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  • London
    A town built by the Romans and originally known as fortress Londinium. It has prospered since the 11th century, and is now the center of England. It trades a wealth of wool, as well as making remarkable strides in refining technology based on a background of mineral wealth from surrounding towns.
  • The British Isles Culture Area



London Adventurers' Guild

London Merchants' Guild

London Maritime Guild

London Palace

London Tavern 2

Shakespeare Estate

John Dee Estate

London Archives

Middleton Estate

Duckett Company House 5

Company House 1

Company House 2

Company House 3

Company House 4

Company House 5

Company House 6

Company House 7

Company House 8

Company House 9 1

Company House 10

Company House 11

Company House 12

Company House 13

Company House 14

Company House 15

Company House 16

Company House 17

Company House 18

Company House 19

Company House 20

London Square Church

London Church

Voyager Academy

North Sea Port Permits

Major City: England




North Sea Cuisine Collection 1000,000

    Trade Goods
                      • Iron 3
                      • Wares

                      • 738 D (Invest 180,000, Development 18,000)

                          • Scotch Whiskey

                          • Alcohol / 60 D
                            Restore Rate 13
                          • A Scottish whisky made from peated malt.
                            • Irish Whisky

                            • Alcohol / 60 D
                              Restore Rate 13
                            • The world's oldest whisky, known for its light, refreshing
                              • Cider

                              • Alcohol / 15 D
                                Restore Rate 6
                              • A slightly fizzy drink made by fermenting apple juice.
                                • Ale

                                • Alcohol / 14 D
                                  Restore Rate 6
                                • A traditional top-brewed beer made without hops.
                                  • Gin

                                  • Alcohol / 25 D
                                    Restore Rate 15
                                  • A liquor made from fermented rye and barley, then perfumed
                                    with cypress.
                                    • Milk

                                    • Drink / 8 D
                                      Restore Rate 1
                                    • Cow's milk.
                                      • Rye Knackebrot

                                      • Food / 16 D
                                        Restore Rate 21
                                      • A thin, crispy cracker made from rye seeds.
                                        • Fried Fish

                                        • Food / 58 D
                                          Restore Rate 40
                                        • Locally caught whitefish fried in oil.
                                          • Oatmeal Haggis

                                          • Food / 47 D
                                            Restore Rate 32
                                          • Sheep stomach stuffed with oatmeal, mincemeat, and
                                            • Caudle

                                            • Drink / 15 D
                                              Restore Rate 5
                                            • Warm wine with egg yolks, sugar, salt, and spices.
                                              as a medicine.

                                              Where can i get Studding sail - multiple

                                              If I invest 2M in london,will I get 2 books of north sea cuisine?

                                              Yes, but you have to pass one out of your possession to get the 2nd one. Can only get it if you don't already have it. So pass it to an alt or have a friend carry it.

                                              I'm not sure if storing it in vault or quarters will work.

                                              OMG what is it with this player: bryan1 in london? hes a pest, now has alts running around begging players too, all he does is pester players, begs, asks to be taken dungeons. im really getting annoyed at this pest. im sick of him following me begging

                                              Ming Mei
                                              haha, yeah I've seen him too.. He annoys quite many players, including those in my co.

                                              Oh man, I can see not only I had that honor.
                                              My encounter with him in London:
                                              - I need a sword gimme sword pls sword gimme sword
                                              - Okay, so you need some specific sword, or just any sword?
                                              - sword sword give me sword I need sword (opens exchange)
                                              - ok, but what sword do you want? just any?
                                              - sword givme sword etc. etc.
                                              - well okay, but you didn't answer my question - you need some specific sword, or any will do?

                                              [10 minutes of silence]

                                              - fu

                                              [another 5 minutes of silence]

                                              - haha dic

                                              [the end]

                                              And kill me, I have no idea, what the dic is :)

                                              Li Yue
                                              We should start a screenshot thread about him, would be hilarius

                                              thats a good idea, like upload the screens to the UWO forum?

                                              Barkeep in London tavern:
                                              - Do you know a pest by the name of bryan1, I heard he recently made quite a name for himself as the most annoying person in London.

                                              how to defect to here from amsterdam? how to defect to a lesser nation from a higher nation??

                                              Mei Hua
                                              you need aide with english correspondence and raise that nation trust to max doing correspondence with flagged npcs, to defect. Also, certain total fame needed, and you will lose 20k fame in all fields, and will be orange...

                                              give me items please!
                                              IGN: bryan1

                                              be aware of Miguelangel, runs around london for days asking players for money since he lost all his money and items at sea, do not give this player any money.

                                              i gave him 2mil, then saw him 5 mins later buying 4 sets carronade 16s for 2mil each and now selling for 5mil each. i called him a liar, he gave me abuse, i have the screenshots of the abuse. said he got 40mil in 20 mins from taking player's money.

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