부관 / 副官 / Aide
RescueNPC - Alexander Archipelago, Open Sea
RescueNPC - Alexander Archipelago, Open Sea

Looks like this is where my fate ends...

Are you sure? I don't know how to thank you...
1. Requesting for Supplies!!It seems that Ezrin's ship lacks supplies.
Ezrin's ship has resolved their lack of Supplies.
4. Shipwreck!!It seems that Ezrin's ship has become unable to sail.
Ezrin's ship has safely arrived at the port.
2. Requesting for Repairs!!It seems that Ezrin's ship is heavily damaged.

Being struck by strong waves, the ship had fell over just like that...
Ezrin's ship has been repaired from the damage.
3. Load Collapse!!It seems that Ezrin's ship had a load collapse and the cargo was washed away.
You've found Ezrin's cargo which were washed away! Let's deliver it to Ezrin.

That's my cargo! Where did you find that?
Ezrin's cargo has been safely returned to the ship.
5. Under Pirate Attack!!It seems that Ezrin's ship has encountered pirates.
Obtain victory in Sea Battle while protecting ally NPC.

Even I can fight! Let's go, everyone!
You have failed to protect ally NPC...

What should I do...
Ezrin's ship has escaped from pirates.

You're a great help.
Lookout 40
( 12 / 5 / 2 )
- A variety of materials and goods can be gathered.
Lieutenant 40
( 10 / 10 / 15 )
- Temporary increase in Defence Power during Melee Battle.
Lieutenant 53
( 0 / 0 / 16 )
- Cannon loads become quicker,
and cannons, autocanons and
flamethrowers less prone to break down.
Lieutenant 70
( 0 / 0 / 19 )
- Extends cannon firing range.
Lieutenant 50
( 8 / 8 / 18 )
- Increases the attack power and attack speed of long-range weapons.
First Aid
Surgeon 20
( 2 / 2 / 6 )
- Lowers the loss of crew due to injury during battle or exploration.
Surgeon 20
( 2 / 8 / 2 )
- Medical treatment for crew injured in battle. Water is required.
Bow Attack
Lieutenant 70
( 14 / 12 / 32 )
- Increases the Critical rate when using a bow or crossbow in Land Battle.
Arabic 5
( 6 / 4 / 2 )
- Ability to converse and read books. Used in Islamic lands.
Turkish 3
( 0 / 0 / 0 )
- Ability to converse and read books. Used around Turkey.
Windbreak 4
Navigator 70
( 15 / 0 / 0 )
- Take precautions against a squall.
Fire Prevention 43
Store Keeper 40
( 13 / 14 / 6 )
- Take precautions against fire.
Prevention 4
Surgeon 40
( 6 / 8 / 12 )
- Take precautions against infectious diseases.
Advanced Healing
( 0 / 0 / 13 )
- Recover the Stamina for
multiple allies. Effectiveness
varies based on the amount of
Surgeon Traits the Aide has.
Advanced Treatment
( 0 / 20 / 30 )
- Recover the Stamina of
multiple allies gradually.
Effectiveness varies based on
the amount of Surgeon Traits the Aide has.
Advanced Cure
( 8 / 0 / 15 )
- Recover multiple allies from Abnormal States.
I think I'll need study navigation once again.
When I went to find this aide, I noticed a popular spot for Rescue NPCs to appear was near Tacoma. By sailing west and east between the ocean zones and staying close to Tacoma I found Ezrin pretty quickly. But like with all Rescue Aides, it's a RNG percentage gamble whether they'll appear; I even got several NPCs who weren't Ezrin at all. :) Good luck!