A : Agriculture + Agriculture + Agriculture
B : Agriculture + Agriculture + Technology
C : Agriculture + Agriculture + Culture
D : Agriculture + Technology + Culture
E : Industry + Industry + Industry
F : Industry + Industry + Technology
G : Industry + Industry + Culture
H : Industry + Technology + Culture
I : ( Technology + Culture ) x 150%

1. New France
P : Population
A : Agriculture
I : Industry
T : Technology
C : Culture
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]10-20-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]01-16-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-20-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]03-25-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]05-17-2015
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Going to repeat an earlier question:
How do you use this table? What is trade good type F = industry+industry+technology?
Can anyone explain how that works?
How to compute value "A"
Each building has its intrinsic Agriculture/Industry/Technology/Culture points (e.g. ranch has 300/0/0/300. See id=85000029 for the list).
"Agriculture" value of a colony is defined to be the sum of agriculture point of all buildings in the colony. "Industry", "Technology", and "Culture" values are defined similarly. These 4 values are used to compute value of "A" to "I". As you can see, the value "A" = 3*"Agriculture", value "B" = 2*"Agriculture"+"Technology", and so on.
What is the value "A" used for?
As you can check on this page, All trading goods that are supposed to be sold in comp colony are divided in to type A to type I (and local specialties group). Up to 8 kinds of non-local goods are chosen and handled in the market. How many kinds of type A trading goods are chosen are decided by ratio of value "A" to sum of value "A" to "I". The larger value "A" is, the more kinds of type A goods will appear.
Why can't they just simplify it? When you click on your colonies NPC, there should be a way to show you the development levels of each, Agriculture, Industry, Technology and Culture, rather than needing to calculate it all. Our company tried for 6 months and spent billions trying to get Coal to show at our Wares market so we could make Hardened Live Oak plating at the Armory whenever anyone went there without having to haul the Coal. We gave up. As it stands, it's a ridiculous system for trying to figure out how to get certain Trade Goods to show at the 4 market types, and KOEI needs to address this ASAP.
IGN: CullumStraun
(1) Koei needed to tackle inflation after Nanban trading implementation.
(2) They published the official guide book in Japan. The book covers T/A expansion contents including the colony system.
Don't know if this has been mentioned, but my Company Colony currently has a +2 production skill bonus insteaqd of +1. Is this related to the new Immigrant mechanics or to the Festival in North America?
It'll probably be documented on the UWO wikia before long, if it isn't already, but it should be the immigrant quests/mechanics. If you look here with a translator (I use Google):
Under the "Appearance by Immigration NPC, Facility Effect" section, you can see that immigrant quests do indeed appear to affect certain colony buildings. In your case:
"Manufacturing control office" (Manufacture Control) | "Boost value of production system and shipbuilding skill Up (+ 1 → + 2)"
Other colony buildings are affected by immigrant levels from the new colony quests as well. NPCs may appear with special equipment, or buildings give better overall effects. The UWO DB entries on colony buildings should probably have comments added to them documenting the new features, just for the sake of completion.
My shipbuilder character somehow has +2 bonus instead of just +1 to his shipbuilding skill for about a week now. It applies everywhere, not just in the colony, but at sea too, and in Europe too. Our colony does not have Manufacture control building yet. But we did some immigrant attraction quests. I wonder how is this possible?
PS none of this character's company members and none of this character's friends have anything related to elections.
PSS and i checked multiple times the equipment and aide on this character.
Hmm, that's true, Charles V is the Holy Roman Emperor, and one of his commitments was "Support Shipbuilding - Augments Shipbuilding skill." I always figured those commitments affected the entire player base, not just supporters and friends/company members of supporters. My own shipbuilder does not seem to have any bonuses to his shipbuilding skill, though, and doesn't belong to a company that's doing lots of immigrant quests. I currently have him in Helmsperson job, and haven't tried changing him to a job like Shipwright to see if that affects his Shipbuilding skill, though. Make of that what you will.
Now that you mentioned, i did support Charles in the elections, but only a few millions ducats.
Supporting the candidate once regardless the amount in emperor election is sufficient to get the five benefits that the person offers.
More info see:
Ok I just saw red ore for sale at someone's colony… so I have no idea how. Does anyone know what's required for those ores to appear I looked everywhere and can't figure out how to get it ..pouty lips.. :(
It turns out ALL company colonies are capable of producing ANY of the colored ores. Unfortunately, im unable to find out the prerequisites of whats needed to produce them (at least for now. I'll need to look deeper).
Indeed they can. One of my toons has a colony registered that has all unlocked. I thought the japanese wiki listed the requirements for these to show up, but I checked and it does not. I know I've seen it somewhere though, perhaps on a blog from a player from an Asian server.
i have a colony and i seen a colony with a shipyard 3 and so i read you needed 7001 population to build one. i deleted a lot of things and built enough max housing to get my population to 7050. but i went to build a shipyard 3 with 120 stones 60 irons and 50 clay but the shipyard 3 never came up so as i could build it. so besides the 7001 population, what else is first needed before i can build the sy3.
You need to wait for the population to actually show up, need 7001/7001 not 5000/7001
it is actually 7050/7050. that is why i expected i could build a shipyard 3 when i arrived there today.
I believe you still need to have R1 Shipyard AND R2 Shipyard constructed and present, in addition to having 7000+ population, to be able to construct the R3 Shipyard.
i got it built. the problem was i thought it would be right under sy2 in the menu for building. it was way down the list. so when i scanned through the whole list of buildings to be built i found it. and i never needed the sy 1 or sy 2. i just hadnt check the full list of buildings like i should of.
The prerequisites for maple syrup are not good.
In my colony it appeared after I added a planted forest and an R1 mine. Since I wasn't after him, I didn't dig any further.
What is certain, however, is that 1100 points in Agriculture is not a sufficient condition for it to appear.
The prerequisites for Stone and Lumber are lower than indicated. I have them in my colony (in Louisiana) while I only have 940 points in Industry and 340 points in Technology.
population 5044
production buildings
market PO1
market PO2
market PO3
market PO4
storehouse PO1 x3
storehouse PO2 x3
storehouse PO3 x3
storehouse PO4 x3
Mine R2 x3
Trade goods
Copper ore
Iron ore
Tin ore
Lead ore
Zinc ore
population 5044
production buildings
market PO1
market PO2
market PO3
market PO4
storehouse PO1 x3
storehouse PO2 x3
storehouse PO3 x3
storehouse PO4 x3
Mine R2 x3
Forest x1
Trade goods
Copper ore
Iron ore
Tin ore
population 5044
production buildings
market PO1
market PO2
market PO3
market PO4
storehouse PO1 x3
storehouse PO2 x3
storehouse PO3 x3
storehouse PO4 x3
Mine R2 x3
Forest x1
Lab R2 x1
Trade goods
Copper ore
Iron ore
Tin ore
Single-handed swords
population 5044
production buildings
market PO1
market PO2
market PO3
market PO4
storehouse PO1 x3
storehouse PO2 x3
storehouse PO3 x3
storehouse PO4 x3
Mine R2 x3
Forest x1
Lab R2 x2
Trade goods
Copper ore
Iron ore
Tin ore
cannon shot
Two-handed swords
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