[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]06-11-2012
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is this not used in any recipes?

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]11-03-2013
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Due of Order of the Prince Chapter 1.5 update in 19th September, this will become collectable in West Candia (This is unobtainable usually although there's data in this ivyro). This will be used on new recipes (probably cooking) in that update.
My friend Meteor also said that this can be collectable in Turkey West Coast, in east Stacked Boulders. I haven't chart the entire europe so i can't really tell x.x
Yes, Land charting details shows Sage collectible in Turkey West Coast
Used in "Cooking Salt Pork" r15 and "Cooking Roast Duck" r18 in the book "Medieval Court Cuisine Collection". Quest: "Book for Chefs" (Seville), Disco: "The Forme of Cury".
Since I was asked about this trade good recently (and how it may appear at colony markets) but lacked a good answer, I turned to the GMs in a support ticket. Their response:
"Sage should appear in your market as long as you have the required buildings (A Farm and Market specifically) and you have the required colony stats including population, agriculture, industry, technology, and culture.
Unfortunately, if your Colony stats are much higher than what is required for the Sage you will have a replacement trade good in the Sage's place. The requirements for Sage are fairly low so you may have to destroy some buildings/improvements in order to lower your stats to around the required level in order for the Sage to return.
Let us know if you have further questions with respect to this topic."
Tempting to follow up on that and ask for a step-by-step guide on how to achieve those levels, but I believe they have enough to deal with as it is. In any case, according to the trade goods table for colonies (located at
Company Colony ), Sage can appear at any colony port market and requires the following levels of development:
Population: 101
Agriculture: 500
Industry: 10
Technology: 300
Culture: 300
Type: D (Agriculture + Technology + Culture )
I have no suggestions as to how one might go about achieving those goals, but you're welcome to try and experiment. If any colony does happen to strike it rich and develop a Sage market, be sure to let us know. Cheers.
Hmmm, the problem is that Sage is a very low trade good in the colony and for that reason it gets easily replaced with something else, like the GM said. Even in its own category there are 2 other goods that need the same points (Aniseed and Dandelions) but they need more Pop, both can replace Sage. So in short you need to criple your colony hard in order to get Sage.
In case anyone want that, here's how i would do it.
Case 1, a new colony:
1. Build a farm rank1 and a food market. (both are needed for Sage) Now you have: Agriculture: 610 Industry: 10 Technology: 10 Culture: 10
2. build 12 Residences Rank 1, that gets you to 600 Pop
3. Build a Bank and a Shipyard Rank 1. You end up with: Agriculture: 660 Industry: 160 Technology: 510 Culture: 510
At this point there are only 9 Goods that you colony has the points/buildings for: Barley, Corn, Soya beans, Red beans, Salt, Sage, Aniseed, Dandelions in the Food market; Beer in the Ware market (even if you dont have a Ware market, Beer is still there taking up a slot.)
A Colony can have 8 regular goods, most of the goods are considered higher then Sage, but Barley should be lower, so you should already have Sage. In Case you dont have Sage: destroy Residences until it shows up. ((Markets update with the next building cycle)
Case 2, a existing Colony
1. criple the colony down until you are low enough in point for Sage to show up, especialy destrroy all mines/Forests/Ranchs because other goods need those in order to show up.
Destroying the other Markets will not help, the 8 goods are choosen depending on the points and req buildings the Colony has, it does not matter if the colony has the needed market, the goods will still take up slots.
2. A problem a existing colony could have are the points from immigration quests, depending how many your colony has you might even need to destroy even the Bank and the Shipyard and depending on your Agriculture points from Immigration quests that might even not be enough. Destroying the residences should help.
In short, i dont see why anyone would do that for Sage, but it was a nice problem to think about. :)
Challenge accepted! I'll report our findings when possible.
With help from friends, we built a new colony through alts and followed the first template to the letter. With all the buildings listed, the colony food market achieved 8 trade goods, including barley. Destroying residences to lower population slowly but surely reduced the number of trade goods for sale at the market; unfortunately, even at 150 pop (as close to 101 pop as we could get), the one and only trade good for sale in the market was.... barley. :D
It was a fun experiment to test but apparently not quite the magic formula for Sage. Maybe next time! Thanks though, it was neat trying.
I tried too, and failed.
In Louisiana, 5.1k pop
Farm R1
Lab R1
Town hall R1
4 markets
Food storehouse x3
Luxury storehouse x3
I got:
Red Beans, Soya Beans, Corn, Salt, Senna, Dandelions, Wheat
Cranberries, Wine
Interesting i need to build a new colony anyway so i will try to get Sage, but at this point, i'm not even sure that the list is correct about Sage beeing posible in a Colony.
The japanese wiki has Sage not listed as a posible colony good. Dandelions and Aniseed are listed, even Senna you can only get in a couple of colony spots, but no Sage.
I think I may have a lead to get sage at the colony.
Build your colony in Bermuda sea with
craft shop
shipyard x1
archive x1
town hall r2 x2
Lab r2 x2
farm r1 x1
With that set you'll get following AITC: 700/300/3000/3000
Your products will be
Senna, dandelions, aniseed, salt
Bronze sculpture, stone sculpture, oil paintings, marble sculpture
This is my actual set in Louisiana.
For be complete, i also have 9 storehouses (PO1, PO2, PO3) and 5k pop with the help of immigration quests. The only difference is that I have wine instead of salt. Colonies north of Bermuda should get Beer.
Here comes my theory
From that situation, if you downgrade your population under 3k pop for colony in Bermuda sea, you should see Sage appear to replace marble sculpture that has disappeared. For others colony locations you should have to go below 2k pop for get marble sculpture and oil paintings replaced by salt and sage.
As I won't move from that setting for a while, I expose it here, if anyone ever feels able to experience it.
I found the time to also try and basicly just confirmed what V_I already said.
Got a fresh Colony in New England to 600 pop, build a bank and a shipyard.
All 4 markets: Food Market: Red Beans/Soya Beans/Corn/Salt/Dandelions/Aniseed/Barley
Wares market: Beer
Destroyed 2 houses to get under 501 pop, no Beer after next construction cycle update, just to be sure destroyed 4 more houses to get under 301 pop and endet up with:
Food Market: Red Beans/Soya Beans/Corn/Salt/Aniseed/Barley
other 3 Markets are empty.
So only 6 goods, as far as i know that is only possible when there are no other goods possible because of req. But the req. for Sage should be fullfilled.
So i would say there are only 3 Options.
1. Sage has different req.
2. You can only get Sage in some regions and New England is not one of them
3. Sage is not a possible colony good and the wiki is just wrong on that
Because the jap. wiki does not list Sage as possible colony good on that otherwise quite complete looking list (it has all the stuff you need immigration for and all region goods like Wine/Beer/Liquer etc.)
i asume that 3 is correct, but i can't confirm that unless i do a lot of testing, with colonys in different locations with and without immigration/different points etc.
I will not do that, but if anyone does, i would love to hear the results. :)
I inquired with the GMs again and received this reply: "We have identified from exhaustive testing and developer input that the Sage Trade Good is not available as an option in the Trading Post. However, Sage can be found by 'Collecting' in the lands of West Candia and the Turkey West Coast. Sorry for the confusion, our own references to the colony market are incomplete but have been updated now. "
Not quite the answer I hoped for, but better that we know the truth. Cheers folks, and great online voyaging to you as always.
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