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  • Caldina
    부관 / 副官 / Aide
  • Gender





  • Accounts
  • Paymaster 45  ( 0 / 18 / 0 )
  • You will be able to negotiate prices and see the nearby towns' market rates.
  • Food Trading
  • Store Keeper 25  ( 0 / 10 / 0 )
  • More provisions can be bought at the market.
  • Livestock Trading
  • Store Keeper 30  ( 0 / 6 / 0 )
  • More domestic livestock can be bought at the market.
  • Cooking
  • Paymaster 55  ( 0 / 31 / 0 )
  • Groceries can be made into dishes.
  • Frugality
  • Store Keeper 20  ( 8 / 12 / 0 )
  • Reduces the consumption of Water and Food provided to Sailors as well as the cost of hiring Sailors.
  • Storage
  • Paymaster 30  ( 2 / 8 / 4 )
  • In case of shipwreck or being looted, damage can be somewhat eased.
    Preserved food can be made.
  • Portuguese
  •   ( 0 / 0 / 0 )
  • Ability to converse and read books. Used near Iberia.
  • Breakwater 7
  • Navigator 65  ( 18 / 0 / 6 )
  • Take precautions against broad-side and high waves.
  • Cat Breeding
  • Store Keeper 60  ( 14 / 14 / 5 )
  • Take precautions against rat outbreaks.
  • Dietetics
  • Surgeon 60  ( 10 / 13 / 15 )
  • Take precautions against scurvy and malnutrition.
  • Storage Task 4
  • Paymaster 65  ( 5 / 25 / 5 )
  • Automate Storage when sailing.
  • Tomahawk 3
  •   ( 0 / 20 / 15 )
  • Attack enemies with an axe.
    Effectiveness varies based on
    the amount of Lieutenant Traits the Aide has.
  • Diversion
  •   ( 0 / 9 / 5 )
  • Reduce enemies' mobility.
    Effectiveness varies based on
    the amount of Lookout Traits the Aide has.
  • Food Supplies 2
  •   ( 30 / 5 / 17 )
  • Recover to max Stamina when
    entering the next Floor.
    Effectiveness varies the amount
    of how many Store Keeper
    Traits the Aide has.

actually a solid aide choice!

Ya, nice one for cooks - though it seems at the moment everything is cookable in game, without items' or aide's +, so by a long shot some other production skill support might work better. Just a personal view, of course.

If it's a cooking aide you're after you want the one that said it was a solid aide choice, not this one. getting an aide to level 31 trade isn't the easiest thing to do, even with EA goods.

problem is you outgrow the need for cooking boosters very quickly, probably one of the easiest skills to grind up to max.

if u must have a cooking aide, claudia or hassan would be a better choice in the long run.

Look at the bright side..She have 2 correspondence AND got both storage skill =)

How does correspondence work? Can I for example talk to NPC in Amsterdam even then I do not know Dutch language?

Meng Meng
@ Donce: No.Correspondence means you can converse with the flagged npcs on the waters which in turn gives you the chance to increase your trust towards that particular nation

Li Yue
best cooking aide

@donce as meng meng said you can increase trust towards the nation you "talk" with via fleets and after that you may be able to defect to that specific nation in this case Netherlands or Portugal :)

While I can't say she's the *best* cooking Aide (Claudia's much better, in my opinion), she's pretty good, and she's got two correspondences to boot. Fewer taxes means more proft. :D

Caldina Rocks yall trippin you just dont know how to use her

I love Correspondence skills they increase the amount of goods offered at the port (The higher amount you can buy the greater the discount is ie. more trade xp) not to mention a reduction of about 5% in tariffs. This helps alot buffing trade skills or getting low unit cost goods and more trade XP. Essentially this the equivalent to having like +3 in all trade skills as it buffs the amount of ALL trade goods for sale at that nations port not just specific ones. So my girl gets TWO of them!!

Cat Breeding is AWESOME especially if you couple it with the Ship skill Fire proof wall or even if you dont its highly effective. Since you cant have the aide skill cat breeding and Fire prevention active all at once unless you send one aide to the royal navy...This is a poor mans way to run virtually unscathed by fires and rats on nanban due to the Flammable Goods Shield which is GREAT for nanban. This is also a MUST for fishing especially for Araipaima for contribs or sword fish tuna mako shark. Also it takes about 10 less storage trait points to learn this instead of fire prevention which still wont protect against rats.

Flammable Goods Shield: Fire can only effect one good type to burn so if you have many types of goods to burn there is only a 1 in 15 chance your expensive goods will burn aka only a 6% chance I like those odds. Chicken makes Eggs, Feathers, Poultry and Duck meat all can be burned) thats four Spaces! wheat( wheat, Flour, Pasta) 3 spaces, Sheep (Wool,Mutton, Milk, Cheese, Woolen Fabric,Knitted Fabric, Tweed, Flannel) 8 SPACES. You can also supplement any fish you catch on the way too . So for like 5 chickens, 3 wheats, and 10 sheeps you pretty much can sail to Nanaban trade for anything and not have to worry about fires and with cat breeding the food cannot be eaten only burned.

Storage Assist is really good for farming credits and trade XP if you have storage meister and storage assist the egg to chick recipe only costs 3 vigor so you can do about 60% more crafts using the same amount of vigor.

Then to top it all off she gets STORAGE +1 which lessens the amount of dura loss to your equipment a huge amount and gives alot more uses to AOS and can stop plunder if ur storage is higher than the plunder stat of the pirate. Higher Storage also gives access to the Bamboo Recipe at the pet trainer in Lisbon quicker which boosts this skill EXTREMELY FAST like an extreme amount of Skill points faster than any other recipe in the game its a r14 recipe. So you only need R9 storage with base levels or booster equips or whatever to be able to craft it with the help of mesier chains +5 storage. All players should have High storage imo.

Caldina is dat b*tch! yall better recognize lol. You just gotta know how to use her...Did I mention shes FREE!! :D

one more thing....she gets access to her skills Very quickly so need to buff extreme amounts before you can use her.

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