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FiveStarStory http://blog.naver.com/sjuly717

D.K.K_map http://www2.atwiki.jp/harrington/

D.K.K_map http://www2.atwiki.jp/harrington/
UWO WIKI http://unchartedwaters.wikia.com/wiki/Official_Uncharted_Waters_Wiki

D.K.K_map http://www2.atwiki.jp/harrington/
Hidden Treasure Map 1 1
Folk House Map 1 9 The Bread of Pompeii
Folk House Map 1 9 The Bread of Pompeii
Caesar's sword 4 6 4 Caesar's Sword 1
Caesar's sword 4 6 4 Caesar's Sword 1
Caesar's sword 4 6 4 Caesar's Sword 1
Caesar's sword 4 6 4 Caesar's Sword 1
Buried ruins of Rome 7 1 1 1 The Ruins of Pompeii 4
House of the god of drink 1 2 2 Mosaic from House of Dionysus
Proof of having saved a Roman citizen 2 4 6 4 Civic Crown
Caesar's sword 4 6 4 Caesar's Sword 1
Buried ruins of Rome 7 1 1 1 The Ruins of Pompeii 4
House of the god of drink 1 2 2 Mosaic from House of Dionysus
Proof of having saved a Roman citizen 2 4 6 4 Civic Crown
Buried ruins of Rome 7 1 1 1 The Ruins of Pompeii 4
House of the god of drink 1 2 2 Mosaic from House of Dionysus
Proof of having saved a Roman citizen 2 4 6 4 Civic Crown
The nation's treasure 5 1 8
Bread and circuses 6 5 7 5 Gladiator's Helmet
God of war vs. god of war 15 9 11 9 Scipio's Helmet
Temple of the Goddess 5 7 1 Paestum Ruins
Proof of having saved a Roman citizen 2 4 6 4 Civic Crown
Rome's Philosopher King 2 6 8 1
Cool-headed Dullard 4 9 11 1
A Unique Sculpture 1 3 5 1 Apoxyomenos 1
Additional Survey of the Ruins of Pompeii 1 2 1 Terme del Foro 1
Additional Survey of the Ruins of Pompeii 1 2 1 Terme del Foro 1

Li Yue
what quest gives acess to this place? any of the above or do i need to do a specific one?

That little trucker is a millionare!!!!


Wen zhi
Relic #2 of Model Statesmen is found at the SE-most stacked boulder -- requires r9 Search, r11 Archaeology, Latin language (Romance translation notes work too). Reward is Spear of the First Consul. Stats are:

70 Durability
64 Attack Power
+1 Swordplay
+1 Trap
Required Total Fame 3k
Weapon Category Spear

search r7+2 Upturned Boulder (south-west)
rusty short swords, telescope (+1 recog), baselard, fishing gear, cross-strap sandals, god of the seas, shipwrights's hammer.

If your doing land area investigations for this area, you will need to fight land NPCs or make a discovery to mark as complete, as all the collecting and measuring areas will not add up to 100%. You can bypass this if you use a Faded Map, Swan Feather Pen or get Cartographer job with Cartographer's Knowledge 1 skill.

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