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      Lance of Longinus
      No Expiration
      Amsterdam Adventurer's Guild
      Ahh, I see now what the meaning of the Spear of Longinus is in the Bible. However, the Request was for the real Spear of Longinus... I don't know if it's a lie or real, but the rumor is that the Spear of Longinus is in Istanbul.
      •  Member
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                1. Istanbul - Talk to Rest House Master
                2. Istanbul Archives - Talk to Scholar
                3. Naples Church - Talk to Priest
                4. Naples Church - Talk to Monk

                Holy Lance 1 1 9
                Biblical prophecy 1 1 10
                Currently here.
                Holy Lance of England 1 1 11
                The Spear of Longinus 9 11 9 The Spear of Longinus

                In Istanbul...
                The Spear of Longinus? Hmm... I don't know. But if you want to know something about Christianity, you're probably wasting your time asking anyone in this town. But maybe a Scholar might know something.

                Mother of the roman emperor
                The Spear of Longinus? Apparently, in the days of Rome, it was discovered in Jerusalem by the mother of Emperor Constantine I. It's unclear what happened to it after that. But, since it was found by a Roman, maybe it's somewhere in or around Rome.

                The gospel of Nicodemus
                Saint Longinus appears in the Gospel of Nicodemus in the New Testament Apocrypha. A blind Roman soldier named Longinus pierced the side of the Lord with a spear. His eyesight was restored when Jesus' blood dripped into his eyes. Longinus then repented his actions, became baptized and worked to proclaim the Gospel. But he died as a martyr in Cappadocia and became a saint.

                Is the holy lance in Rome?
                There's a rumor that the Spear of Longinus is being kept in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. But I haven't seen it for myself, so I'm not sure. If the spear in the Pope's possession is actually the Spear of Longinus, wouldn't that be something holy and magnificent?

                Lance of Longinus
                The Spear of Longinus was apparently found by the mother of Eastern Roman Emperor Constantine I in Jerusalem. It's now said to be kept in St. Peter's Basilica. But there's nothing really definitive to prove that spear is really the Spear of Longinus

                    I got 3 QMP's as a reward from this quest

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