Monster Battle Room
A room filled with information
regarding the knowledge and
techniques to counter Phantom Monsters.
Light Standard Heavy
Art of Production (Advanced Casting)

Making Monster Battle Room


The method of making a Monster Battle Room.
Obtained Info
(Town's mans Recipe) Bilbao,Viana do Castelo,Cattaro,Le Havre,Rotterdam,Portsmouth - 용광로
This is a new Chapter 2: Colossus recipe. It can be found at:
Industrial City - Blast Furnace Recipes ('Revolution' Status required; I don't know if the recipes are always available or only turn up sometimes like other IR town revolution recipes)
Recipe name: "Anti-phantom beast countermeasure room manufacturing method"
Required Production Skills/Ranks:
Casting R12 +
Navigation R10
Ingredients/Finished Product:
Steel x50 +
Coke x50 +
Suspicious Mud x20 =
Monster Battle Room x1
Confers the following Original Ship Skill:
Monster Battle Armament
See the OS Skill's page for further details. Cheers.
Monster Battle Room is the name of this part...
Small correction, this part requires r10 Arms, not r10 Navigation.
Hmm, typo. Thanks for spotting it.
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