I'm still inexperienced; I'll need to re-educate myself somehow.
Ranger who knows how to build ships :)
And no Biology nor Ecological Research :)
He's not the first aide whose skills don't entirely match up with his job-type. Probably one of the more glaringly obvious, though. He does have geography/recognition at least.
Is he available on Maris now?
All of them are. It may take a few tries to find him though; so far I've only heard of Bernard and Arthur being located. Good luck.
Confirmed available
Can you say me where you find him?
I personally have Mei, Bernard, and Muriel and i can confirm from other players that we have all the other new aides too. It's just that the new aides have a lower probability of showing up then the others at rescue time (took me 3 days to finally get bernard to appear), so don't get discouraged if it's been several hours and he has not appear yet.
Five evenings in/out Antilles, and this guy not appear yet. Rona was saved twice at this period.
I found him just for fun. The method I chose was to enter/exit the Antilles Sea from the San Juan, Open Sea zone and sailed west/east repeatedly.
The key was going far enough to the west that I could see where Jamaica and Santiago were on my survey map, then heading back east, resetting the oceans repeatedly. Most of the time, rescue NPCs seemed to load north/northeast of Santo Domingo, so it was just a matter of patience until Alejandro appeared.
But the only real trick to finding Rescue Aides is to keep entering and exiting a sea zone where they appear until they finally spawn. Good luck in your efforts.
After 2 hours of switching between San Juan and Antilles, i managed to get this. Curiously, i looked over his equipments, and the clothes this aide wear is apparently
Ship Chef Clothing, which is uwc clothes.
Yeah just a fun fact lol.
Does anyone know what skills you need to get rescue him and do you get atk by which ships
There are five different kinds of rescue:
Repair (Repair skill required; rank doesn't matter, just say "yes")
Lost Cargo (recognition/collection skills or items with effect needed; use them in a circular search pattern until you find the lost item)
Shipwreck (tow the NPC to a port in the same sea region; do NOT leave or you fail the mission)
Supplies (give a certain amount of food/water to the NPC; more food/water means an extra reward Letter of Appreciation)
Pirate attack (defeat an NPC fleet of variable strength)
The rescue type is as random as the NPC who shows up to rescue.
It's funny though, that you don't need timber to perform the Repair for aide rescue, yet you still need food and water for Supplies. I wish the game counts vigour food as supplies too because i always don't bring food and water when adventuring so it sucks i wasn't able to save them when they asked for supplies.
@CABlakeC Around where did you found Mei? I found Alejandro north of Santo Domingo, but I cant find where Mei spawns in Eastern East Asia
It took me 3 real days to find Alejandro, I got Guido and Bernard by luck (not even looking for them) and a couple hours to get Muriel, you just need luck, search for an NPC to rescue in East EA and hope to be Mei
@CABlakeC Around where did you found Mei? I found Alejandro north of Santo Domingo, but I cant find where Mei spawns in Eastern East Asia
I found Mei around the Okinawa Islands (that's the two islands directly south of Nagasaki and east-northeast of Tamsui). It only took me about an hour to get her to appear, but do be prepared to spend several hours of sailing back and forth around there to get her or any other of the new aides that need rescuing.
@CABlakeC Around where did you found Mei? I found Alejandro north of Santo Domingo, but I cant find where Mei spawns in Eastern East Asia
Finally found him after 1hour by going in and out at Antilles
I found him twice (first was for the wrong alt) after 3h13min. Sailing between SanJuan and Antilles in a 3 ship fleet, doing every rescue any of the alt had. And i took notes which other aides i found.
Only Rescue: 2x Selma, 2x Arnaldo, 2x Martin, 1x Murat, 3x Elpidio, 2x Kenneth, 1x Leandro, 2x Aleena, 1x Euphemia, 1x Leopold, 1x Philomena, 2x Phillis.
Aides: 3x Marceline, 2x Rona, 5x Liberato, 2x Pamela, 2x Elvin, 2x Alejandro.
The first 5 i have not writen down.
The needed rescue actions were: 14x Supplies, 10x Repair, 8x Cargo, 7x Pirate, 2x Shipwreck.
The numbers are completely random, it took me 3 days, (5 sets of 3h each) to find Alejandro and I had an NPC to rescue almost every single time
i found him in SE corner little bit in N of Santo Domingo / just change waters between San Juan and Antiles . After save him can hire him from Sevile .
According to JP wiki gvo.gamedb.info it is also possible to locate/rescue this NPC in the Gulf of Thailand. Cheers.
Source: gvo.gamedb.info/wiki/?RescueNPC
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