This 2-relic Treasure Hunt theme becomes permanently available once you have completed the following quests:
Legend of the Labyrinthos
#2. Land of the Legendary King (Atlantis story quest #1)
This in turn opens access to the DBLINK:88881813] endless dungeon. You may then begin this theme and synthesize clues to seek the relics, hidden deep within it (via a special hidden passage with an air of magnificence, appearing around floor 20 or so). The theme rewards are:
Relic 1:
Deep-sea Gears - R9 Search, R11 Archaeology, Greek language (or translation notes)
Bronze Gear
Number of clues: 16-star
Relic 2:
Seal with Cretan Hieroglyphs - R11 Search, R13 Archaeology, Greek language (or translation notes)
Seal with Cretan Hieroglyphs
Number of clues: 17-star
Of note is that the rewards are also part of the
Truth of the Rumours (No.6) Memorial Album. Further information found on the corresponding pages. Cheers.