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  • Leather
    Tanned cattle hide has many uses.
  • Fibres

Tannery Secret
Make deer leather
How to make deer leather.
Obtained Info
Calvi - 500,000 - Investment
Tannery Secret
Process cow leather
How to make cow leather.
Obtained Info
Calvi - 500,000 - Investment
Tannery Secret
Process pig leather
How to make pig leather.
Obtained Info
Calvi - 500,000 - Investment
Tailor's Secret Notes
Mass produce leather
How to make leather from a large amount of cows all
at once.
Obtained Info
Private Farm - Tailor(Town's mans Recipe)

Obtained Info

  • Oslo 3

  • 372D, 180,000 invest. Development 18,000
  • Aden 18

  • 372D, 180,000 invest. Development 18,000
  • Pernambuco 18

  • 372D, 240,000 invest. Development 24,000

Too many results.
Craftsman's Training Book 19
Shipwright Basics - Crafts Book 2
Armoursmith's Technique 13
Craftsman's Boot Enhancement 32
Mode Design Collection - v1 5
Mode Design Collection - v2 2
Mode Design Collection - v3 14
Practical Costume Stitching - v1
Sewing SE Asian Men's Dress 1
Sewing SE Asian Women's Dress
Oceania Dress Sewing Book
Mode Design Collection - v7 37
Mode Design Collection - v8 26
Tailor's Secret Notes 8
Store Master's Secret Notes
Making Cultivation Tools 8
Special Company Recipe - Pt 1 1
East Asian knickknacks- Handicrafts type
Special Company Recipe - Pt 2 5
Special Company Recipe - Pt 3 1
Florentine Recipe - Personal 8
Shoe Points 1
Quarters Production 1
Florentine Recipe – Era
French Cap Sewing Book
Reconquista Arm Casting Book
Eastern European Traditional Costume Sewing Manual
Eastern European Adornments Crafting Manual
Babylonian Accessory Making Book
Clothes Sewing Secret Book (NA)
Clothes Sewing Secret Book (Oceania)
Native NA Shoe Making Book
Duke of Viseu Clothes Sewing Book 4
Production Techniques of the Fortress

    I see this going at roughly the same price as veg oil in company shops. How is that ?

    Crafting it needs veg oil in at least similar quantities, and the towns were you can buy it are pretty distant from each other, it cannot be collected. Veg oil is easy to collect. I just don't get it.

    because its readily available at markets unlike veg oil, people store it in company shops at higher prices to deter others from buying their stores

    it is used to improve leather boots along with veg oil alot is used, as Holfina stated players store it and 100def leather boots will easily make a tidy profit, players pay for convenience or because they are lazy, so higher prices are set for deterence

    like coloured ores really, alchemists use huge quantities of this stuff its easy to collect but is stored at inflated rates to deter others buying it, but believe me they still buy it because a huge profit can still be made from what is produced. people pay for convenience...

    i guess you would have to be a handicrafter who makes alot of high defence boots to understand. if you made 10 sets of 100def boots at a time you dont want to be sailing back n fore on each boot, time is money and all that

    Can also be bought in Gothenburg (after about 180k investment) and Sagres.

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