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  • Legend Regarding an Old Map
    Many relics that were lost in
    ancient times and the mysteries related to them.
    Let's seem them with the Mysterious Map.

New "unique" Treasure Hunt from Lost Memories Chapter 3 "Cetus".
Officially named "Legend Regarding an Old Map". Rank 10. It is unique because unlike the other, this TH is deeply connected with Sea of Wonders and will makes you to keep doing Sea of Wonders for this TH.

Description: Many relics that were lost in ancient times and the mysteries related to them. Let's see them with Mysterious Map.

Relic 1 is related with Alexandria's SoW.
Relic 2 is related with Candia's SoW.

To unlock this Treasure Hunt, you will need Legendary Key Staff which you can get it from Sea of Wonders, see the link for details.

There are specific rules that i've noticed from doing this Treasure Hunt.

1. This seems to be the only Treasure Hunt that yields new quests with discoveries that you will never get by normal means. Both Relics has 4 Quests, which makes it 8 Quests total. Be make sure to do them as well if you are Discovery completionists.

2. If you have no adventure skills but planning to leeching adventurers, well there's a problem. No matter what kind of activities you get, you will never able to get clue more than 1 star, only the adventurers with enough skill who will be able to. The only way for you to get the better stars clue is to tag along and explore Sea of Wonders, with the rule that you must be the one who click the objects, because it looks like if someone else click the object, you will never get that clue even if they got. To make it easier:
- Try using ship with Library
- Bring and equipment with EX Effect Increase Relic Clue acquisition
- Put enough ornament with Increase Clue Acquisition

3. The final relic is located in 4th/Final section of Sea of Wonders, where you can't use translation notes and whatever. So it is likely that you must have that language skill. You can use aide's language skill however, i'm not sure it can be leeched by your fleet members, especially on Sea of Wonders.

Regarding the quests.. after you done, just report to Adventure Mediator, because barmaid didn't work.


Also, i must do each quest of a theme to reach the final clue or can i just keep assembling clues until the final pop up?

All Treasure Hunts work the same way: you can combine clues up to the final Relic quest, or stop and do one of the other clue quests on the route to Relic. The order does not matter; however, only one TH quest can be done per day -- unless you use Mead of Poetry to reset yourself.

If you have room enough in your clue slots, I personally would recommend combining clues until you reach the final relic point. It is often easier to obtain the lower level clues (including some for discoveries) than the high level ones and until you discard the theme, your "progress" in each route is saved -- that is, you don't begin with a limit of 1-3 star level clues.


You can get clues the same way than others TH themes, reading archives, opening shipwreck chest, and such.
But, the quest from the clues can't be shared. Only those with the skills at required rank will be able to do those quests.

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