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Flower with blue wings
No Expiration
Marseille Adventurer's Guild
Continuing on from the bay laurel, we received another request from Master Da Vinci. He said this is also related to his research. I think you know this already, but be sure to follow his instructions carefully and don't do anything to put him in a bad mood.



- Member
- Language/Edit History

Marseille Da Vinci Estate - Talk to Da Vinci (2x)
Marseille Marseille Archives - Talk to Scholar
Marseille Marseille Archives - Browse
Marseille Marseille Archives - Talk to Scholar
Marseille Marseilles Imperial Villa - Talk to Duke of Guise
Cape Town - Talk to Barkeep
Cape Town - Talk to Maiden
Africa South-Southeast Coast - Use
Observe and
Ecological Research near the Human Cactus in the northwest.

Noble Flower 


Damascus Rose
A beautiful yellow circle 


Tree that loves the sun 


Bay Laurel 
Currently here.
In pursut of the colour yellow 


Persian Yellow 

Second request
...Yes, who are you? I am quite busy.. Hm? I remember you... yes yes, so you took on another piece of work, did you? Unfortunately, the research you did on Bay Laurel before is simply not enough for my needs.

Terribly selfish
And so, I require that you go to Africa and find a rare flower. The scholars in this city should have more information for you. I hope you will bring good reports. This is quite important for my research... Do tell me what you're still doing here. Leave already, and do not return until you have found the flower.

Rare flower of Africa
You are searching for a rare flower in Africa? Hmm... I do have a good deal of writings on African flowers in my archives, but I couldn't tell you if they are rare or not. Just read the books and search for yourself, to begin with.

Like a fairy
...This is an African flower. Of its five petals, four are a pale blue, and the fifth is a dark indigo. Its appearance is even more unique, seeming as if each flower were a huddle of faeries...

Taste of a noble
I hope you have found the flower you were searching for. But if you wish for more information, I suggest visiting the Duke of Guise. Gardening is quite popular with nobles at the moment. The Duke might know something.

To the distant south
A flower in Africa, resembling a faerie? Hm... I cannot be sure, but it may be this flower. If you really wish to find this flower, go to the cape at the southern tip of Africa. You will be sure to find the flower you seek if you go there.

The flower was there
To think that you would go so far just to find a flower... Don't worry, we should be able to find that flower around here. I wonder where it would look best... The girls in town should have some idea.

A flower like a blue butterfly
There's plenty of those flowers growing to the northeast of the city, along the coast. So you Europeans think the flower looks like a faerie... To me, it looks like a gathering of blue butterflies, drinking the flower's nectar.

Investigation of the flower with wings
We can hardly turn back empty handed after coming this far! Land at the south-south-eastern coast of Africa, northeast from Cape, and search near the humanoid cactus to find the flower!
- Discovery
Clerodendrums ★★★★ (Plant) Exp:708 Fame:290
Its beautiful blue petals are thought to be as beautiful as butterflies or nymphs. When it blooms, it appears as if these are overlapping each other.