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  • Ariadne's Thread Ball
    A ball of hemp thread
    discovered in the Labyrinth.

    • Making an Escape Rope for Ruins
    • Escape Rope
      30 Mythical Era

      Obtained as the reward for completion of 19-star Relic 1 from the The Fall of Atlantis Treasure Hunt; also part of the Truth of the Rumours (No.6) Memorial Album. It can be used in the following recipe:

      Making an Escape Rope for Ruins (Quarters' Aide Production; Sewing category)

      Be advised that this recipe will not appear unless you have equipped either the Adept of Ages (Mythical Era) title or an Age effect (Mythical Era) EX Effect item and also possess the required skill and its rank. Your reserve Aide in charge of production must also have the required rank or production cannot progress. Recipe:

      Sewing R6
      Ingredients: Salvage Rope x1 + Ariadne's Thread Ball x1
      Yields: Escape Rope x30

      Production occurs once every 24 hours, unless you happen to have Aide Production Order Paper items available; you can then repeat production as much as you like until they run out. Although... it must be said, Escape Ropes probably aren't worth the trouble of wasting such insta-production items on.

      Well, at least now you know. Cheers.

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