Songsunri Ruins
Upper Floors
Middle Floors
Lower Floors
History of the Three Kingdoms of Korea 23 Pre-Quest 1-1
Book of history and mythology 2 Pre-Quest 1-2
Historical River 3 Pre-Quest 2
Vestiges of Paekche 28
Stone Beasts Upper Floors
Helping in the Ruins 14
Paekche King Magatama Middle Floors
Paekche King Amulet 3 (Key item)
Paekche King Crown Accessory Lower Floors
Treasure Hidden in Ruins
Record of treasures hidden in
dungeons of Songsunri Ruins.
General's Bow
Lyu Sungyong
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Strange, I was told it meant a player had unlocked a port permit for that area.

@George: Youre partially right. When the message "(Country) has arrived in Southeast Asia!" It means that particular couyntry has again gotten above their attainment points (IE: 12501/12000)

(Sorry! Clicked too soon :P ) With IQs that is... Meaning they've gained over in that particualr area

can anyone tell me the names of the quests i need to take one by one

What are NPC lvls in this dungeon?

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]12-03-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]12-04-2013
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WTB Songsunri dungeon and azhuchi castle quest pm me or leave ign here CarlosAlvaro

Go do it your own.
Adventurer cease this acts, the more dungeons availability there are, the more inflated the economy will become.
If you wanna run it, then be prepared for the skills required to discover it!

is 600m earned for 2 hours work considered good or bad..?

how you do that at all?

Meng Meng
That's an adventurer's secret.. ^^ here's a hint - "WTS EA Dungeon quest"
Heh, there's an unseen group of puppet masters behind the "inflation driving force" and dungeon runners are merely, well, the runners who are set into motion by these puppet masters and are very likely ignorant of the dungeon trap they've been placed into..
Dungeon runners come and go, but the real masterminds remain, ready to prey on unsuspecting potential dungeon runners of the future.. they dont want these people to be prepared for the skills to discover dungeons on their own.. cos then they'll have to learn adventure, which is addictively fun.. these behind-the-scene masterminds just want to take their 600m/2 hours work (while they do other interesting non-dungeon stuff), and let time destroy the game for these dungeon runners.. besides, the supply of game-ignorant potential dungeon runners is endless.. and who wouldnt want 600m/2hours of PLAY.. yes, these masterminds play and enjoy their game without needing to step inside dungeons but still able to earn 600m/2hours whenever they feel like it..
heh.. let's see what happnes now, now that the dark side has been exposed.. if you guys hadnt already figured this before, you're a year or more late in this realisation.. heh..

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]12-05-2013
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no it is like forever to get the skills so i prefer buying it some one sell me azhuchi castle and songsunri dungeon quests please

WTB songyunri dungeon and azhuchi castle quest pm me or leave ign here

Li Yue
Hey guys Ive done the quest already but when I get inside the ruins it wont let me enter the dungeon. Is it inaccessible ATM? Also is this better then FSD? How does it stack up?

Port Official
The actual entrence to get in is located outside the ruins. You see that stone marker just to the left of the ruin entrence? Thats where you actually get into Songunri.
Still doesn't beat FSD although it's a nice altentive. Mid level would be just as proftbale as FSD mid if it didnt drop a lot
Ancient Attack Stratagem,
Ancient Defense Stratagem, and
Ancient Offense-Defense Stratagem on floors 4 and 5 although the MTT's are a nice bouns. Lower floor drops the most EA goods (at least in my experince) but it's sigitnetly harder.

(crap ignore that last post: Forgot to spell check it! >.

The actual entrance to get in is located outside the ruins. You see that stone marker just to the left of the ruin entrance? Thats where you actually get into Songunri.
Still doesn't beat FSD although it's a nice alternative. Mid level would be just as profitable as FSD mid if it didnt drop a lot of
Ancient Attack Stratagem,
Ancient Defense Stratagem, and
Ancient Offense-Defense Stratagem on floors 4 and 5. The MTTs, while a nice bonus doesn't drop that often. Lower floor, however, drops the most EA goods (at least in my experience) but it's significantly harder.
(contact on OGP forum or IGN)
How this is work?
-if you make deal with me you will be towed and full helped on all Prequests, quests-to unlock dungeon, and after quests for middle floor. Customer have to fallow my rules of payment that is explained on info of each dungeon.
What is my requiments that i need to have?
-only REQUIMENT is East Asia Port Permit! (Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China region)
What time are you avaible?
I am not working any quests while Battle Camp and ESF event is there. it can be aranged for double price in time of those events. all other days we can make deal and arrange time of start.
Quest chain that you need start when i have at least 3 ppls in fleet. Contact me in game or here on this post. make sure you tell me time of day that you are online and your Time Zone
IGN: Br00nX
----Details on Dungeons----
-Fort San Domingo- 300milions
1. Take Abadonden Quest from me in calicut and towed to sakai, collect info on quest.
2. Pay me 300milions at Sakai bank
3.Complete Abadonden Quest and towed back to Calicut.
4.Take quest: Explorer Searchin for Fort San Domingo - middle floor.
5.Complete it.
-Leshant Giant Budhha - 300milions
1. Take South China Great Buddha quest in calicut and be towed for all info quest.
2. Pay me 300mil at Chongqing bank
3. Complete quest and get discovery card.
4. At Jakarta take quest for middle floor.
5. Complete it.
-Azuchi Castle - 500milions
1. At Hangzhou take Reputation of Sakai quest, collect info at Nagasaki and Goa.
2.Pay me 100milions at Goa bank
3.Go to lisabon complete 1st quest.
4. At Calicut take Remaining Glory of Hegemonyquest. collect all quest info.
5. Pay me 400mil at Sakai bank.
6. Complete quest to unlock dungeon
7. At Calicut take Invite to Search Azuchi Castle quest for midle floor
8. Finished
-Songsunri Ruins-800milions
* This is 5chains long quest
1.at start pay 100milions
2.before complete of Where there was a capital of Baekje - unlock dungeon quest pay me 700mil
3. take middle flor quest
4. Complete.

I obtained 7 Seal of Sylph(s) from one dude in there

Yeah, it's a fairly common drop on lower floor. For a full listing of all possible loot items, check the upper/middle/lower floor lists up near the top!

I am looking for someone to run quests with, need to leech skills, will pay good money Pm me ingame at Atriatum, please and thank you, may need to mail me deponds on time! ^~^
what is the stone beast listed up in the quest for?????????
I haven't done Songsunri, but the way dungeons are shown in these pages here on ivyro, this stone beast should be the upper floors discovery. You get it when you complete upper for the first time. So you need to complete upper and get the discovery, likely report it to a noble too, and only then you fullfil the requirements for the Helping in the Ruins quest that unlocks middle floors.

nope u dont need to report it , u can get the Q just by getting the discovery , this rule can be applied for any dungeons
Upper Hidden chamber discovery: "Ancient Bronze Mirror", Historical Relic
Middle Hidden chamber discovery: "Hinoshi", treasure
Lower Hidden chamber discovery: "Goldring Earring", Historical Relic
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