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Armoured Turtle Ship
Turtle ship with improved defence
though attaching armouring.

Build Original Ship
Base Performance
Ship Hold info
Sailing Requirements
Studding Sail: 2, Broadside: 5
Special Equipment: 2, Bow Turret: 0
Extra Armouring: 3, Stern Turret: 0
Sailors Required
- Name
- City
- Rank
- Default Materials
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]08-15-2013
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[Purification FleetA]08-29-2013
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[Purification FleetA]09-16-2013
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[Purification FleetA]10-23-2013
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]11-30-2013
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I hope 2nd age has iron clad ships that are immune to cannons. I think since bounty hunters get to ride around in turtle ships that are immune to melee wile packing 5 sets of god cannons with no fear of losing them. Its only fare to let pirates cruse around in iron clad ships that can’t be gunned down.


@Dongwoo you are so full of your self that your think its fair you should not have any weakness...
your prey are adventurers and traders... for you to be an effective pirate you needed ships that can engage in melee or deck fast sacrificing armor and cannon strength... you also need to be in ships that can engage in melee/deck for you to plunder stuffs... a pirate in a turtle cant plunder anything.
your weakness are bounty hunters... for them to be effective they have to have ships that deny your strength and favors theirs. you are strong in melee/deck, why the hell should they fight you in in melee/deck? they dont need to steal your stuff, all they need to do is sink you to get your bounty...
its a classic ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS my friend...

and a bounty hunter in a turtle packing 5 god cannons with no fear of losing them is fare? a bounty hunters weakness is melee why should they get ships that completely negate there weakness? throw stupid wanted posters on it and they can be in London and track you even if your in EA this is fare? its not pirate hunting its pirate finding. bounty hunters cry come out and fight you suck at martime yet they hide in turtle ships with god cannons running speed boosters with there alt siting at port spamming wanted posters this is fare?
I stand by what I say if a bounty hunter can use a ship that completely negate there weakness. then pirates should get iron clad ships that are immune to cannon fire completely negating there weakness. that's fare. :)

its "fair" not "fare"... LOLS
pirates in your galleys vs adventurer/trader in clippers... is it FAIR!?
it never is, you have the advantage over them... THEY ARE YOUR PREY and you are THE HUNTER...
its the same way bounty hunters in their turtles have an advantage over pirates and their galleys...
bounty hunters PREY on PIRATES...
what your basically suggesting is for you pirates to have no weakness at all and be the BIG BULLY of the SEVEN SEAS...
Aint gonna happen dude ^_^

Agreed @Dongwoo is clearly a crapy bounty hunter defending his Turtle ship. if you say why should a bounty hunter fight a pirate in melee when a pirate is strong in melee, then I say why should a pirate fight a Turtle with god guns using a galley that's already week agent cannons. if pirates are strong in melee then train your skills and fight them. but I guess its easier to just use a turtle and remain a shity bounty hunter hiding behind god guns and ships that are completely immune to the only thing that can harm you.

@george LOLS. train ourselves in melee/deck? it goes both ways dude... train your cannons if you don't want to be sunk like the sissy pirate that you are.
or use your favorite skills...
escape->logout->use alt to scout if hunters are still in the area...

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]01-09-2014
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[Purification FleetA]01-09-2014
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[Purification FleetA]01-09-2014
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Agreed it is not both ways. a bounty hunter in a turtle don't need to train anything just slap on some god cannons and there completely 1 sided ships that's why bounty hunters use them. no galley has any chance of winning fighting a turtle with god guns no mater what the cannon skill is of the hunter using it is. lets remove them from the game along with forged gear and ESBT

a galley's strength is in melee... turtles negate that strength...
youre not suppose to fight bounty hunters in turtles with your galleys but rather run away from them the same way traders run away from pirates...
honestly, you pirates dont really need to be afraid of bounty hunters if you were in a proper battleship coz turtles have lower dura than most battleships like vaiss, ironsides or super frigate class... but you are not in a proper battleships are you??
you usually use TEAK PANELLED, LOW DURA no ARMOR PLATING GALLEYS modded for SPEED to catch your prey like CLR, RHG, FLR, MKW, AOG etc... some of you dont even bother equipping broadside cannons at all and use only angel bow cannons...
also since your goal as a pirate is to pillage by melee/deck/land... you are usually in a job that favors it... we on the other hand we are usually in a job that favors cannon skills...
as i said...
see you in open sea ^_^

its funny how pirates rant about being hunted by bounty hunters and how helpless their galleys are against turtles...
do you ever think about how helpless your victims are in their trading ships against your speed modded galleys and how you either melee them and leave them in the middle of the ocean with 1 crew and stealing their cargo or deck them and steal their sails, ducats and items?

bounty hunters dont need to use god cannons in turtles. you just think its god cannons coz you have low armor and dura. 5x1584 Mcannons or 5x1104 Mcarro is more than enough to take out your speed galleys.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]01-09-2014
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[Purification FleetA]01-09-2014
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[Purification FleetA]01-09-2014
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[Purification FleetA]01-09-2014
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Turtles are OP because they counter more than melle. They stop DB, they stop pillaging, they stop plunder, they stop the need for carrying water, they stop the need for a well rounded job, they stop the need for wearing well rounded gear, they allow you to focus all college skills on cannons, they protect all god gear/cannons. They need to be removed from the game or more realistically have the anti-melle effect be a % chance to work.

[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]01-09-2014
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[Purification FleetA]01-18-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]02-27-2014
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[Purification FleetA]03-16-2014
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[Purification FleetA]">
[Purification FleetA]07-18-2014
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[Purification FleetA]07-21-2014
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