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Holy Lance of England
No Expiration
Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
Good news! There's apparently a legend in England about the Spear of Longinus, as well! How about going to the Church of London immediately?



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London Church - Talk to Bishop church near palace
London Square Church - Talk to Vicar church at squar
London Archives - Browse
Theology (
English and
Latin required)
London Archives - Talk to Scholar

Holy Lance 


Biblical prophecy 


Lance of Longinus 

Currently here.
The Spear of Longinus 


The Spear of Longinus 

Joseph of Arimathea
If you're looking for the Spear of Longinus, they say it's located in what's left of the Glastonbury Abbey northeast of Plymouth. The legend goes that Joseph of Arimathea, who appears in the Bible, and his son brought the Holy Grail and Holy Spear to England and then built the abbey... Come to think of it, the Holy Spear is also mentioned in stories about King Arthur.

The legend of King Arthur
In the legend of King Arthur, the Spear of Longinus was able to destroy the land in one blow. I imagine, from that, stories arose that its owner would be able to rule the entire world. But are you looking for the magic spear of the Celts? Or the Holy Spear from the Bible? If you ask me, I think they are two separate things.

King Arthur's knights and the holy lance
Sir Balin took the spear, which was kept in a castle, and pierced King Pelles, a descendant of Joseph of Arimathea. One thrust completely destroyed the castle and the land, and the king suffered an incurable wound. Galahad, the king's grandson, then appeared, took the spear and rubbed the spilled blood onto Pelles. The king's wound was healed by the power of the holy blood.

Unlimited holy lances
Doesn't the spear in the Legend of King Arthur seem more like the Brionac of Celtic myths than the Holy Spear? Maybe it was that then which was kept in the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey... But there are countless numbers of things called a Holy Spear in just about every region. Who knows which of them is real? Or if they are all fakes...

Holy lance of England
It's said the Spear of Longinus was kept in the ruins of the Glastonbury Abbey northeast of Plymouth. But it's also possible the Holy Spear, which was brought by Joseph of Arimathea and appears in the Legend of King Arthur, was confused with Celtic mythology. It's all a mystery. Also, a great number of items called the Holy Spear exist in a variety of places.
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