Abu Simbel Temple
Upper Floors
Middle Floors
Lower Floors
Temple of Ramses 2nd 11
Ptah Statue Upper Floors
Amun Statue 3 (Karnak & Luxor Temples Lower Floors)
Task from the Scholar 8
Epigraph of Victory Middle Floors
Peridot 3
Jewellery 1
Yellow Ore 16
Blue Ore 23
Red Ore 19
Gold Dust 8
Silver 3



African Shell Perfume 1
Civet Musk
Heliopolis Mythology Book
Kush Period Talisman 2
Nephthys' Staff 6
Goldwork 2
Gold 11
Platinum 8
Resin 17
Purchase Order (Category 1) 55
Treasures of Abu Simbel
A record of treasure that can be found in the dungeons ruins of Abu Simbel.
Abu Simbel Explorer Reward
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4- 36,36
5- 33,36,36
6- 33,33
7- 39,41

What are the chances to get Master Tailoring Tools?

not often dropped, but, you can also get headache meds from middle too

MTT is just in middle floor or there is in upper to??
how do i get the quest task for scholar i have all the pre quests but this one just dont pop for me can anyone help?

Did you remember to turn in the discos that are prerequisites for the quest you're after?

Is this a good dungeon to collect colored ores? How often do they drop?

At least in my experience not too often Emma. Ive run upper Abu Simbel several times, and on average per run I only get 1 or 2 chests that have colored ore inside them (and on some runs I don't get any at all). I would say collecting them on land areas is faster if you have a good collection rank unless you just get bored collecting or something.

Yet again i get a woman picture... i think the data base likes trolling me, anyways the Mids drops Great MTT's you just need to have around 300/300 att/def when in battle and you can grind the crap out of this place, and get around 10-50 MTT's per 3 hour grind, that is considering i never did a grind without useing a couple for my gear so yeah pretty good MTT's also you get around 2-8 Hed meds from finishing middle floor as well, and seals of sorcery from it they are kinda rare, but you maily get MTT's from what i have gotten! Hope this information helps someone out! ^^ cause i sure do hate typeing! :3 hehehe

i got mysterious spices on the upper floor

U gotta have patience if you are going after MTT's. the most I got was 5 in one drop and 2 as the lowest. The patience comes in because you have 5 floors to deal with and even when u can knock the dudes to the floor after a couple blows, it still feels like an eternity sometimes.
I've been trying to get the last 2 items for memorial album but am starting to think they will never drop. Maybe a bug or something for the fix they made from dungeon crybabies that lowered the drop rate and seems as if it totally wiped out my chance of getting the staff and the amulet... FUCK!

how many ESBTs the middle floor requires to "teleport" there?

Takes 3 ESBT for both upper and mid floor Rashid.
And Natascha did you check to make sure you have free space in your inventory before and during dungeon runs? I know several players who run dungeons many times have a tendency to forget that their inventory is full and wonder why their not getting any items. And supposedly the Relic Hunter title increases the odds of getting drops at the end but I can't confirm if it's true or not.

i spent 2.5 days doing the middle floors and got a lot of headache meds and no MTT's. that is a bunch of crap

Try korean dungeon mate
Upper Abu drop Mysterious Spices.
Upper Abu - Seal of Slyph, Suma root, Black Ore, Green Ore, Asclepius' elixir. Lots of Mysterious spices. Probably more than Bordueax ?
PO 3 drop from floor 7
this is a pretty decent dungeon. 5 runs on mid floors and got headmeds, suede, mtt's, po1's, seals of sylph and seals of sorcery. Not a good one for getting money out of the goods though. around 1.5 mil per run
Abu Simbel now has a lower floor, but access requires locating a hidden discovery room on the middle floor first. Here's how one Japanese player did it:
Pink torches (also new to the game; activate the highest number torch all the way down to lowest number) don't always generate, so I'm inclined to wonder if the timing was more of a factor in reaching the discovery room than anything else. In addition to that,
Adventurer's shoes and a pair of +2 trap gloves can be found in hidden treasure rooms on Abu middle, from time to time. Well, happy ruin exploration, all.
Bes's Knife throwing knife weapon called Bes's Knife can be acquired from treasure chests on the 15th floor of this dungeon's lower level. Its traits are:
+2 Archaeology
+1 Survival
5000 Fame is necessary to equip it.
I got the discovery "King's obituary" from the hidden passage from floor 5. I cleared the floor with blue torches and then got a memo of what lies beyond in a treasure chest. So it seems that using the pink torches is not essential.
The lower hidden passage discovery is "Mural of Ramesses II".
The discovery for clearing floor 15 is "Ancient Scale".
Activated all purple torches on the 4th floor and got into the hidden passage where i got the discovery required to unlock Lower floors.
Abu Simbel 15th Floor also gives Ruin's Explorer Robe as reward for completion
50 dura 25 form 25 def +1 art, app, and search - 10k total fame req
Been running Middle floors all day getting almost all floors perfect score on blue torches and pink torches with no luck unlocking Lower until I failed a blue torch on 6th floor, still got the secret passage and... the discovery for Lower.
Found King's obituary through hidden passage on floor 4, with Keeper of Secrets active. Tried many times before getting the title but never found it until then.
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