Port Official
NPC's are level 2-6

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You write very well!

Ming Mei
Relic #2 from Those Who Fought Rome is found at the white flowers landmark. Quest requirements are r6 Search, r8 Archaeology, and Latin language (Romance translation notes work also). Reward is Spartacus Helmet, and stats are:
50 Durability
25 Defense
+1 Swordplay
+2 Tactics
Required Fame: 5k
Nice and quite useful relic. Thanks for sharing, Ming Mei!
This is a good spot to learn some of the r1 and r2 techs for trap, bow and club/staff. I thought I would continue some of the work that HalfPint started by listing some of the NPCs and techs obtainable in this area:
Naples Soldier Lv2
Dart Trap (R1 trap tech, requires r1 Trap)
Bandit Lv4
Dart Trap (R1 trap tech, requires r1 Trap)
Bounty Lv5
Bee Call (R1 trap tech, requires r1 Trap r3 Biology)
-CLUB/STAFF TECHS- (must have club/staff weapon equipped):
Naples Bandit Lv4:
Fierce Strike (r1 Red/Power tech, no requirements)
New Fierce Strike (r2 Red/Power tech, r6 Swordplay + r4 Red/Power finesse)
Chain Strike (r1 Blue/Quick tech, no requirements)
Triple Club (r2 Blue/Quick tech, r8 Swordplay + r6 Blue/Quick finesse)
Trick Club (r1* Yellow/Feint tech, r2 Swordplay + r2 Yellow/Feint finesse)
-BOW TECHS- (must have bow weapon equipped):
Theif Lv5 (somewhat rare spawn, may have to kill a few NPCs for him to show up):
Chain Arrow (r1 Blue/Quick, no requirements)
Sure Arrow (r1 Yellow/Feint, no requirements)
Triple Arrow (r2 Blue/Quick, r6 Sniping + r7 Blue/Quick finesse)
There may be others that these NPCs can use, but those were the ones I saw when using this area to learn techs.
sorry to break it to you but...
quite a while back the game was modified, you have a chance (fairly low i believe) to learn ANY tech r1 or r2 from ANY enemy no matter what weapon they use or where they are, the only requirement is for you to have the requisites to learn said tech.
so you could as well learn them all together in giza or syracuza with enough mind numbing repetitions
Indeed you can do it that way, and I'm definitely aware of that. However, the chance is rather low to obtain them this way, and much lower than against an NPC that uses them. In my experience, even while qualifying for the requirements for those techs and under the influence of the inaptly named Finesse acquisition papers (that actually affect tech acquisition, not finesse), sometimes it can take days to learn them from random NPCs in dungeons. Some folks (myself included) prefer to obtain them directly from the NPC that uses them, particularly for the trap techs and r2 techs that a bit more difficult to obtain than the r1s. Yes it can be done grinding a dungeon over and over but, fortunately there's a better way :)
The rationale for posting them is primarily for folks who are trying to obtain the fastest possible tech spawn, as under current game models they need 60 battle techs to do so. I prefer to try to get 5 second tech spawns by collecting all the r1 and r2 techs for other weapons before grinding finesse of the weapons I intend to really get the maximum rank techs for.
I'll probably not post these for all zones, I just don't have time. But Naples has quite a high distribution of techs, and I was farming it anyway so...might as well.
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