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      Tree that loves the sun
      No Expiration
      Marseille Adventurer's Guild
      Previously, didn't you find and Asteriscus and satisfy the selfish demands of that aristocrat? Owing to the abilities you displayed then, we received a request from Master Da Vinci.
      He said he needs the talents of a Sailor like you for some research he's conducting. He's not the easiest man to please, so be very careful when listening to what the job entails.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

                1. Marseilles Da Vinci Estate - Talk to Da Vinci x2
                3. Marseille Archives - Read Biology book
                4. Marseille Archives - Talk to Scholar
                5. Athens Archives - Talk to Scholar
                6. Athens Archives - Read Theology book
                7. Athens Archives - Talk to Scholar
                8. Turkey West Coast - Use Observe and Ecological Research , northeast corner past White Flower

                Noble Flower 1 2 1 Damascus Rose
                A beautiful yellow circle 3 5 1 Asteriscus
                Currently Here
                Flower with blue wings 7 9 1 Clerodendrums
                In pursut of the colour yellow 10 12 4 Persian Yellow

                A busy man
                ...Yes, who are you? I am quite busy... ..........Could you have come to take my request? That would help. I am too busy to venture a single step from this house. Very well, than, hear me out.

                A reason that can't yet be said
                You are, I take it, familiar with the Bay Laurel tree. The reason is... something of a long story. And I do not exactly trust you. Go to the city's library, first of all. Now, leave and get to work. I am busy...

                A versatile leaf
                The leaves of the Bay Laurel are used as herbs in cooking, and are also used as medicine and to keep evil spirits away. It is also one of the plants used in churches to welcome the Holy Ghost. Apollo, from Greek mythology, wore a crown of Laurel leaves...

                Notes on religion
                I velieve there was something in there concerning Greek myths, but my books do not hold a great deal of detail concerning it. There should be some more information available at Athens.

                Bay laurel and Greek myths
                The connection between Bay Laurel and Greek myths. Yes, I believe there is something of the sort in my theological texts. Please, take a look.

                Apollo and Daphne
                The nymph Daphne, fleeing from her suitor, the sun god Apollo, turned herself into a Bay Laurel with the help of her father, the river god Peneos. Apollo, stricken with grief, loved Daphne still, and used the branches and leaves of the Bay Laurel to make a crown...

                Feelings of Apollo
                The Bay Laurel tree became Apollo's symbol. And so, in ancient Greece, a crown of Bay Laurel was given to those particularly skilled in music or poetry, which were Apollo's speciality. I suggest going to the northeast of the city if you wish to investigate further.

                Investigation of bay laurel
                You acquired information about Bay Laurel. Go to the west coast of Turkey, to the northeast of Athens, and search around the white flower.

                Quest Mediation Permit

                Bay Laurel

                발견시 경험치 410, 카드 경험치 102
                보고시 경험치 140, 명성 150, 의뢰 알선서 6 획득

                  • Discovery
                  • Bay Laurel ★★★ (Plant) Exp:451 Fame:200
                    A tree said to be Daphne, a nymph appearing in Greek mythology, who turned herself into a tree in order to escape from the love of Apollo. Its leaves are widely used for cooking and to ward off evil.

                    in Marseille, talk to Da Vinci x2 (Da Vinci Estate)
                    in Marseille, browse Biology books, French needed (Archives)
                    in Marseille, talk to Scholar (Archives)
                    in Athens, talk to Scholar (Archives)
                    in Athens, browse Theology books, Greek needed (Archives)
                    in Athens, talk to Scholar (Archives)
                    in Turkey West Coast, use Observe and Ecological Research in northwest corner (East of Athens)
                    Report quest

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