to have all your boost equipment and normal/aide languages in place before then.

Sadly it does not seem as if the 5th relics grant some kind of neat item like normal THs do. Oh well. Alrn explained it all for you under the TH, so be sure to check out his guide under the TH link. I suppose that's everything.

12. Legendary Phantom Beast, Cetus
Just kidding. A new phantom beast has taken up residence in the Alexandria Sea of Wonders (SOW1) and welcomes all challengers to come and play with him. Play what? Oh, it's just a simple numbers game: when your ship durability drops to 0, YOU LOSE.

In contrast to Leviathan, our friendly pelagic jester Cetus appears to be much more heavily armored, and has a variety of difficult to avoid attacks, including the ability to lock onto a single fleet member and surface from beneath them, devouring a chunk of their juicy delicious crew in the process.

Where Leviathan had a 2nd form to contend with once his health was far enough down, Cetus possesses 3 modes, with each mode becoming deadlier. He can call forth a lightning storm that roams the battlefield and inflicts nasty damage if you come into contact with it, can set your ships on fire, break their rudders, rip their sails, and... magnetize your compass. Quite the troll our friend Cetus, isn't he?

But also unlike Leviathan, it's possible to daze him at times. When a green targeting reticle appears over his head, that is your crew to unleash a chain of Critical strikes against him; three or so will leave Cetus dizzy and wondering who keeps spinning the world around. During this time you can inflict substantial damage on him; it's even possible to Break (cancel) his devastating red map attacks this way. H-Gazi was kind enough to upload some videos featuring footage of Cetus and additional insights into his moves/forms here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQf1wv1xTh8

Friendly looking fish, isn't he? Should you prevail, you will earn yourself a Cetus crest to be linked later since I can't seem to find it in the UWO DB just now. This is standard loot for all 1st time fish slayers, as it was with Leviathan and his crest. Subsequent fights may have Cetus drop Fish-like Phantom Monster's Relic which serve as ingredient resources. That in turn brings us to...

13. Ibn's New Recipes & Cetus Memorial Album
If you talk to Ibn at Alexandria and have unlocked SOW1, he will show you a fine recipe book. This is nothing new. However, there are now additional recipes which have been added. It is now possible to craft the following:

Flag of a Sea Monster
Sea Monster's Tusk
Phantom Paneling
Sea Monster's Hood
Sea Monster's Robe
Sea Monster's Evil Spear

Details including production skills/ranks and ingredients may be (mostly) found on their pages. Conveniently enough, all these items (plus the Cetus crest) count towards a new Memorial Album: Fish in the Sea of Wonders

Which in turn yields a nice MA reward in the form of Sea Monster's Ring -- the only +2 Shipbuilding accessory in the entire game so far. Quite a better deal than the Leviathan MA and its reward, wouldn't you say?

Lastly, a new type of military panel can also be crafted from Ibn for those who have a Phantom Paneling in their possession. They are:

Spanish Military Phantom Paneling
Portuguese Military Phantom Paneling
Venetian Military Phantom Paneling
French Military Phantom Paneling
Dutch Military Phantom Paneling
English Military Phantom Paneling
Ottoman Military Phantom Paneling
Holy Roman Imperial Phantom Paneling
Swedish Military Phantom Paneling

Currently, it's best to see the Phantom Paneling page for more details until the panel pages are updated.

That's all I have to share with you this time. The Ultramarine Cetus update lies ahead in the future; it should be interesting to see what comes of that update as well. Cheers.

Oops. Forgot to mention the new decoration items that also appear in the rare treasure region:


Leaving this here for now.

Sea Monster's Boots

Ultramarine Cetus: coming eventually (we hope) to a Maris near you.


It took Japanese players 2 weeks to beat him; with their knowledge of his battle moves and three stages, will anyone beat that record here?

Record of the Ultramarine Fish Lurking in the Future Sea of Wonders

(This comment will probably be removed later and replaced with something better. Probably. Cheers.)


Cetus -- Cetus is not a ship, but hey, he has a page as if he were anyway. I put some additional info there as well; I'll repost it here too.

H-Gazi - Vs. Cetus: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM5pBlwExos
H-Gazi - Solo Cetus: www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxIaea4FN1E
SuperGom - Solo Cetus: www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBpfpKmn-ww
Captain_Havok - 10 Tips and Tricks to Fighting Cetus: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM5pBlwExos

Can potentially drop the following on defeat (but only if you have inventory and/or cargo space):

Cetus - 100% guaranteed to drop on your first victory. May drop again afterward, but the chance is very low.
Fish-like Phantom Monster's Relic x1 - high percentage of this item being dropped. However, it isn't 100% guaranteed.
Platinum Ore x2 - useful for many recipes, but it cannot be traded or sold/bazaared.
Red Ore x100 or Green Ore x100 - YMMV on whether these drops can be considered good or insulting.

Anyone know if, to get "Lighthouse of Alexandria", can be done running directly to the exit or need to click on everything? When this guide was done Guilder was also not sure.

I do need to update this, don't I? It is quite fine to skip everything and run for the star on each level in order to reach the discovery floor where either the Lighthouse (SoW1) or the Colossus (SoW2) can be found.

It's also fine to click treasure, effect objects, and even lions; the only thing that stops you from reaching the discovery floor is running out of time before clicking the star on the third floor. That, or the dreaded 2:2 error leading to a disconnect.

PS: Platinum Ore can now be traded, and in a future update, a new Ice and Snow Leviathan will be added to SoW2 (which will have FOUR normal floors and ONE discovery floor), Leviathan equipment will drop from it, clicking all 5 lions on 1st floor will guarantee a monster encounter, Cooldown will be reduced to 1 hour from the original 3, and Feather Brooms of the Wonder Map will guarantee monster encounters instead of reset Cooldown.


Source: www.gamecity.ne.jp/dol/topics_cms/update/16150.html , gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?Update/200818update

Thanks, this guide is very accurate, there's no need for an update, I didn't understand anything about SoW and thanks to this I can now explore it with no problem :)

Another guide by Gazi: tinyurl.com/UWO-SOW-PMG

It details how to unlock SOW and goes in-depth on Leviathan battle tips. Cetus is not included owing to its age, but it should still serve many of you well. Cheers.

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