The Fall of Atlantis
The legend of Atlantis has continued to
be told since the times of ancient Greece.
Will you investigate why the kingdom in the legend really fell?
This 3-relic Treasure Hunt theme becomes permanently available once you have completed the following quests:
Legend of the Labyrinthos
#2. Land of the Legendary King (Atlantis story quest #1)
This in turn opens access to the DBLINK:88881813] endless dungeon. You may then begin this theme and synthesize clues to seek the relics, hidden deep within it (via a special hidden passage with an air of magnificence, appearing around floor 20 or so). The theme rewards are:
Relic 1:
Poseidon's Anger - R3 Search, R5 Archaeology, R1 Theology
Ariadne's Thread Ball
Number of clues: 19-star
Relic 2:
The Sun Sets on Atlantis - R13 Search, R15 Archaeology, Greek language (or translation notes)
Icarus Wings
Number of clues: 19-star
Relic 3:
A Story about the Vanishing Nation - R13 Search, R15 Archaeology, Greek language (or translation notes)
Daedalus's Tool Box
Number of clues: 19-star
Of note is that the rewards are also part of the
Truth of the Rumours (No.6) Memorial Album. Further information found on the corresponding pages. Cheers.
Poseidon's Anger task, how to finish? was in a maze of up to 25 levels and nothing or was the wrong place?
1. Accept the Treasure Hunt
2. Combine clues until you have unlocked the Relic Quest clue (19 star difficulty)
3. Accept the Relic Quest before entering the Labyrinth. You must at least have the third listed skill (Greek language in this case) learned, on an aide, or supplied by translation notes in order to accept the quest.
4. Around B20 and lower, a special hidden passage will appear at each exit marker (with "an air of magnificence" and a bright flash). Enter it.
5. Click the large silver object in the room. As long as you meet the discovery quest requirements (all skill levels/language must match; can be leeched from fleetmates if needed) then the Relic Quest will be finished and you will have your discovery.
For the record, the above steps apply to every Endless Dungeon TH relic quest. Cheers, and great relic discovering to you.
You're a god, Guilder!
Thanks, but I'm just a guy answering questions, nothing more.
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