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      In pursut of the colour yellow
      No Expiration
      Marseille Adventurer's Guild
      Ah, it's you? We received yet another request from Master Da Vinci. He said that his research will be complete after this investigation. Well, as it's the finale so to speak, I imagine the job at hand will be that much more difficult. So you better be prepared. Sorry to keep saying such things, but be sure to act politely when he's speaking.
      •  Member
      • Language/Edit History

              1. Marseille Da Vinci Estate - Talk to Da Vinci (2x)
              3. Marseille Marseille Archives - Browse Biology ( French required)
              4. Marseille Marseille Archives - Talk to Scholar
              5. Marseille Marseilles Imperial Villa - Talk to Duke of Guise
              6. Hormuz - Talk to Rest House Master
              7. Hormuz - Talk to Girl
              8. Hormuz - Talk to Maiden
              9. Hormuz - Talk to Craftsman

              10. Persian Gulf North Coast - Use Observe and Ecological Research in the southeast corner near the Diagonal Boulder.

              Noble Flower 1 2 1 Damascus Rose
              A beautiful yellow circle 3 5 1 Asteriscus
              Tree that loves the sun 5 7 2 Bay Laurel
              Flower with blue wings 7 9 1 Clerodendrums
              Currently here.

              Research details
              ...Hm? Oh, it's you. Your previous search has proven incredibly useful. I suppose I can tell you the purpose of my research by now. My research consists of using my knowledge and talent to create a natural hair accessory that will make the wearer appear incredibly beautiful. But I do not have the time to go out and collect the plants necessary.

              Incredibly selfish
              And so, I wish for you to go and find a yellow rose. There are many roses, of cours, but a yellow one in Europe is quite rare. After all, making a simple hairpin would be a waste of my abilities, wouldn't you agree? First, I suggest that you ask the city's scholar for information concerning the yellow rose.

              Origin of roses
              In Persia, around 1,100 BC, roses were used in religious ceremonies, as well as in medicine and as a spice. With time, roses would come to be carried by people. By the 5th century BC, they reached Greece, and were used as a symbol of wealth. By the 8th century's start, they reached the Iberian peninsula...

              To the Duke of Guise
              If you intend to find a yellow rose, I would suggest searching at the source, in Persia... If you fail to find it a the end of a long journey, then I'm afraid there is simply no hope. Please, visit the duke of Guide. He should have some information concerning the yellow rose.

              Reassuring words
              Ah yes, you visited here before, at Mr. Da Vinci's request. And now he wants you to find a yellow rose... The main is quite mad... Yellow roses grow naturally in Persia. But... that is not an easy path to follow. Yet if you insist, then you should visit Hormuz.

              Value of a glimpse
              You came this far for a yellow rose? Amazing... But that flower is worth seeing, once in your life. Ask around in town, before you go searching. You should get some useful information.

              There were two yellow roses
              There are two kinds of yellow rose around here. The ones with less petals, and the ones with more. They're both really beautiful! I wonder which would make for a better accessory. Hmm... I'd want both.

              Where roses grow
              A yellow roe? Well, those are growing to the west of the city. If you're going to make an accessory, maybe you should ask the Craftsman in town? They're professionals, so they might have a better idea of whether you should have less or more petals.

              Judgement of a specialist
              You might as well show off, in that case. I mean, the smell matters too, but most of all, a flower is there to look at, right? So you might as well make something impressive to catch everyone's eyes! There, all sorted?

              Investigation of the yellow rose
              I have come this far at Mr. Da Vinci's whims, but this investigation is proving quite important for the completion of his research. Search by the slanted rock, after landing to the southwest of Hormuz.

                • Discovery
                • Persian Yellow 1 ★★★★★★ (Plant) Exp:1111 Fame:430
                  A yellow rose from the fields of Persia. Its detailed yellow petals overlap one over the other. Its small leaves are fragrant.

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