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  • London

London 14

Entreating the town's know-it-all 1 1
The sword of St. George 1 5
Fisheries survey near Calais 1 1
Only life remains after desiring death 1
Die for love 2 1
Tristan and Iseult 2 1
Procure logs 1 1
(G.T.)Wild grass 1 1
Procure herring 1 1
Procure saury 1 1
Stone of destiny 7 1
Curse of devil's spear 4 1 1 5
Dragon slayer 1 1 1 1
Legendary magician 1 1 12
Sun god of Ireland 1 12
King Arthur 1 1
Spear of the sun god 1 13
A bird that swims 3 1 1
The knights of the hundred year war 9 1 9 9
Greeting the influential people around town 1
Entreating the town's know-it-all 1 1
Procurement of draft 1 1
Guild joint signature card 1
The Earl of Leicester's gossip 4 1 2
The Man Who Wouldnt Listen 1 2
Specialty items of Dublin info 1
Info on North Sea trade speciality items 1 1 1
Specialty items of the British Isles info 1
Deliver coal 2 1
Supply sausages 1 1
Money collection at Amsterdam 1 1
Info on specialty items of Antwerp 1 1
Procure cheese 1
Info on speciality items of Hamburg 1 1
Information on speciality items of Oslo 1 1
Purchase lumber 1
Purchase barley 1
Info on speciality items of Lubeck 1 1
The town's top cook 3 1
Deliver rawhide 1 2
The town girl's challenge 1 1 1
(G.T.)Delivery of flour 1 1
Info on speciality items of Bergen 1 1
The landlord's new recipe 1 1
Procure a reinforcement order 1 1 5
Safety measures 1 3
Purchase daggers 1
Information on speciality items of Riga 1 1
Weapons that cuts both ways 1 5
Italian bread 1 1 1 1
Repeated Offender 1 1
The Merchant Guild's predicame 1 1
The landlord's unreasonable demand 1 1
Lessons from an Elder 15 1 11
A message 8 1 13
New products of the carpenter 1
Joint research with the craft shop 1
The basics of navel battle 1
(G.T.)Away fame 1
Contact between guild and Dublin 1
Contact between guild and Dover 1
Contact between guild and Calais 1 1
Contact between guild and Plymouth 1
Omen-bringing Bird 1
Prepared for Action 1
Exquisite red pine material 1
Price of the book 1 1
World Tree 1 1 1 6
A frightful illness 2 1 1
Mysterious wool boom 2 1 1
Procure logs 1 1
Procure herring 1 1
Procure saury 1 1
Stone of destiny 7 1
The ring of glory and curse 1 1 1
Curse of devil's spear 4 1 1 5
Legendary magician 1 1 12
Celt Shield 1 8 10 8 Battersea Shield
Sun god of Ireland 1 12
Spear of the sun god 1 13
Holy Lance of England 1 1 11
Enchanting Melody 6 8 1 Shakespeare's Sonnets 2
Communication with guild in London 1
The English navy at dawn 1 1 1
Moves of the neighbouring state 1 1
World Tree 1 1 1 6
Old tales of Scandinavia 1 1 1
Fisheries survey near Bergen 1 1
Half pearl 1 1
Supply ceramics 1 1
Purchasing oats 1 1
Procure Lumber 1 1
Deliver Cattles 1
Info on Scandinavian trade plan 1 1
Latest rates in Scandinavian peninsula 1 1
Deliver flax 1 1
The constant strive for beauty 1
Procure duck meat 1 1
The ingredients for gin 1 1
Purchase amber 1 1 1
Procure heath 1 1
Bulk purchase of fish meat 1
Communication with London 1
Entreating the town's know-it-all 1 1
The tales of English Knights 1 1 4
Develop sea lane to England 1 1
Procure logs 1 1
Whereabouts of a rare book 2 1 1
Curse of devil's spear 4 1 1 5
Legendary magician 1 1 12
Info on trade plan around England 1 1
Communication with the guild in London 1
Entreating the town's know-it-all 1
The tales of English Knights 1 1 4
Procure logs 1 1
Legendary magician 1 1 12
Info on trade plan around England 1 1
(G.T.)Cuenca tiles Delivery 1
The English naval history 1
The red letter of the knights 1 1
Signs of sharp rise in dung 1 1
Communication with the guild in London 1
The scary woman 1 1
Hamlet's Poison 1 1 1 Yew
Procure logs 1 1
(G.T.)Delivery rose 1
Delivery of French royal family's letter 1 1 1
Appointed by the Duke of Guise 1 1
Communication with the guild in London 1
The man who sought help 1 1
Procure logs 1 1
Letter from the alchemist 6 10 10 1
Feet up with a cuppa 7 1
Regular communication with London 1 1 3
Develop sea route to London 1
Information on Azores speciality items 1 1
Info - Caribbean towns speciality items 1 1
An offering to the palace 1 1
Deliver potatoes 1
Crafts from the New World 11 1
Communication with London 1
Develop sea route to London 1
Information on Azores speciality items 1 1
Deliver hemp cloth 1 1
Communication to London 1
Develop sea route to London 1 1
Communication to London 1
Rare delivery items 1 1
(G.T.)Taste never be able to forget 1 1
Communication to London 1
Sweet Fragrance 1 1
(G.T.)Map and report findings about the 1
Change of job to Adventurer 1 1
(G.T.)Turnover of adventurers 1
(G.T.)Intermediate Certificate examination major traders
(G.T.)Intermediate Certificate examination major traders
(G.T.)Intermediate Certificate examination major traders
(G.T.)Intermediate Certificate examination major traders
Travelling gardener 5 3 1
(g.t.)Delivery of fur 1 1
Oil delivery 1 1
The Efforts of the Development Leader 1 1
Delivering Pewter 1
Omen-bringing Bird 6 8 1
(g.t.)Gold delivery 1 1
The Charm of Stained Glass 15 17 1 Cathedral Stained Glass 2

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