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      Looking for World's End
      No Expiration
      Stockholm Adventurer's Guild
      We have a further request from that ethnologist to look into the travels of the Vikings. He now knows the precise location of the land Eric found called Iceland. Now he wants you to find the islands called World's End. The more clues you can put together, the closer you come to proving the stories true.
      •  Member
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                    Required Adventure Fame : 26398

                    part 1.
                    Vikings 1 1
                    Country of the Vikings 1 3 1 Rollo's Helmet
                    The Great Seafarers 3 5 1 Saga of Erik the Red
                    Road to Vinland 9 11 1 Iceland
                    Looking for World's End 10 12 1 Greenland
                    Clues to the Land of Fables 7 9 1 Saga of the Greenlanders
                    The bounty of the frozen sea 11 13 1 Labrador Peninsula
                    The Future of the Land of Grapes 12 14 1 Terra Nova

                    continued part 2.
                    A Dream to End the Nightmare 12 14 11 L'Anse aux Meadows
                    Reason to Stay, Unrequited Dreams 8 10 8 Silver Helmet
                    The Lives of the Vikings 4 6 1 Ancient Spool of Thread
                    Forge Remains 4 6 1 Viking Steel Spike
                    Poems that Don't Mesh 10 12 10 Silver Armour
                    Battlefield of the Vikings 11 13 11 Shining Golden Bow
                    The Poem of Vinland 13 15 13 Mjolnir

                    1. Bergen Tavern - speak with barkeeper 2x
                    2. Scandinavia West Coast - speak with Olga 4x
                    3. Icelandic Ocean Basin - use Observe , Recognition at 14507,1548

                    1. A True History
                    So did you investigate the Land of Ice? That island was named before Eric moved there. They say there are records there of Normans who moved there from Scandinavia. At the very least, you can trust the travel log in the Saga that far.

                    2. Moving to World's End
                    I believe Olga also said this, but Eric moved to Iceland and made his fortune. But he was exiled after killing a man. The land you are looking for is the land they say he went to during his exile, World's End. You should probably ask Olga for more information about the place. I wouldn't place that much trust in the saga.

                    3. The Seas that Seafarers Fear
                    Even now there are a few people living on Iceland and there is some trade with them. But we hear very little of World's End. The currents are dangerous and there are icebergs, the climate is poor and there are many dangers for ships in those waters. Even the saga says that Eric's voyage was fraught with peril.

                    4. Greenland
                    Having relocated to World's End, Eric wanted many of his friends to join him there. So he called it the Land of Green, or Greenland. The plans to locate took many years, and there were only a few that actually made it there. But for Eric, it was the start of his second life.

                    5. Fleeing Loss
                    I still can only see this move as the flight of a loser. You know how people flee when they lose a fight for power? They seek control elsewhere. That's what the story in the saga reminds me of.
                    If the image of brutality the Vikings left behind has the power to cause such tragedy, then perhaps it was better that they lost.

                    6. Desire to Believe
                    The barkeep at Bergen seems to believe that the saga can be trusted. But I think that this is as far as it can be proved. I'm sure of it. Otherwise...

                    7. Looking for World's End
                    With the discovery of Iceland, it is possible that a portion of the story told in the Icelandic sagas can be proven. Now we must investigate the claims that they went even farther west. Olga herself does not seem to believe. Or rather, it seems that she would rather the saga prove to be only a story.

                    Discovery Reward :
                    1100 Adventure exp

                    Card Reward :
                    Greenland 550 Adventure exp

                    Quest Reporting Reward :
                    Quest Mediation Permit, 190 Adventure exp , 85 Adventure fame

                      • Discovery
                      • Greenland ★★★★★★ (Geography) Exp:1100 Fame:421
                        An island northwest of Iceland. Covered in sheets of ice and perpetual snow, much of the island remains unexplored.
                        Only a portion of the coastline is free of ice and inhabitable. However, the Vikings called this land the Land of Green and encouraged people to immigrate there.

                        14493 1555
                        this coord correct

                        I have burned 50+ QMPs for this quest, and it still not showing.
                        I'm sure i have all the skill req, and done the pre-quest as well.
                        Is there any hidden req?

                        Do you have 30k at least Adv fame? Also, if you don't have the language, use a translation note (available from interpreter in Stockholm) while trying to
                        pull the quest. And have any booster items for the skills equipped also. It may or may not help.

                        Also there's 4 prequests before this one. I'm sure you know and did them but just in case.

                        I have burned 50+ QMPs for this quest, and it still not showing.
                        I'm sure i have all the skill req, and done the pre-quest as well.
                        Is there any hidden req?

                        Oooo, didn't know there's the 30k fame req.
                        That's probably it. Thanks for the answer
                        btw, where did you find that requirement?

                        Oooo, didn't know there's the 30k fame req.
                        That's probably it. Thanks for the answer
                        btw, where did you find that requirement?

                        It's right here on this page, the fame req. scroll up and you can see XD
                        You have to look careful sometimes, not all the quests show. This site takes some
                        getting used to but a whole lot of useful info from players is here.

                        and 30k fame was a rough estimate. Might be 26k.

                        This quest unlocks "The Settlement Site in Greenland" which can be pulled at St. Petersburg adventure guild. Discovery - Sermermiut

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