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  • Weathered Cannon
    A Cannon that was equipped
    on a mysterious ancient ship.
    A mysterious intensity can be
    sensed coming from it.

    • Transformation
      10 10
    • Transmuted Seraphim (16)
      • Transformation
        10 10
      • Transmuted Exploder (16)
        • Transformation
          10 10
        • Transmuted High Perrier (16)
          • Transformation
            10 10
          • Transmuted Cannon (16)
            • Transformation
              10 10
            • Transmuted Carronade (16)
              • Transformation
                10 10
              • Transmuted Volkan (16)
                • Transformation
                  10 10
                • Transmuted Cheminee (16)
                  • Sophia Awakening
                    11 15
                  • Cannon of Wisdom
                    Sofia -500

                    This item is dropped by Ancient Ganadors at random, and comes from mysterious objects at random from the Sea of Wonders zones (Alexandria and Candia both). They can be used to create these:

                    Transmuted Seraphim (16)
                    Transmuted Exploder (16)
                    Transmuted High Perrier (16)
                    Transmuted Cannon (16)
                    Transmuted Carronade (16)
                    Transmuted Volkan (16)
                    Transmuted Cheminee (16)

                    But in addition to the above, this item will also become important when the future update "Ice and Snow Leviathan" (or something to that effect) releases -- it will be used in the creation of the 叡智の大砲 / "Cannon of wisdom" item, a necessary component to creating 20-gate cannons. The recipe on JP wiki is:

                    Alchemy r11 / Casting r15
                    This item (base material)
                    Orichalcum x1
                    Improved Steel Sheet x10
                    Gaseous Drug x10
                    500 Sophia points

                    Two other cannon items can also be used: Broken Cannon (700 Sophia) and Strange Cannon (800 Sophia). Cheers.
                    Source: gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?Skill/Product/Alchemy/Sophia

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