So this and spices are going to be the best trade goods at 2nd age?

Ming Mei
Most SEA, India and America goods will be buffed, while normally namban goods nerfed. But also depending the clock diferent goods will have diferent base prices. Of course, some routes willbe high Rank/high PO dependant... so better for GAMA to get more PO sources like other servers...

Nanban EA goods will still be more profitable, but only be a margin rather then an overwhelming price difference. And unless I missed something I read only spices like Pepper, Nutmeg, Cloves, will see a price increase when selling to Europe. Not sure about other trade goods that falls in different categories. And of course it also depends what OGGplant will leave in and will be left out for us on GAMA.

apparantly EA dungeons will still be more profitable ;but trading is getting buffed a lot too , which is good

Wen zhi
if EA goods are getting nerfed then EA dungeons wont be profitable. ESBT are already 1mill each and eat 1/2 your profit so unless ESBT prices drop to compensate for the lowered prices dungeon runners will be very displeased when they see what there actually making.

very true ESBT are 1mill and it takes 5 to run FSD. 1 FSD run solo on average brings 10 to 12 mill. so ESBT at 1mill is already taking 1/2 your profit. if the prices of ESBT do not drop then they will not be worth buying anymore and become worthless. its to easy to farm your own ESBT and just have a friend reset you this may be a major hit to low lvl players that rely on ESBT farming for there income

while dungeons will give less profit,will still be the very best ducats income... in fact, namban will still be the very best trading system, and dungeons will still be riskless fast income. When 1M ESBT is too expensive, prices should drop...

farming your own esbt's with an alt could be the answer to lower ea goods price

farming ESBT with a alt is really not needed I have many times just gone to Seville and asked in shout for a reset and on the norm someone will offer to n less then 5 min this can be a very friendly game although a few times I have hade retards try to charge me 30mill for a reset but like I say there is almost always someone who is friendly and willing to help. its not always like ivyro and only trolls :)

Li Yue
wow someone is saying the game is friendly and not full of troll :O
must be one of the more experienced players that is smart enough to not use world chat :P

having retards is inevitable for any mmo community. overall, this game's community is very good and a lot of people always willing to give help. although world chat might be crowded with retards but there is always the merchant chat.
imo, newbie farming esbt is the cancer of the game. i hope with the trade buff, new players can actually rely on trading to make ducats.

you mean like we used to have to do before dungeons existed

Port Official
Merchant chat has retards too. poison,flammablesbad,ThePoopsies need I say more?

retards are everywhere but you can block them

The Poopsie is Rolegold character. Do NOT do any business with this scammer! Do not support him or rolegold or any other 3rd party scam sites.

Port Official
Value of this in eruope is 5k~6k after 2nd age patch
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