Sea Monster's Tusk
A replica of Cetus' tusk.
Can be installed on the rear sides of Ship.
It has been confirmed by GMs that all items crafted from Fish-like Phantom Monster's Relic, including this one, are unplunderable. This does not extend to any of Ibn's other available recipes, including Hyper-series cannons.
Credit: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi, [GM]Sheebs
This ship decoration is part of the
Fish in the Sea of Wonders Memorial Album related to the
Sea of Wonders. It is produced from a R15 handicrafts recipe that can be found at Ibn in Alexandria after unlocking the SoW as detailed in the linked page's comments. Ingredients:
Marble x50
Platinum Ore x2
Fish-like Phantom Monster's Relic x2
As with all ship decorations, you may equip it to your ship by clicking Ship/Fleet -> Ship Parts -> Ship Decors tab. It can only be equipped in the back right/left slots.
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